Best Metal Slug?
Best Metal Slug?
3 is the masterpiece in the land of masterpieces
even for newcomers?
how is 3 better thhan X?
This is not debatable.
tell me more
it's hard
play 1 before it
3 is way too long and drawn-out and full of garbage.
I prefer the first game.
alternate paths, more weapons, zombie mode, the shmup space part.
>zombie mode
like mummies in 2 instead of being killed by the first hit of a zombie you get turned into one, but unlike being a mummy, being a zombie is not a handicap, its actually better than playing normally
you move really slow, but your grenades get turned into a blood-vomit spit that covers pretty much the whole screen and does a shitload of damage
Metal slug 3 hands down I probably spend over 200 dollars playing that game with my friend in the arcade, i remember one day they brought a hacked one where you only shoot the tank grenades or missiles from your pistols we beat it with just 1 quarter once a day for like 2 weeks.
Don't forget that soldiers can't hurt you when you're a zombie
Only other zombies and the bosses if I remember right
I don't recall X having zombies as enemies though
I know it had mummies and therefore mummy-mode
Is this the one with the battleship boss?
3 is hard because it is most random
But I think 4 is the hardest starting out, because the game straight up lies to you, but its easier to memorize.
>Metal Slug
>hard on purpose so people spend more money like this faggot
>people don't see it because muh nostalgia
Because it doesn't, 3 has them, X is just a weird contraption made from 2
i got to say i prefer 1 instead of 3 , i just like a basic stuff.
also stage 5/final is too fucking long
1 has the best pacing, 3 has the best levels/content.
Reminder to never buy a Metal Slug port. They all have fucking horrible imput lag.
so what ?
just got the "use 5 coins or less" on metal slug 1-2-x-3-4 ,if you cant adapt to lag imput then git gud
Still waiting on a 2D arcade shooter to top Metal Slug 3
Cuphead is pretty good but doesn't come close aside from animation quality
>If you can't force yourself to play the game with flaws that shouldn't be there then git gud
buyer's remorse or autism?
How did you feel about Hard Corps: Uprising?