Why is the FGC so embarrassing?

Why is the FGC so embarrassing?


What the hell is that idiot trying to say?

>listening to that old ass Capcbro

I can't believe a community of black men and chinks could be so cucked

He's saying that capcom ultimately caters to the pro scene in the end.

American FGC was built on Capcom, it's no surprise they have battered-wife syndrome about them. Capcom literally just treats them like shit any they keep asking for more because they put in money for tournaments.

> get good at a game in hopes the developers will listen to your input for later titles
That's not how it works, he should realize money moves the direction of the series not the 'pro' players, as much as they think that capcom will always follow the money

>the FGC and Capcom will die in your lifetime

adding money to the FGC was the downfall, you will never have those comfy ass 2010-2015 comfy ass grass-roots FGC streams. now it's all money money money give me money.

FGC based out of poverty circles. A lot of them say stupid shit because they are stupid. Blatant fanboyism has always been a part of FGC too, and the "console warrior" aspect meshes really poorly with the fighting games innate competitive nature leading to people spouting the stupidest bullshit about why their game is the best one. The whole "show or shut up" style in theory helps a lot with some dumb bullshit people say, but it also leads to posts like Alex's where they actually believe getting good at the game means you can influence it's development. Especially now that they're trying to get the e-sports money and they have big streams. The ghetto will always peak through.

>Wednesday Night Fights will never be comfy late night stream viewing ever again

Valle is really old school. He's saying that if you have a problem with shitty (low depth) SF games, then you just suck.

Ok, so i guess "git gud" is now the official brainlet argument.

Leave CaliPower alone, he's old.


But that's when the money came in dumb shit. Way to prove you're a fucking 09er

>inb4 13.8e+9 potheads descend upon you because muh weed lmao

>he doesn’t like 2b’s ass
IRISH spotted

what's wrong with being a DUDE

Reminder this is why the FGC deserves to die. They are selfish and narcissistic as fuck and believe they alone drive games or some shit. They're a cancer that stops fighting games from ever growing.

Also reminder Valle is a faggot who used to hold tournaments at super arcade where if you came in last he literally banned you from entering any more tournaments. Good way to grow the community, dumb spic.

Also valle doesn't even fucking play marvel.

This. The fact that everyone buys and plays only the latest crap Capcom shits out, and defends their DLC practices, blows my mind.

What did he mean by this?

Anime fighters still have the grassroots feel around its community.

Capcom is too esports. Same to Namco but at least Namco makes good games

>where they actually believe getting good at the game means you can influence it's development

People who can't perform hadouken or shoryuken inputs or perform combos shouldn't have a say in how a fighting game is made, and developers shouldn't listen to them.

If you don't like pretty girls or their butts you're a fucking faggot.

people who do not care about the game outside of how it performs amongst local tournament goers have no business influencing the development of a game intended to be marketed to a mass audience.

Melee despite being kinda big still has those comfy streams. Whats more is that commentators don't get pressured into watching their mouths on screen. Big titty girls and skimpy outfits are a mainstay of the fgc and televised tournaments has ruined that. fighting games are dead.

But why

Okay, then don't complain when the game is dumbed down so candy crush players can play on a similar level as tournament players.

>Big titty girls and skimpy outfits are a mainstay of the fgc and televised tournaments has ruined that.

thanks for confirming you don't play fighting games

>American FGC was built on Capcom
So was JP one, they just became less dependent of them over time.

Marvel 2 has hardcore and casual appeal. You don't have to dumb down games to garner an audience. Same goes for Melee.

and don't complain when no new marvel is made because this one sold less than 100k copies

Yeah, but the American scene shuns any game that isn't related to Ed Boon in some way, Capcom produced, ArcSys or Nintendo. God forbid adopting any indie games, that might get in the way of MOH MAHVEL BAYBE.

So how much longer until someone gets actually triggered over Yipes jokingly saying "triggered" when he's commentating?

NRS is shunned hard

the FGC is smothering itself by relying on crapcom handouts

Nigga have you ever played a fighting game in your life?

>what is kof and their titty cleavage ninja
>what is sf
>what is bloody roar
>what is tekken
>what is doa
>what is darkstalkers
>what is sf alpha that introduced r-mika with her famous ass-window outfit and watermelon sized tits
>what is soul calibur that introduced the skin tight titty ninja and then gave ivy gonzo sized titties
>what is samurai showdown with titty ninja iroha on the cover

They still strong arm their way into places like EVO. Everyone wants to play Injustice even though it's not very good.

>B-B-But my Valle Custom Combo!?
captcha: Attention Calle

I was going to ask if you've ever played anything but american fighting games but I remembered that mortal kombat has terrbile looking pornstar women in place of female characters.

>not smoking weed
Kill yourself.

nigga 2b barely has an ass at all.

What's the top left.

A-asking for a friend, haha!

This one sold like shit because it's a lazy piece of shit.

>galko-chan being a meme coalburner thanks to the fucking cuck fansubber
>putting rinko in there for literally no reason
>toobee's ass
>now dragonball is black people only

low quality bait but still got me

Melee is becoming ruined. Vanilla melee has been rejected, people are literally modding the game to make tech skill easier (see UCF). The mod could have literally been made pre-2010 but nowadays competitive games are all about 'balance patches' and 'content updates' that all the new players are pushing for a change, a change for a game that has remained the same for 16 long years.

Galko-chan's mangaka confirmed that she prefers black men.

You're not black so stop trying to talk like you are.

Is there a reason why the FGC shuns 3d fighters? Is stuff like Gundam Versus not allowed because it's not on a 2d plane? Seems like "FGC" just means "games that are like Street Fighter".

People who play fighters don't give a fuck about tiddies. They're too busy practicing combos, learning matchups, and analyzing frame data

>Is there a reason why the FGC shuns 3d fighters?
they don't

It doesn't seem like you really know what ucf is or does.

Fuck you for not liking a lower quality game because capcom is dumping a bunch of money for esports, so you need to be grateful you little shit. You think you're owed a good and complete game with a 60 dollar purchase? Kill yourself.

You mean capcom players who play to win as a job don't care. Everyone else would like less censorship.

>You mean capcom players who play to win as a job don't care.
those aren't the only people who study fighting games, brainlet

But that demographic isn't sustainable.

People like this are the reason that fighting game devs don't care enough to make good games.

let me guess, you support the boxx too.

Yes it is, you fucking faggot. What's not sustainable is the dumbass casuals.

but they and the streamers are the ones who support it despite hating it.

the only people who play games they hate are people playing for money

people who don't win majors yet still study the game actually like it

don't know what that is all im saying is ucf isnt going to make tech skill easy for you if you don't already know it.

I think he's very happy cause peru is about to qualify for world cup after 36 years.

and what's your point? are you implying they don't waifu-fag and jerk off to morrigan doujins?

Gundam Vs. (as well as Gunslinger Stratos, Magician's Dead, and Dissidia AC) isn't even considered a fighting game in Japan. Its common point is that it's a competitive versus arcade game so it's in the same areas at game centers and the same multi-game arcade tournaments but the only reason we force it in with fighting games here is because it's the only one that gets console ports so the "team action" genre basically doesn't exist and fighting game tournaments are basically the only place in the west that people play Japanese games competitively. In a western scene that plays mostly westernized home console/PC exclusive games anymore they really don't connect.

It's annoying too, because everyone trying to push these games as fighting games means you get absolute dipshits that try to play them like a fighting game and fighting game player chimp outs.

I am.

Git gud or get a girlfriend, you lame fuck.

>everyone trying to push these games as fighting games means you get absolute dipshits that try to play them like a fighting game

What did he mean by this?

I meant stop picking Barbatos and trying to mash your way in you fucking scrub

>Everyone else would like less censorship
Says you. I for one would like my games to not be softcore porno that creepily fetishize sixteen year old girls like they were in the mid 90s.

I have a gf yet I still masturbate just like everyone else does.You aren't in the right place to pretend you're some kind of douche-bag alpha who only gets off if hes fucking a porn-star bimbo.

You ain't shit if you ain't a pro

In other words, typical capcom fag faggotry

It worked for Combofiend, didn't it?

this is why Sup Forums is able to leak into here all the time. There's a line between sprinkling enough sexuality to accent media and going overboard into sleazy territory. I blame American media for being so scared of a nipple for your inability to understand that line.

I wonder if these Pro-fighting retards understand that if their favorite series don't sell, due to the shitty ass quality of them recently, they wont get more games? Its time to come back down to earth.

Isnt SFV the way that it is because they went for the FGC ags?
These fags must lord over SF3 being the best fighter ever when SF3 bombed and killed them.
Here's hoping for another self inflicted nuke.


it's just the capcvcks user.

Look at him, desperately trying to justify his purchase.

NO. It was Capcom making a game towards the internet crowd that bitched about things like 1 frame links etc. If you pander towards the internet crowd, your game is going to suck.

this image has sheltered white boi written all over it.

He gets most of the capcom games before most people and for free.

Street Fighter 3's bigger problems were not being accessible on console and who the fuck was gonna buy a dream cast?

Spics and niggers are underclasses and therefore don't understand what consumer value is.

I respect Valle for his notoriety on the games from the past but he is an obvious shill

and even then the DC version is sort of infamous in terms of it being sort of broken and really different from the Arcade version.

Sorry that I'm not a creepy pedo who wants to have sex with teens and want that smut out of my games....

He made something he loves into a living and here you are on the anonymous anime chat board projecting hard.


really activates your almonds.

Because apparently nobody told them that most fighting games aren't worth the full price

Iroha didn't show up until SamSho 6, way after most people stopped giving a shit about SamSho and fighting games getting mainstream attention in general. Not an exanple I would have used.

This is false, by the way.

FGC community cant stand the fact that the general gaming community controls the opinion on Capcoms trash.
No matter how much they lie about SFV being good it will never catch on.

Iroha is shameless waifu bait made so that they can make hotglue figures and mastubatory pillow covers for lonely aressted devloped males.

yeah, and? What do you think the FGC is? Even the majority of black FGC members are this too.

She is, even by SNK's own admission. Just saying she came along at the ass end of the series and way after it left the mind of most people.

It doesn't help any that capcom is hellbent on destroying all of their IPs this generation with the worst entries in every one of their franchises.


jesus christ these are all abortions.

didn't the internet crowd already shit on Dragon Ball fighterz? Because from what I can take away from the nerds on twitter,Sup Forums, /r/kappa. Is that they are not looking for new games to play, they are looking for reasons to be a passive fan in the FGC. There used to be this sense in the FGC that everyone wanted to be the best or at the very least one day take a round or two from a top level play. Now we got more and more passive players that really just show up for the drama and shit posting trans girls.

No the FGC is against DBFZ because it threatens attention from their MAHVEL meme, everyone sees it as an alternative to Capcom

>FGC is against
No it's the capcvcks again. Everyone else was rushing to the DBZF demo stations and not one person outside shills paid attention to capcom's turd.

No go check twitter. Bamco published what their plans for dlc are for DBZ. And so many of the internet kids are shitting on the DLC pack. It 39.99 dollars and comes with 8 characters, badges and etc. FGC on the internet is about coming up with reasons not to play the game versus actually playing the game.