>shadow of war threads always dick suck the Marauder tribe
>when its the Machine tribe with the girthiest dicks
Shadow of war threads always dick suck the Marauder tribe
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I have machine tribe fucks all over the place and I have never seen the flamethrower guy from that trailer.
they fucking suck unless they're fire proof
>have an olog that has epic fire bombs, flame weapon, fire mines, and a fire thrower
>dumb nigger always sets himself on fire and basically just causes havoc every time he's summoned
ologs are meme orcs anyway, If I'm doing a dumb playthrough I usually have a tough time with the skinny archer fucks.
Yeah, because Marauder Tribe are the best and its a fact, try to fuck him up, only poision will weaken him :^)
Thanks god he's an archer, imagine if he's a Berserker...
I just finished ACT 1, and I find the game quite meh...
Does it get better after 100 hours?
The fun part starts at Act 2, keep playing user
He was the Overlord of a fort so I couldn't even use stealth against him, I ended up using a trainer to get him low enough to dominate him, no one has had a successful siege against that fort I put him as overlord, last time I checked
I'm merely pretending to be evil, I'm fine, I'm not being corrupted, nope not me
Is he enraged by poison or frost?
If not he's dumpster fire.
Yeah it says right there in my picture
Like i said, only poison will kill him, if he doesnt kill you before
This nigga right here killed like 4 captains after I dominated him in a siege defense, the madman wasnt even an attacking warchief but he still slaughtered his own comrades whilst my actual "bodyguard" was crying in an arena.
Rate tribes based on trailers.
I don't like edgy Talion. I miss Celebrimbor. Is this what it feels like to be cucked?
>Not enraged by everything
Piss easy to kill desu
>Enraged by everything arrow-proof berserkers
I always suck the dick of THE PALANTIR TALION!
He has literaly no weaknesess, so he's not that "easy" to kill
ye, i mean to
But it could be way worse
Berserkers are the toughest class, no question, followed by shield faggots
>arrow proof!
how are you supposed to handle this
by doing damage you tark
>charged heavy combo when they're downed
>TFW fetish for gold armor
Are Slayers useful at all in the fight pits, or are they solely anti-Talion uruks?
Is that a reason to get an all Marauder army?
Get them outnumbered. Send a bunch of your guys after him. A good Olog captain is good because they have that move where they just pick up the smaller orc types and punch them as hard as they can. A commander class Olog would be even better if the enemy has a gang. Bring a bodyguard too.