>Team Rocket is back
>confirming that the Pokemon for Switch will be a remake of Red and Blue
Team Rocket is back
But will Jessie and James be there?
What's your favorite Pokemon Sup Forums? I am strangely ok with this.
Don't be retarded.
You have an entire board to post your shit in. Fuck off.
>Team Rocket returns AGAIN
For what purpose? I could get it if they had appeared in SM since it was the 20th anniversary game, but why now?
What does Sup Forums think of the "past evil team leaders forming a league of evil" rumor?
cause this fucking company survives on pandering to nostalgia alone. They'll never run out of people who'll have an orgasm because muh Charizard or muh Kanto.
Is this looking to be, dare I say it, the best second edition Pokemon game?
>make new shit
>make old shit
>Team Rocket's back
Why? Their boss got blown up so hard that he went into hiding. Even the revival of his team didn't bring Giovanni back and the new Team Rocket proceeded to be crushed by yet another 10 year old.
Maybe that one guy heavily implied to be an old team rocket grunt having a mid life crisis leading to him remaking the Nugget Bridge decided to remake Team Rocket.
Says the person playing a stagnant series strictly out of nostalgia.
Jessie and James were literally the only worthwhile part of the Pokemon anime, fight me
All villains are supposed to be game not just team rocket
nice, no more "epic" storylines with sentimental villains, just give me some assholes to stomp on my way through the game.
Gliscor and Marowak are the most perfect pokemon to ever exist.
Well no shit
Ruby and sapphire
Black and white
No nosalgia just capturing Pokemon from that region and both games are lowest selling first set of new gen games
so another port
Team Rocket coming back actually makes less sense than many Pokedex entries.
My guess is that this is one of the worlds found through an Ultra Wormhole (a world in which Team Rocket is still around).
Having both the Ultra Recon Squad, Skull, AND Rocket would be a clusterfuck of a game in which none of them get enough screentime to matter. It'd be Team Flare again.
Why are Kyogrefags so gullible?
If Pokemon Switch is actually a remake of Red/Blue I'm done.
>less sense than many Pokedex entries.
>Indian Elephant.png
That might just be some special battle agains a lone member or a pitful effort by some small group to bring Team Rocket back; it won't actually be the full force back, the games hammer down again and again that the Team Rocket is done with in the game's canon.
Only Yellow recognised their existence in the games, they never appeared again and likely never will.
Is this supposed to be Ultra sun and moon?
yeah but like
have you seen the "new" shit they come up with
seems like investing in old ideas might not be the worst way to go about things
You already got BTFO on cunt. Wouldn't this just confirm that it isn't a remake?
>mfw the next Pokemon Switch game is a fucking mystery dungeon game instead of something like Colosseum or Gale of Darkness
>To be fair, I fucking love the MD spinoffs but it'd be kinda a waste to put a spinoff on a home console instead of a traditional game
I made that most in full knowledge of Indiant Elephants.
This shit STILL make less sense than that. They suffered the most conclusive elimination of any of the Teams.
Yeah. They take over aesther paradise
Yup, we've met former TR members who mention it's been years since the team collapsed. They've since started families and careers.
Gamefreak doesn't make mystery dungeon or collessusm.
Mystery dungeon switch 2018 and gen 8 2019
Giovani himself became a good person and just went around researching Pokemon, Team Rocket is done.
>this is somehow connected to the Switch game
Jesus, keep your delusions in /vp/
>gen 8 2019
Oops meant 2018*
>posts the card that doesn't show the Rocket Hideout
Why don't you post the card that proves that this shit even exists?
Oh wait, you can't
right herethey took over aether it looks like, making it into their new hideout
Did you not look at both the cards or are you just trying to provoke me?
It's going to be like Black 2 & White 2 where there's a bunch of cameos because it's the last game on that engine/system.
pokemon threads about the video games are allowed on Sup Forums. sperg out in the other 20+ threads in this shit heap.
>They've since started families and careers.
Well that's good, then. I want to meet Jessie's family!
Huh? Giovanni always said he would return
the best
i'd like to see proof of that considering i see people say all 4 of those are their favorites more than any others besides hg/ss
Gen 8 already?
No, he didn't. He got fucking crushed and abandoned the whole goddamn thing. You DID play the canon event, right? It's the whole reason why they made it. It even revealed his relation to Silver and resolved Giovanni in one fell swoop.
He literally he says he will return
Gen 7, like Gen 6, simply doesn't have enough pokemon to keep stringing it out any longer. They just finished giving away the final Mythical for the generation (Marshadow).
We're officially on the countdown for a new generation. The gens used to be 3 years before Gen 3 and 4 stretched it to 4.
Didn't Giovanni said that one day would be back for more, but then just some cameos?
Is this still the remnants of team rocket? I thought Giovanni fucked off to his cave like 20 years ago at this point.
According to the leaks he is teaming up with most of the other big villains.
Sun & Moon don't take place in the same universe as the old games.
Team RAINBOW Rocket consists of the evil team leaders from the past gens, all of them being from alternative universes where they accomplished their goals like flooding the world, genocide and becoming god, Giovanni is leading them
There's been a Chinese leak that mentions a Rainbow Team Rocket that consists of all of the villains taken from dimensions in which they succeeded.
My man!
So given two of them would be gods why would they agree to work under a mafia boss?
Also Archie and Maxie working on anything together doesn't make sense.
>confirming that the Pokemon for Switch will be a remake of Red and Blue
is this real? I dont read moon runes
More like a straight-up Kanto sequel with Lillie as a recurring rival.
but didn't Galatic achieve their goal in the main universe though?
>Even more gen one pandering
Please. Enough is enough I've had it. Just give me a brand new spankin' world entirely full of new pokemon only, like gen 5.
The next core/mainline Pokemon game is on new hardware. That usually means new gen.
That's the sale card for Ultra Moon, OP is just speculating for replies.
The realest nigga
Team Rocket is back due to UB alternate dimension bullshit.
It's already proven the current generation takes place in an alternate universe due to Anabel's existence.
>remake of Red and Blue
I suspect it won't be a remake, but that we'll go back to a new Kanto and have run ins with other past characters, including Lillie.
Also likely new forms/evolutions of past Gen1 Pokemon that hadn't gotten any love.
>not going full autism
Doesn't include gen 7 but it should be easy enough to add yourself
NeoGaf trying to fit in I presume?
Shit on my tastes.
>reddit spacing
The only shit is the stupid red panda that makes no sense and the fucking chicken.
>xx_edgemaster_xx wants to fight!
Gen 2 screwed me out of respectable farfetch'd during trade-over stat-wise but the tradeoff for the win that is the Ampharos line was worth it. Fetch'd is still one of my favorite designs despite the fact, but I just can't be bothered to battle friends with it since it seems 4 out of pokemon they use has a 1 or 2-hit answer for it.
Starting with gen 3 and after, I noticed there was an annoying trend of waifu pokemon getting the more reasonable movepools that worked well with my teams. It ticks me off mainly because I'm struggling to justify my Octillery, Hitmonlee and Skarmory compared to selections from gens 4 and onward. Especially damning was SM introducing Salazzle which absolutely destroyed my Ariados as #1 for poison since the stats and cutting through steel types poison defense gave me full reign to slaughter people for months without contest.
Gardevoir line was useless to my team setups until fairy type happened and I got a valid counter-dragon strat down solid.
If it were up to me now to place my alltime top 6 faves, it'd be Bruce, Farfetch'd, Ariados, Scizor, Tundersheep and Conkelbro.
Obviously you didn’t play it faggot
Guess I kinda asked for that.
>*4 out of 6 pokemon.
that correction hurt.
>normal, poison, fairy
Fucking waifufags
Waaaaaah my boawd my pwesious boawd waaaaaaah
All comes before you kick his ass in, and he takes being beaten by ANOTHER twerp from bumfuck nowhere--this time as soon as he finds out his group wants him back, as well as his group simultaneously being beaten by apparently a different twerp--as a sign that Team Rocket is better off dead.
If anything, it's more multiverse shit.
Would make sense. It's been nearly 14 years since Fire Red and Leaf Green, and what better way to pull in the nostalgia fags by making the series' first console release a remake of what started it all.
I would be a good business move.
>kanto for the 5th or so time
just stop. it's not that great
>If anything, it's more multiverse shit.
The leaks pretty much confirm this, he grabs the team leaders from universes where they won.
they need to stop adding filler pokemon every generation
there are only like 4 pokemon that don't look fucking gay in gen 6 and 7
>pokemon for switch
Wait what the fuck? Will it be a normal pokemon or shit like Colosseum?
>Worm holes
>You can travel to parallel Kanto,Johto, Sinnoh and Unova
>They aren't full regions, just small part of them
>You can do mini sidequest for every region
The next mainline games after USUM will be on switch.
Real title, confirmed last E3.
>I am totally okay with gen 1 pandering
Feels good
Regardless of whether it's a Red/Blue remake or just a new game in Kanto, Kanto is honestly the most boring region of them all