How's that game going?
How's that game going?
Fuck making a decent camera, goddamn this is difficult
Currently working on cutscenes/promo stuff.
The concept is pretty much style over substance for a really simple 2D endless runner. Complete with an opening video and a big story to justify the ultra simple gameplay.
Think it could be fun.
Been touching up the title screen a bit more. Nearing the end for what we need for the demo.
I mean, if you're going to include stuff like Construct 2 and RPG Maker you may as well use something like this.
still dicking around because it's october
looks cool. how far along is it?
I've finished up contributing music for a game that I started making tracks for... damn, over a year ago. The guy wanted all Sega Genesis music, which is sorta my specialty.
Final Boss Track; take a listen!
I also finally got to see footage of the game itself - the first time in a loooong time, and this is still an earlier build. It's really shaping up with some amazing art. Sorry for the vid quality; I think it was a phone-grab off of a tv somewhere.
it's going to be pretty short, the lab is mostly complete.
I still need to finish a mock-computer screen for a brief cutscene, so I'll need to put together a text system.
Looks great! What kind of game is it?
oh hey it's this game. it looks hype as shit
(this gif is old, sorry I didn't have time to make a new one)
It's a action-command RPG (Like M&L and Paper Mario)
I like it
that walk cycle needs work
sounds sweet!
>Its going to be pretty short
As in, more of an old "newgrounds-eque" type made game, or will it be a fair 30 mins or more?
you're not wrong. that sprite is almost a year old. I'll get to it before I'm done.
I'm not really sure. I've got a loose document written down but I'm mostly winging it. I'd like to hit 30 minutes if I can but I don't want to add filler just to lengthen it.
spoopy unded hand animations remind me of Heart Of Darkness a lot
Eva hasn't finished a game so why the hell should I?
nice music, also game looks beautiful. any idea what engine they're working with?
figure out how to make a basic textbox dialogue system but lack the programming knowledge to add character portraits with it, so instead working on shitty lowpoly placeholder model and about to start rigging it
my super mario maker clone is going great
>censoring the names but not the link
what did he meme by this
what engine are you using for game? what ever you do to draw dialogue box, either to screen or ui, draw a portrait as well. granted the portrait has to be pre-made and in your assets
Which engine, besides RPG Maker, is the most RPG friendly?
using Unity3d (I know), using a dialogue manager to replace generic text asset on the canvas to whatever i plug into the manager, only i can't get it to work the same way with image files or sprites
what kind of rpg you doin
Pretty good, managed to get a level made in a bit over a month. If I keep this pace up I'll be done in no time.
Give me a quick rundown on using sdl and C.
Thanks to both of you for listening. If you are really interested, more of the soundtrack is found here:
The artist is top notch; he clearly loves his horror (and very inspired by Devil's Crush, as you might tell). I hope he releases some more updates since he has been focusing on the game inbetween his irl job iirc.
I can't swear, but I am very certain that the game is being made in Unity (inb4 >unity), which surprised me because I wasn't aware that Unity could do 2D all that well. Well, at least back then.
This is really good. Please shill when the game comes out or leave a website to track progress. I'm definitely gonna buy this one!
Ha, the player sprite and conceit remind me of Atomic Runner. That bullet count looks very frantic.
A turn-based RPG with gameplay similar to Atlantica Online.
I just don't want to use RPG Maker.
I wanted to give it somewhat of an old school look, so that's good to know. And yeah, the entire game is basically my attempt at making a run and gun Dodonpachi.
is there a discord thread for this yet?
discord is for fags. Fuck off queer.
thanks; with any luck, I will learn a lot about how to shill this year and the next, when hopefully my other soundtrack project gets off the ground.
>Reminds me of HoD
I was thinking the same thing, but I'm not sure why. I like how fluid and expressive the monster animations are.
You hear the kid going 'WAAAIII" too, don't you?
If I wanted to make a 2d multiplayer TD what's the best option? Like maximum beginner stuff, I just want to learn it with my brother to make a game to play with him for now.
Game Maker
you do you my man. good detail put into it, looks good.
Use RPGMaker MV. Don't be stubborn, you can do anything with that engine you want using plugins or even making your own. It's just the perfect base.
thanks dude
I'll work on it tomorrow I swear
I'm considering making like weekly videos where I have to explain to the camera what I've been doing all week and that I'm not just wasting my fucking time on Sup Forums or youtube.
Good idea to keep you on task desu, might steal it
Go ahead baby.
Was also considering laying out shit like finances and food intake as well.
As user said, Game Maker. It's very good for what you're asking. I loved using it.
the only real problem with this is when you get later in development where large periods of time are spent working on single tasks, just don't make one of the many mistakes that EvaXephon makes and pad out your development progress with minor things to give the illusion of progress
Got kinda far in making a bullethell spaceshooter with a couple new mechanics to make players go in a more aggressive way but now... I feel like I lost all my motivation... I mean. .. are spaceshooter bullethell games even relevant anymore? Talk me in/out of scrapping the whole project and starting a new one v
Unless your game has great art, it won't be relevant outside of a small online community, which will most likely shit on it because you won't live up to standards set by arcade games or even the better doujin games made by veteran players.
Because of Halloween, i got a huge urge to make a horror game.
What's a good engine to use for a 2d sidescroller, Gamemaker or Unreal
I'm pretty far in making my game in my head
If it's going to be all 2d then gamemaker will be easier
there's always an audience interested in good shooters. It depends on your hook and presentation. If one is lacking, make sure the other is captivating: people will be attracted to a traditional shooter with distinct visuals, and a not insignificant number of people will enjoy a fresh concept as long as it is met with a consistent, if not unique art style.
>working on game
>haven't backed up in awhile
>windows update kicks in
>breaks corrupts my install
>can't recover
>reinstall windows
>lost all my progress not backed up
>windows not recognizing my 570GTX's in SLI (built PC in 2011)
>tear one of my video cards out
>still won't recognize dual monitors
I guess I can finally splurge for a new PC, but this was insanely frustrating. Old PC is becoming a server.
it's just a seed now but maybe someday it'll be a big strong autistic spreadsheet dungeoncrawler
Game maker is great until you need to do anything complicated. Then it becomes a GML hackjob. GMS2 should have expanded the language desu with at least structs.
Anyways it's good for just a FOTM platformer
Have you ever worked on a software project before? Use version control dummy
Yeah the art is kinda weak, am looking for someone with more skill to do it, doing what I can do make it interesting, thanks, regardless
Not trying to make anything special, just something to help me a feel for things. The most complicated thing I got going is flashlight mechanics.
Seems like it has to be 3D too looking at the successful games on steam. The only exceptions are Jamestown and Blue Revolver both of which have a very unique look, also waifus in the case of the latter.
It's not going well for me at the moment actually. My sister died earlier this year and i left most of my game build on her black boyfriends hardrdive. he wont give it back unless i suck him off in a back alley. hes got such a small nigger dick but i need that game build back.
I posted this somewhere before, but I had an idea for a game that I'd love to see made. I can't do it because, well, I'm not a developer. If any of you want to look into it, or something similar, maybe pass it along to a colleague, that would be rad. (Pic related is DEEMO, a mobile rhythm game. I like the aesthetic and think it would work well with this game that I'm explaining below.)
It's a 2D platform action (some puzzle elements too) game that is centered around the music in it, and game-play is based on the combination of moves you can do. So basically it works like this. You have 5-6 keys on your keyboard (Q,W,E,R,T,Y) that each have a specific ability that they perform when pressed. Could be a fire blast, ice blast, rocket jump, whatever. Though when you press one, they each give off a different musical note that your character plays with their voice (or other instruments that you may be able to unlock through the game). Now, what I said before about combinations, is that similar to Magicka 1&2, you can combine the different powers/notes into other abilities that you use to defeat monsters, solve puzzles, and traverse the platforms in the game. So, when you combine different abilities you're also combining different notes and rhythms that are cool to hear. So its creative in the aspect of being able to make your own little tunes while ALSO doing unique attacks and abilities that allow you to progress through the game. Sorry if you don't quite understand, I didn't do the best at explaining it but I hope you get the gist of it. Sounds pretty cool to me and I've been wanting to see something like it for a while now. So yeah, hope you at least like the idea of it. Thanks for reading about it.
You can always try taking the Godot pill too
so far it seems fun, and consistent, I guess my motivation started to go away when I decided to play some big names to look for inspiration.... there are some crazy interesting cool games out there that I've NEC heard of, I mean how interesting fun and fresh does a game like this need to be to be interesting? There's a bullethell I saw in which ur ship has 2 modes, black and white, you can absorb bullets of the same colors, bullets bounce off of enemies, some crazy interesting new stuff and NOBODY talks about it
I briefly felt sad for you. sad you don't get to suck a proper hard, pulsating piece of big black meat
Ikaruga is one of the most popular shmups ever made outside of classics like Gradius nigga. It doesn't seem like you even play the genre, why are you making a game in it?
>one of you can use my idea
make it yourself faggot. Everyones got their own ideas and don't need some neet from Sup Forums's shit idea.
I'll look into it
No need to be a dick bud. I have no interest in making video games and I just wanted to get this idea out there in case someone likes it.
Thats Another Thing Thats Making Me Feel Like Dropping It, I Started Making It Just Tô Get Used To Interface O Was Working With, But I Am Pretty Good At game/Level Design, And Once I got used to it . I just kept going, had some cool ideas to try out and stuff, but in reality, I've never been much of a spaceshooter guy, I am used to other bullet hells , but I haven't played many space shooters, but I digress, Ikaruga might be great inside IT'S community, but I mean that game is AWESOME and outside this community I've never heard of it, and even if I aim at this niche public, with games like that around, and not many people willing to try something subpar(due to being a niche thing) I find it hard to believe in my game
Shit for some reason the quote failed
>I mean how interesting fun and fresh does a game like this need to be to be interesting?
If the stages are designed around using the central mechanic in an engaging way, while giving the player a lot to do, you gone a long way towards making the game at least garner some attention.
Mars Matrix: you can reflect bullets back at enemies
Gunbird 2: charge and melee attacks force you to play aggressively to kill strong enemies constantly in order to survive
Gradius: all games are designed around how you position your options to preempt threats
R-Type: the game is designed around you learning how to use the force pod as shield, battering ram, attack boost, and drone
The point being is that these games are designed around their conceit, whether it's a gimmick (options, bullet shield), or a play-style (ultra aggressive, puzzle-heavy memorizer), which focuses design and can create some unique situations.
he *might* not be talking about Ikaruga - maybe one of those exCEED doujin titles? I recall one being like Ikaruga with bullet absorbing. That said, nothing wrong with getting an outsider take on the genre... like Ikaruga/RSG, lol.
I would suggest to this user that the best thing to do is to make a demo/proof of concept of a stage that exhibits your idea, really focus on that, until it shows off a number of the ideas you want to implement. From there, you can let others play and give you feedback on whether or not it's good, or needs fixing.
Slowly but surely.
That's exactly what I am doing! Thanks Thanks a lot for the extensive detailed sugestionar, and yes, I am an outsider and am ashamed to admit I was talking about Ikaruga, as I stated here
Have a typical JRPG story going so far
I love how enemies have different spiral, radial, and random speed explosions
You can't call treasure outsiders as they were ex-Konami employees and had help from g.rev who were massive fans of shoot em ups. Outsider takes on the genre will just be euro shit. I'd be surprised if the user's game even has something as basic as point blanking as a result of an on screen shot limit.
Actually point blank shots trigger something quite cool in the game, and what u can do to reach the point blank position is the core mechanic of the game, I am not a big fan of space shooters but again, I know quite a bit about game design, and know some stuff about what makes a game "fun"
But RPG Maker gets a bad reputation (worse than Unity) in the game industry. I haven't heard of a single successful game made in RPG Maker, and all the good games made in it aren't even RPGs.
If I could only stop masturbating, it would be going great
Alas, no progress this week. Or the one before it.
Is it a binary system where you're either in the right range or you're not, or does it use a projectile limit (or simulate that) so that your dps can be all sorts of things based on the ship's proximity to an enemy?
A binary, but not quite like what u said, don't Want to give much about the game away without something to show for it, but think like this, you know how in dark souls you need some skill to get into the right position to do a backstab, then u deal crazy damage and see a nice scripted thingy? Kinda like that, but instead of a scripted thingy you get a whole neat thing for it, sorry for being so vague. .. I can't even explain why, I just feel that I should be even until I have at least a prototype ready :/
Should be vague until*
Don't be like that dude one of mt faves rpg ever came from rpgmaker, very reminiscent of chrono trigger, at least give it a shit
rpg maker only has a bad reputation because of people who use the default assets, if you're just using it as an engine it'll be fine, just make sure to use it as a base rather than mad-libing a game out of the engine
I have a solid plan on multiple games, but I haven't had motivation to start making them.
>But RPG Maker gets a bad reputation (worse than Unity) in the game industry.
If you don't use the default assets provided with the engine, 99% of people that complain about "RPG Maker" won't even realize your shit is made in RPG Maker to begin with.
What most complaints are about are all the obvious "babby's first game"s that retards put out there and try to pass off as complete games, when they could be thrown together in less than an hour by anyone with even the slightest amount of prior experience with the engine.
Division destroys the mind, focus on one thing and use all your resources on it
got me.
Thank you for helping me discover this game by comparing it to HoD anons. Those animations are great.
'WAAAIII" will always be stuck in my head until the day I die.