Nodding hard from some opiates, what are some video games that are fun to play while under the influence of narcotics?

Nodding hard from some opiates, what are some video games that are fun to play while under the influence of narcotics?

bump for vicodin, shits fucking great
currently playing twilight struggle on my phone and it's pretty fun

I too enjoy opiates. My favorite games to play on them are 4x games and Grand strategy. I recommend endless legend and CKII.

Disgusting fucking junkies, put the controller down and play in traffic. You don't understand how this shit effects your family.

why do you instantly assume we're junkies? Who said we take them all day every day? I have a physically demanding job, and I enjoy grabbing a few painkillers every weekend to sit back and relax. My bills get paid, my mother's bills get paid, my school gets paid, what's the deal?

ur mom gay


Dota 2 is fun when nodding, just don't pass out and fuck up like a brazilian


No clue how you can play video games high. I only fuck with booze and adderall and it feels impossible to play on either.

I have 9 vicodin leftover from an ACL surgery, how much is a good amount to take for comfy?

what mg are they? I recommend 15-20 mg for first time with no tolerance, take another 10 if effects aren't where you want em. I took 25 mg a bit ago and am feeling glorious, on my way to work now unfortunately.

I can't play when drunk either, but when I'm on addys my focus is 110%. Weed amd opiates is my favorite, you just feel so warm and cozy it enhances any game you play.

5mg each, I think. I took 10mg or so for pain purposes but I'll give 20 a shot

yeah, 4-5 of them would be your sweet spot, just watch how many to take in a sitting, the apap in them can damage your liver if you take more than 3-4000 mg in a 24 hour period.

That's not a problem, I have Norco or something which is basically vicodin with less apap (325mg each)

oh, gotcha.

Not him but opioids just make you comfy and a bit stupid in larger doses. Weed has more of a pronounced effect both physically and mentally

Aren't opiates more harmful than weed though? With weed it's just after you're 18 its fine but opiates looks like it fucks you up physically, seeing before/after pictures

Opioids are fine recreationally but pretty addictive and harmful in doses required after an addiction actually forms.

Also until you're getting to the point where you shut your nervous system down, the main problem is the tylenol rather than hydrocodone which will fuck up your liver. There's ways around this but I digress