I'm happy for our SMTV bros, but can we get Devil Survivor 3 too?
I'm happy for our SMTV bros, but can we get Devil Survivor 3 too?
2 is so fucking hard. Im playing on blessed but I still cant finish it
why are all the women in this game tittymonsters with bazooka boobs?
ur shit m8
as much as that would make my day user, you and I both know that isn't happening. I'm not even sure how well the series did sales wise and the 3DS is nearing the end of its lifespan anyways. If a third one ever does happen it'll be some time from now probably on a theoretical future Nintendo handheld that could maybe support 3D models for fucking once, who knows.
Yasuda can't draw
I finished all the "hard" games like cuphead and the souls games in less than the average time it took most people. Desu2 is just plain difficult
>disliking based god yasuda
What's giving you issues? Maybe you're doing something fundamentally wrong.
alright user now you just be baitin, stop that shit.
>a theoretical future Nintendo handheld that could maybe support 3D models
it's called nintendo switch
to be a god you must transcend humanity in the flower field
YHVH bless
The only hard part of 2 is the goddamn Polaris fight, and that's only hard if you got a bad team. I'm playing the game for the third time now because i'm trying to get that fucking triumphant ending.
PLEASE I want this and a new Zero Escape game.
>tfw got hype for SMTxFE because I thought it would be like DeSu
me too, even the producer for #FE was also the director of DeSu
fucking letdown
>new Zero Escape game.
stop you fool
It's unfair to say everything is wrong with Yasuda's art if the only bad thing you're willing to say about Kaneko is his feet. His art is distinct but he's fucking garbage at drawing humans.
One can hope.. ZTD left a bad taste in my mouth. We'll have to see what Project Psync will be like. Hopefully it'll be something in the same vein.
mommy give me milk
>placing SMT V and Devil Survivor 3 on the same system
I was just about to call you a fucking retard and then I remembered that SMT IV was 3DS exclusive so I guess here's a picture of Shovel Knight in apology for my being a fucking loser.
reminder that if you dislike yasuda's art you're gay
modern >men are not allowed in this thread, get out
Can you you name all the Yasuda tits, anons?
I can name a few, but there's too many repeats on there.
What's with Yasuda and shoulder bags?
I've got all the DeSu ones down, and a few Durararara's.
What the fuck dude, the biggest problem in both devil survivor games is the lack of difficulty. Please don't let atlus hear about your experience because I couldn't stand to see them make it any easier.
not him but DeSu games are pretty difficult to the average person and/or first timer tbqh
of course people who played multiple playthroughs or have years of experience with SMT in general can break the game, but these are the exception and not the rule
Wasn't one attack stat just really bad in DeSu? I forget if it was STR or MAG but I remember one just had almost no skills.
STR in the orignal DeSu was pretty shit compared to magic
>lack of difficulty.
What about Lucifer?
I'm guessing from your wording that was fixed in Overclocked? I haven't played DeSu and definitely like going WORLD OF STR if possible.
yes it's fixed in overclocked
It's highly preferable to make a mage MC but it's not as if physical attacks are bad. You absolutely want a physical attacking team or two but it's more efficient to use other characters for that purpose.
I dunno, I make a fresh file when I replay because ng+ makes an easy game even easier and I don't want that.
Even in OC?
You're missing out on the best tracks though.
i'm excited for SMTV but i'd also kill a man for a new DeSu
only one team can equip pierce by end game so if you make the MC a phys build then there's little reason to use half the cast in battles after a certain point. that's why i prefer a mag build for the MC myself
What's the best ending and why is it Naoya's 8th Day
Devil Survivor 2 is so fucking good. I really should get around to the first one. Maybe pick up the remake of 2.
Decarabia made me quit the game for months
>own all Yasuda artbooks
>he very rarely ever draws nipples
it is fixed in Overclocked, but it's still prefferable to make your MC magic based so Atsubro can take Multistrike instead
Make sure you grab the Overclocked version of 1. Vanilla 1 is pretty shit in comparison.
Record Breaker adds in some more skills and demons as well as a new story that's alright.
>there are people in this thread who cant even beat it on the original NDS difficulty
failure of a human being
As someone who only played persona games, are the Devil Survivor games interesting? Might want to get into them
Most people shit on them because of Yasuda's art but the game itself is pretty great. Second game is just okay though.
yes they're very good games
the second game improves the gameplay in every single way but some people dislike it solely because of its more light hearted tone. But since you're familiar with persona you might actually like that
personally I think DeSu2 is far superior to the first
First game has a great story and atmosphere. Second game has a weak story, but there are character development events like later persona games. The second game improves the gameplay mechanics but has worse balancing and worse level design; both have great gameplay though. Second game has better music.
This, he reached the top of his humans with Persona 2.
>Second game has better music.
Woah there
They both have great OSTs but this is a heavy claim
>worse balancing
how so?
>worse level design
I disagree. DeSu1 was mostly random streets, parks and squares with nothing special or memorable. DeSu2 had more varied maps like mt fuji the fight against megrez and just more unique objectives in general
>the "voice acting" in the 3ds ports of DeSu 1 and 2
Who at Atlus USA heard that shit and approved it? Though I guess good voice acting couldn't save DeSu 1 and 2's shitty writing.
Yasuda is too busy working on Digimon now.
Never played one of these before, how does it differ from SMT?
the DeSu2 dub was fine for the most part. Io and Jungo were awful but the rest was fine
so was smtv multiplat or no?
When has SMT ever been multiplat?
Alright ladies and gents, who's your favorite DeSu series girl (demons don't count)?
fuck, I dont want to buy a switch for 1 game.
Well, you either wait to see if something down the line makes you interested, otherwise sucks to be you.
Then buy the other games exclusive on Switch too.
what were those again? the only other thing that looks remotely good or interesting is pokemon rpg or xenoblade
Prime 4
Travis Strikes Again
Doom and Wolfenstein on the go if you want the portability
You mean the one coming out in three days? I knew DOOM was getting a port but didn't know The New Colossus was too, might reconsider what platform I get that one on then.
New Colossus will only release for Switch next year though
A good move considering SMO releases on the same day
>mario 06
>no more zeros
octopath maybe but come on user. Didnt like prime, metroids better in 2D.
Fuck that, when is AG going to finish with the untranslated SNES games
>metroids better in 2D.
>>mario 06
Come on user
But that's a box, user.
>devil survivor
Fumi's voice was near-perfect though, a mix of bored and tired.
Because it is literally the happiest Chaos ending in any SMT and literally everyone excluding Gin is on your side against Metatron .
refined taste
because its hot
There's always Cyber Sleuth 2.
The dub made me hate her at the point to always skip her dialogue
So wait, we can play as a girl in the game as well or just the dude?
What's wrong with her breasts?
You can play as a boy or girl. Same as the first game.
He is, they all are if you're doing it right. Except maybe Arcturus.
impeccable taste
wearing this under the shirt
Kaneko > Yasuda > Recent Doi > Sojima > Early Doi
Fucking fight me.
So in desu2 RB can I build a world of STR character or do I get cucked into oblivion ala Desu OC?
1 was pretty meh, but 2's was fine aside from a few outliers.
I actually liked Io's voice honestly.
Yuri did a good job playing Joe surprisingly.
The only voices I didn't like were Jungo and Ronaldo. Was kinda iffy on Makoto but I got used to it.