Dragon Ball FighterZ

Vegito Edition
Here's hoping that this guy will make it in

i prefer Hit,Beerus or Black


>see a bunch of these threads with people complaining about all the saiyan characters clone
>Keep seeing people requesting more saiyans

No wonder vidya went to shit you people don't know what you want.

>Vegito with blue install
>Makes you incredibly powerful, but unfuses you after a short while

Would it work or is it too gimmicky? I guess you could do a similar thing with Gotenks.

just keep all canon DBZ characters in the base roster
Beerus will be in
OG DB, Movie, GT and Super can be dlc

I think a lot of those people are EL GRANDE PADRE shitposters. I'm hoping for RSS, myself.

Friendly reminder that they confirmed Android 21 is playable in the base roster


Legendary Super Shaggy when?

I'd rather have Gotenks

>tfw SS Gogeta is the best looking one but has no chance of getting in

Gotenks will be in don't worry

Can someone please explain the whole Gohan Blanco EL GRANDE PADRE memes

¿Es alguien en DBZ, más fuerte que Gohan Blanco?

Good, now we have

>Adult Gohan
>Kid Buu
>Android 21

who's the other 2? I expect Dabura since they need another Buu saga rep to be reveal alongside Kid Buu

Where are you taking these characters from?

>random Pedro makes fanfiction
>people run with it
It's really not that complicated.

Where can I read it?

Gohan and Buu's pages have modifiers on them, something the other pages do not. So we're probably getting Ultimate Gohan and Kid Buu. Both of which are no-brainer additions.

Adult Gohan, Gotenks, and Kid Buu are basically confirmed at this point. You would be delusional if you think otherwise. Beerus is the new Broly

Any DB thread on Sup Forums

He's probably part of the 8 DLC characters:

- Beerus
- Broly
- Hit
- Bardock
- Vegitto
- Goku Black
- Zamasu
- Gotenks

BTW, I'm not sure if Android 21 will be playable.

One one hand, ASW specializes in female final bosses:

GG: Justice
GGX: Dizzy
GG:Second Overture: Valentine
GG Izuka: That ugly female Gear
GGXrd: Ariels
BB: Robo chick
BB:CF: Mu-12
BB: Lat[est] - Izanami

On the other hand? The team working on this made GGXrd Rev 2 and Ariels was NOT playable and she was the final boss.

>Gotenks is DLC
fuck no, I won't buy the game if it's true


As much as I want dabura, I doubt he'll make it in with Adult Gohan, Gotenks, and kid buu all being buu saga era reps.

I expect it'll be either Hit or Black/Zamasu, and obviously Broly since he's in everything

How is this a 21 playability confirmation?

Here's your brother

Broly and Bardock. There's not really a way for them to do an even number of reveals now if the roster is 24 since revealing Trunks on his own threw things out of whack. Considering the amount of characters left and the time left to reveal them they either have to do three in one, have one get shown alone (which seems unlikely since there's inly three months left) or just not reveal some characters.

because it confirms 1 of 2 things: android 21 is playable in the base roster, or android 21 will never be playable, ever. which one do you think is more likely?

personally, i think its absurd to believe she will never ever be playable. but its possible if theyre really dumb.


>which one do you think is more likely?

The second one? Why on earth would she be playable? She's an OC that nobody knows or cares about.

>She's an OC that nobody knows or cares about.
yea youre an idiot

it would be hard af to make a moveset without any base

How does this confirm either of those things? GG's final boss wasn't playable at first either. She could easily just be a story only character or boss fight that they might make in to DLC now since fans ended up liking her.

DBZ is so fuckin lame now. SSblue? All these fusions? I mean it was never superb but goddamn people!

>we will never get to see these two interact

Most fusions aren't canon and are only in games. The last canonical fusion we had was 20 years ago, with Vegito.

Eh it's not like this shit is any dumber than SS3. That form will alwayalways look the worst.

it literally says in the tweet that the future dlc characters have "never been in the game previously." are you unable to read? shes either playable, or she will never be playable for 2 years or never ever. personally, i find that an unlikely case. to me, this means shes playable or unlockable in the base game.

Her not being playable seems much less likely, as it would require to design her moveset from scratch, which would take more time and effort that making characters with established fighting styles. Also it doesn't seem like she will ever fight in story mode either and arcsys games quite often have unplayable, but important to the story characters.

You act like Arcsys has never made a fighting game character before.

>her not being playable seems much more likely

I'd be disappointed if she took Gero's spot. I'd much rather have playable Gero and her be a story only character then just have her.

Super fan theories by Mexican posters.
>Gohan will achieve a transformation beyond Super Saiyan Blue with white hair, dubbed by Mexican fans as "Gohan Blanco"
>The Great Priest ("El Grande Padre") must be the main villain and Gohan Blanco will defeat him
>Jiren will lose to Gohan Blanco
There are also numerous Mexican fan edits and animations of Gohan Blanco that are hilariously awful.

I'd love it to be Dabura and Zarbon, just to see everyone furious Dabura and Zarbon got in

I find myself flipflopping between wanting her or wanting Gero, I mainly just want Gero because I like his design

But that's also why I want 21

i rather have her than gero. gero is cool looking, but she has the potential for them to create a totally unique fighting style exclusive to this game. and she looks just as good anyway.

Nah, the last canonical fusion is Kalefla debuting in Dragonball Super Ep 115.

Doesn't exist yet, but yeah.

I actually like Dabura and want him playable.

Post team

I feel the same only with Zarbon

Dabura's cool too though, I want more androids, aliens and demons to balance out all the saiyans (and more incoming) in the roster

The mental gymnastics.

Anyone got the in game screenshot of Ginyu doing the special fighting pose from Super?

Teen Gohan


Adult Gohan
Majin Buu

Right now my only lock is Ginyu. I'm gonna have to tinker with the other characters, but Frieza, Cell, Bluegeta, Krillin, Android 16, and Tien are all looking good. May be looking at Tien point, Ginyu battery, and Frieza anchor.

Jesus, user, are you me?
I'm hoping we get someone cool in the remaining 7 characters left so I can decide on my anchor.


Damn he looks mad gay

Just a jab at how ridiculous fan fiction can get; coupled with the rampant fanaticism of Latin American weaboos, specifically Mexico and Brazil.

Especially considering stuff like Dragonball AF where its writer actually got hired although idr for what.

I want to build teams with a bunch of characters, but the one I'm most interested in is the Biggest Bodies team of whoever the three biggest guys are; probably 16/Nappa/Broly.

I'll also probably build a Krillin team. Piccolo/Krillin/Tien has some baseline strategic synergy from what we know and is a Z-Fighters team, although I might try Blue Vegeta over Piccolo instead since he might be the better point.

Ginyu is an option too. The true trainingboar/labmonster's main, requiring you to have near-guaranteed Body Change setups AND know BnBs with the entire roster to use him to the fullest, and that's once you master the use of his 4 strikers in Recoome/Jeice/Burter/Guldo.

I might end up using Ginyu as filler for any two-character duo I find that doesn't have an obvious third. I hope he has an option to self-damage in case you just like a character on the other team and want to steal them. I assume you can steal a character that's already on your team, and basically give you two of your main. Imagine having Vegeta backed up by his own assist or something like that.

Hopefully soon

Gohan Calvo when?!?!?

People would only be mad about Zarbon

I don't know why people think anyone could hate either Satan

Goku or Krillin


But like anyone else I have to get that delicious Team Human salt.

>El grande padre true form
>not El Hermano
get with the times grandpa

>implying either matters when in the end we will get a Merged Shaggy that isn't fighting himself internally using SSJ4 Blanco to defeat every threat to peace in the multiverse

Stop staring at his thick thighs, user.

now they've announced the 8 extra dlc characters I think there's no way Vegito doesn't get in probably as SSB as well because SSB Goku and Vegeta are already in
I also wouldn't be surprised if SS4 Gogeta gets in maybe with Omega Shenron too as the only GT reps because let's be real any other GT characters basically have 0 chance

Most of teams imply that game will get some characters that are still not there:
Dat Legs Team - Cell, Super 17, Vegito
Big Guys Team - Nappa, 16, Bojack
Team With Swords - Trunks, Janemba, Dabura
Cool But Irrelevant - Ultimate Gohan, Tien, Yamcha
Dunno how to name it - Beerus, Broly, Pikkon

Yeah dawg that's Ginyu for ya

Esta entre El hermano y Caulifa SSJ4

You wouldn't do anything weird with their bodies, would you user.

Yeah unless they end up going full shill mode for Super with the DLC I'm assuming we'll get at least one GT guy. Nearly all the major Z characters are already so the DLC will probably be heavily dominated by the other series.

Gohan Blanco when?

I want King Cold, Dr. Gero, and Babidi in Xenoverse 2. Why do they always get shafted.

This is not a Xenoverse thread, but a Fighters.


It's crazy to me that 19 and Gero still aren't in that.

when does El Hermano show up?

Might as well be a general Dragon Ball thread. Most of the thread has been arguing about DLC practices. Plus dbg is cancer.


How deep does the rabbit hole go?

You have no idea.

Still in developement

>Numah 4 Go Blanco
>Goten Negro Revelado
Jesus they just keep expanding on it

>El Tío is born

The best part is SSOAS Rolf because you have to think about it for a moment.