>do X to trigger Y
Fucking retards. Video games can NEVER be art.
>do X to trigger Y
Fucking retards. Video games can NEVER be art.
>press key to play note
Music fags BTFO
He was trying to save video games. I personally believe video games are art, but games trying to hard to prove they are art made games shittier. His and those retarded movie games idea of art is to just try to make it as cinematic as possible. Really, gameplay is part of the art too. Coding can be considered a form of art. But that's up for debate I suppose.
> shitty analogy: the post
Someone should post about food now.
Art is like gender
Whatever you say it is.. It is that..
He's bogpilled. Listen for he preaches the truth.
His head looks like a puppet
It's been beaten to death enough
>this is art
Art is the act of refinement in one's respective craft. A craft produces something. Like a painting, or a movie, or a video game. But none of those products are "art". The work that went into crafting them is the art.
The whole "Everything is art" notion only comes about, because people got tired of trying to define what is art, and threw their hands up in defeat. Like "fuck it! Everything is art!"
The reason the definition has been disputed so much, is that everyone is a bullshit artist.(no pun intended) Everyone wants to bring legitimacy to whatever it is they're doing. So they proclaim it's art to try and impress others.
The truth is that the art has always be the practice of the artist. Not the product of their work. That's why we have the phrase a "work of art." That phrase isn't calling the product art, it's calling what the artist accomplished a work of art. Referring to their actions.
Appreciate the creativity. But eh.
Man pictures of him after that surgery make me so depressed. He looks like tarman or something.
If he'd played Soul Reaver he'd have known to wear a big scarf.
OP is a fag
Good stuff user.
ebert's a retard who spewed stupid bullshit like how dirty harry was a fascist film
he can fuck right off
> dirty harry
> muh we need our 2nd right muh weapon owning
> hurray death penalty
Yeah, totally not fascist.
>anime autist whining about a years old tweet
>Giving people the right to own a gun is fascist
how can someone be THIS retarded? also
>implying that the death penalty and gun rights are fascistic
fascist governments want to take your guns away not arm you
I'd like to add that when people insist "everything is art" they're directly responsible for post modernist masterpieces such as en.wikipedia.org
>villain was a good guy all along
>tfw your life is so worthless you don't even feel the need to have the right to defend yourself or desire retribution for those who would take it from you
>name is Crompton
>is a rapper
>but is not from Compton
Yeah, anti-gun activists are fucking retarded. We should arm the proletariat, execute Fortune 500 CEOs, and seize the means of production immediately.
Spot the unsecure bigots. Sup Forums trump supporters are the best special snowflakes around.
Reminder that if angsty virgins on the internet never spent years insisting their favorite medium was a form of art, we wouldn't have walking simulators like Gone Home, and we wouldn't have SJWs infesting the medium.
You've not proven your point retard, stop baiting
> prove your point
> stop baiting
Spot the retard.
CEOs and factory owners have a right to defend themselves too
>hurrr fascists durrr
>lol melting snowflakes!!
> If you aren't even allowed to protect your own life, then how can someone else have that responsability?
Nice retarded shit. Did a redneck wrote this?
I don't care if it's art of not, but would it kill videogames to get some decent writers? Even the very best writers in games wouldn't be able to make it in television or film.
I mean how is it so hard to just pay a decent novelist to write your game's plot?
What's wrong with it?
>do brushstrokes to make art
Fucking retards. Art can NEVER be art.
He's fucking baiting, ignore him
What if you just believe in gun control so that you can control the populace through force? The chart doesn't account for that.
>it can NEVER be art
so said the caveman to the painter
so said the painter to the musician
so said the musician to the writer
so said the writer to the cinematographer
so said OP to the anons
the anons replied calling him a faggot
>click x really fast to do Y
Fucking retards. Video games can NEVER be sport.
>mfw there are actually people this dense
>mfw that fact makes this b8 not as fun
Neither can movies though. Art is literature poetry paintings and sculptures.
> it's ok for a civilian to have the same rights as a police officer
Nothing wrong here. Just drink more fluoridated water in ordder to decrease even more your IQ.
>make a game
>use visual art direction, musical score and a written narrative and in some cases cinematography
>"none of it is art lmao you can play the game haha"
If gun control advocates were honest and said this is what they wanted I wouldn't mind as much. Instead they try to guilt trip or shame you for not wanting only the government and criminals to have access to guns.
If art can not be defined objectively and it cannot be defined through majority then as long as a single person believes something to be art, it is.
Fuck is wrong with this nigga face?
Result of an agression with a gun. Praise the United States of America.
I thought it was cancer
>If gun control advocates were honest
The thing is they are being honest, they're just very naieve and think that less guns will mean people will just automatically stop killing each other. Which ignores the basic fact that Americans just like murdering people.
Guns kill, cancer kill, same shit.
If post Modern Art is considered art my dogs shit is considered art
fuck this subjective cancer
If gun owners were honest, they would admit that they are just unsecure pussies.
hello libtard
>I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear. I hope to be spared as much pain as possible on the approach path. I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think of death as the same state. What I am grateful for is the gift of intelligence, and for life, love, wonder, and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting. My lifetime's memories are what I have brought home from the trip. I will require them for eternity no more than that little souvenir of the Eiffel Tower I brought home from Paris.
The fuck did he mean by this?
Jesus christ he's just stating something are you that fucking insecure?
Performance art is its own world in the art world. It either hated for lacking any substance and being useless, or loved for being the purest form of art, having no use but it just being itself.
Either way, no normie and most outcasts like them, and even then people in the know only talk about Marina Abrahamovic or Ai Wei Wei.
Performance art is Postmodern art in Nature
take that as you will
Lazy chart. It assumes that no one would question the effectiveness of guns as means of defense, so they don't have to draw out a dozen more branches. It also avoids the matter of murders, and accidental deaths caused by guns.
Here's a branch to start with
>Is innocent life valuable? > Yes > Is innocent life worth protecting? > Yes - By removing deadly weapons > ???
>Art can't be interactive
he's trying to cope with the fact he's dying
Art is subjective anything is and can be viewed as art. /THREAD/
Nigga he has no chin he's basically a cuccoo at this point who's basically saying he dont give a shit
>no jaw
opinion discarded
Same obvious fallacies as every other anti-guncontrol memelord. My favorite part is where the flowchart skips over the rational rebuttals to each and every point to trick readers into thinking it's valid.
It's a special kind of autistic when you only argue with yourself and in picture form.
Link to video?
>Americans just like murdering people.
It's literally blacks. Like 2/3rds of America's gun related deaths are suicide, most of what's left is Chiraqis killing each other for wearing the wrong color do-rag.
It's a perfect analogy, tho.
> trump memelord
> rational
Sweet irony. Nice reddit spacing, by the way.
>The founding fathers wrote this amendment in such a weird fucking way that we have retards barking at each other for centuries
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
If we took this shit literally, Only Established Militias would be allowed to bear arms because the Founding Fathers didnt put an AND in between State and The right to bear arms
Fuck this document
Got cancer cut out
Because removing deadly weapons isn't possible. People point to Japan but Japan is an island nation that you cannot walk into carrying weapons. As long as a black market exists, gun control just keeps it out of law abiding citizens' hands, and you're still leaving guns in the hands of government forces.
>It also avoids the matter of murders, and accidental deaths caused by guns.
Having a gun can prevent a murder. Accidents are accidents.
Stay triggered commie
> Having a gun can prevent a murder
It was very effective in Las Vegas. Top fucking kek. Running pigs literally everywhere.
>If we took this shit literally, Only Established Militias would be allowed to bear arms
"A militia" and "the people" are the same entity.
Yeah fuck it, throw away every right you have the second something bad happens. The constitution was meant to be torn up the second someone got hurt.
Ok, time to end this Sup Forums shitfest.
Not in this document, dumbass
Theyre referring to Minutemen, yknow groups that were assigned guns and training
Shitters like
dont actually discuss shit they just scream commie whenever someone suggests they take the gun they dont have because mom wouldnt let them have it
It should either be
>The right of the people to keep and bear Arms as a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, shall not be infringed
>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, AND the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed
I don't care which one it is interpreted as, but it really pisses me off that the founders wrote it that way. Precision in language is important.
sage because not vidya
bumping because I like it when /k/ isnt on /k/
There’s no reason to engage in dialogue with rabid dipshits like yourself, your opinion will never change because your ego is the size of the universe and you actually believe you can never be wrong
However, to entertain your stupidity I will just tell you to look up the definition or militia and inform me of the mental gymnastics necessary to give the right to just “militias” without giving it to all people
After you fail to do that, kill yourself
> Sup Forums shit everywhere
> reddit spacing everywhere
Just a coincidence bro.
It probably was precise at the time it was written, but the precision has been lost to history
Militia implies theyre an organized groups, The founding fathers had the Minutemen in mind writing this. You yourself cant be a One Man Militia every second of every day, fuckface
>reddit spacing boogeyman
There is literally no better indicator of somebody being a newfag than repeating this drivel
you're ignoring the thousands of individual cases where guns prevented mass shootings
fuck off retard
Made me laugh
This faggot gave my city a bad name though
Every single aspect of fulfilling the “militia” aspect is realized through liscensing and the training required to be liscensed, now stop being retarded and hurry up with that suicide
get off the toilet, timmy
> conscientiously avoiding spacing now
You are cute.
I forgot all the armed teachers at Columbine High School. My bad.
You don't even need to play a note to make a musical art
stop baiting and wipe yourself already before you develop hemorrhoids
T. projecting faggot