Everything sucks except the Witcher 3
Am I wrong?
Everything sucks except the Witcher 3
I really like that enemy design
Nope. Tw3 is literally the greatest rpg made and quite possibly the best game released in 15 years
Explain using facts and no buzzwords or memes
If you can convince me otherwise, or even make me question my viewpoint i will go buy what ever it is you think is better.
Nothing since tw3 came out has "got" me like it did.
There are plenty of other good games other than the Witcher 3, so therefore your statement "everything sucks except the Witcher 3" is blatantly false.
That's not to say TW3 isn't a good game, only that it's just plain stupid to assume the OP is correct.
Just ignore him. Tw3 is a flawless victory for code. Top notch combat, quest design, role-playing and worthwhile exploration with unique locations all over the map with great rewards/loot. Also has the most interactive story in rpg where every choice you make drastically changed the world and story and how npcs treat you. Literally the perfect game. Sup Forums hates it because it's popular
I never even came across that enemy in 150 hours of play
well obviously my op is in comparison
is "Everything sucks compared to the Witcher 3" wrong?
no its bad
witcher games give me bad headaches, like going crosseyed or something... the faces are so uncanny valley i want to throw up. whenever threads about these games are made i will always post that they are fucking disgusting because i hope people focus on good art style rather than trying to actually simulate reality when the only reality effect they produce is me wanting to vomit and the "smell-o-vision" effect of the smell of my vomit
It's one of the "boss" creatures, i forget what it's name is
it's at a ruined castle/tower, i dont think it's a location on the map
>is "Everything sucks compared to the Witcher 3" wrong?
Yes, definitely.
fuck off germany
what is a better game in your opinion?
preferably another rpg
Lmao. Just kill yourself. Holy shit literally do it. So sick of you nostalgiafags posting this every witcher thread as if it s anywhere near to competing with tw3.
Witcher 3 is unironically /our guy/.
GOAT classic game. I can only shake in anticipation knowing this game will be the crown jewel in the future of retro-rpg kino.
The only game at this point that can ever hope to dethrone Witcher 3, which.. if we are being honest with ourselves.. is Kinopunk 2077.
>Everything sucks except the Witcher 3
You mean like every video game before it? Who the fuck the thinks that?
Everything sucks in the Witcher 3*
sorry for the type guys
I remember it being like fucking 1997 when they announced Cyberpunk and said "no new info until 2017 :)" well fuckin' 2017 is almost over, give us some god damn info
more so every game i have personally played since
the game before that that i was captured by was skyrim but i think tw3 is better
What's the point? Regardless of what I post, you'll just brush it off anyway.
Again though, I'm not saying Witcher is bad here. I am just saying that you'd have to either be delusional or just straight up denying reality to believe those two statements/questions.
mega man 4 is better
all the mega mans are but 4 is special to me so ill say that one
They're fairly rare. One is a standalone quest in Skellige, one is encountered when you're in the swamp with the Baron, and there's another just south of the swamp that respawns.
nah, i wont. if you recomend me something i'll look it up if i havent played it.
i genuinely want something great to play
Its called a Fiend. Doing my first playthrough and ive just encountered one in the quest Return to Crookback Bog. Its a big scary fucker, but theres like 8 npcs on your side in this fight so the poor bastard just got stunlocked to death
that one is part of a quest where you have to kill the "boss type" of each creature
Fuck my shit up
I really didn't enjoy this game
I am usually into RPGs but this game just didn't really do anything for me
Clunky movement, riding around on the horse for stupid periods of time, Open World but leveling basically just sections off the game, combat on the highest difficulty wasn't really challenging just tedious, witcher senses were kinda pointless since 75% of the time it was obvious to use them, most quests don't have that big of surprises meaning you know the ingredients you'll need to kill whatever beast more easily, the only inri i found useful for most of it was the shield unless the bestiary specifically said 'use this', 2 swords was kinda dumb, and those random cerci transfers just had me going wtf, size was huge and a huge selling point and it didn't really feel filled for being so huge.
Didn't help that the story with all the boobs and ambiguous villain with awful name felt like GOT.
I can see how people enjoyed it, but overall I didn't really have much fun with it.
Maybe I just don't remember it, I remember returning tot he swamp with the Baron with a bunch of other niggas.
I liked dragons dogma more but I loved both
Yeah I dunno dude. I value combat in a game really highly and witcher combat is pretty poop. It's still a good game though.
there was a lot of riding, i get how that got tedious
DD was amazing too, the thing i loved was the climbing on enemies bit, i dont think any other game made that work like DD did
Theres a few good points you bring up there. Im doing a Death March run and the enemies health is so goddamn inflated. I literally got stuck on the one werewolf you fight in the Whispering Hillock quest. It gets down to 1/3 health and then the regen vastly outweighs my damage. I was using Axii so it couldnt even fight back, i had continuous attacks going on it and i just didnt have the dps. Had to come back a few levels higher. And the movement is pretty clunky at times. But i disagree about the signs being useless. On the hardest difficulty i die in about 3 hits, so gangbangs of enemies is the biggest threat right now. Ive levelled Axii to the point where i can puppet them into attacking eachother, helps thin out the herd so i can focus on 1 or 2 targets at a time
you should try divinity original sin 2. less visual detail but the voice acting is top notch and more story. Also I think there is even more detail in that game than TW3. like every animal npc can talk if you have the perk that lets you talk to animals. And they're all voice acted. And you can go the whole game without talking to 20% of all npc's if you don't have that perk. It's great. Also I think there's more player choice than TW3. But overall I consider them both equal and love them both equally
kys phoneposter
I can't help you with that aspect then, I haven't got much experience with that kind of game. So I can't really recommend you something like it.
Maybe Ys? It's another quality ARPG, though it's not that similar to Witcher in terms of world/style.
Besides I'm more inclined to the Japanese side of things, and they're not very similar.
Yea this, Witcher 3 combat on all difficulties is atrocious. The highest difficulty I often found large groups of enemies to be more difficult even than higher level solo bosses due to the camera and shotty dodge and blocking system.
The group enemies were the biggest turn off to me especially at the beginning, there's one cave where there a big group of vodyanio in a tight corridor and due to the camera and the sheer number of them one would get behind me and they would basically combo me to death in about 3 hits even with the sheild magic. I put the game down for a couple days after that because I was like 4 levels higher than them.
dont mind me just posting a superior game
WS is on I'm with some buds
but you wouldn't understand what any of that means
The combat in DD was way better. I love TW3 for its quest, story, music, and voice work.
cool, thanks.
I'll check these out