This is khezu, from the monster hunter series

this is khezu, from the monster hunter series

He's okay.



what does his suction tail feel like haha

Advanced Thread:
Monster Hunter!

A bit of hijacking here, but just to be assure,
MH World going to have tiling map system right?
Not those open world bullshit


The only difference in how World handles maps is that zones are no longer cut up by loading screens. You accept a quest, get dumped into a map and you hunt like always.

no loading screen??
So there is no evade attack by run to other location?

>using a Heavy Bowgun
>don't need to grind materials to make a sharper weapon just to be able to damage him
Feels good.


>>So there is no evade attack by run to other location?
Nope, no more cheap shit

But it's ok because you have plenty of new cheap shit to make up for it.

Khezu shouldnt the amount of damage it actually does

i like khezu

Fucking hate Khezu so much.

Great theme, though.

>Great theme, though.

This. It's honestly one of the best tracks in the whole series.

Why was it always khezu that was in the impregnation doujins?

Khezu is a big, screaming penis

>This. It's honestly one of the best tracks in the whole series.

Amatsumagasuchi's second track in MH3Portable still my favourite.

Updated the list

Why couldn't it be a silent penis? That would be so much better and I'm not even joking.

Also MHW's new localised English names for the monsters fucking blow. They're basically just romaji and you can tell because they all sound fucking awful.

>create a monster that's khezu but better in every way including sex appeal
>remove it from every game after its first appearance

no nu-hunter in my thread please