Lootboxes don't need to be regula-

>Lootboxes don't need to be regula-

Other urls found in this thread:


>The model was declared illegal by Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency in May 2012, citing the Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extras or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation (不当景品類及び不当表示防止法),[2] after alleged investigation on the model's proposed resemblance to gambling.[3]

Based Japanese

Tbh, I'd honestly buy a box if they weren't temporary, since I spend majority of my time on Twitch because I suffer from serious ASD and can't talk with people.

Can I get 100!

>temporary emotes
what the flying fuck? i'm glad I haven't touched any of this microtransaction shit since it first started, this is so far beyond fucked

Yeah. thats only for things that are completely lootbox/Complete Gacha based. Like you can't get anything in the game unless it is through lootboxes/Gacha.
Japan still has plenty of Gacha games around. just not completely run on gacha anymore.


>people will buy this

That, is by far the worst bit about it all.


Looks like someone made them in gimp in 15 minutes or less.
Do normalfags actually buy this shit?

What do you think?

This is your fault for buying Overwatch.

The people who use Twitch are anything but normal. Most of them are friendless virgins, that's why they are on there in the first place.

>Not being a twitch fag who cares who any of these faces are

Why do people bother with twitch chat?

>I don't like company practice so it's needs to be regulated
Typical pussy

Do you get offended by people using the tism as an insult?

you fuckin aspie

No, this is Valve fault for popularising this shit with TF2 and CS:GO.

>I must be fucked in the ass by companies practices and do nothing about it

And Overwatch

>I'm too dumb to not buy things so I need them to be illegal.
Fucking hell you must be from my country.

who are you quoting?

"If viewers tip at least 250 bits ($3.50) they will receive a loot crate. These crates drop emotes that viewers can use in chat until the end of the year. If they collect a set of all six emotes, users will receive a Zombie Lord Kappa emote for permanent use. Viewers can also cheer 5,000 bits ($64.40) and unlock the emote in the process."

What the absolute fuck?

when do we get burger exclusive emotes?
>clap 2500 bits ($32.20) to get a burger emote that you gain access to permanently for the small fee of $5/month

It's not about prohibiting, it's about restricting minors from getting addicted.

No, not really. But sometimes I wonder why people even use it as a derogatory term since ASD is neurodevelopmental disorder, and that is not something you can control.

Fuck minors, they are old enough to fend for themselves. Give them a sword and three gold pieces and let the strong fear the weak.

You do realize that in modern society the weak get to vote and, because they are more numerous, get to rule over the strong right?

You think I give a fuck user? that era is ending.
Now have a baby so that we can battle them when they become minors. Winner takes all.

Wait, this is real? I thought it was a joke

Fucking this, came into this thread thinking it was a joke. Please don't be real.

Almost all gacha games in JP are still gambling scams, they just use loopholes to get around it.

free market my man. retards are free to spend their money on retarded shit

This whole loot box thing feels surreal to me because i just don't understand how it didn't happen before. Valve added crates to tf2 literally seven years ago. They added them to Dota. They added them to CS. They were and still are ridiculously profitable, and i always thought to myself "why is nobody copying this?". Took them long enough.

Google it real fast, I can't link it because Sup Forums thinks it's spam.

Corporate america has to spend time debating things in a board of directors before doing shit.
It's probably one of the reasons why Blizzard was so fucking late to the MOBA market. The genre made by their own fucking map editor.

There lies the advantage of being a corporation made by people rather than a board of directors. Valve owns 100% of their shares so they don't have to worry about any of that bullshit, they can just laugh their way to the bank.

>being poor

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they made loot boxes for high rare drop loot boxes

>NEETs still salty about what people do with their own money


What's the point?

So basically, you're saying that you'd be fine with buying boxes because they're prying on your psychological weakness?
Do you not see why people oppose this?

>...that will widely effect the future market and replicating what's sold well.

Shekels you goy! :^)

>muh skins

>if they weren't temporary
Just pay $50 for the permanent zombie kapa emote.

>muh star cards

>PCtards mustard race pays to get temporary emoticons while watching other people palying games
And they say, we the Sonybros and Nintenbros are the retarded ones.

except they are regulated

Its called your brain

ted. Now what?

Watch this one. I got it in a gold pack, ultra rare image.


as long as it's just cosmetic shit then who gives a fuck

The only good thing about this is that you get them for cheering in the first place instead of dumping cash into the boxes directly. If someone is pathetic enough to be blowing dosh on twitch already it's just finally giving them a payout instead of nothing.

Ha, you cant punch me behind the screen

What the fuck is even the point of Twitch emotes? Every single time I've ever tried to watch something on there half the chat is just retards spamming that shit like a baby with a new toy.

Not Sup Forums, it's the mods. They're "tired of seeing this thread over and over" so they black listed the url. Imo, I agree. These threads belong in /biz/ or Sup Forums.
Not video games


This, shits dumb.

>They're "tired of seeing this thread over and over" so they black listed the url.
It's nothing like that. You just can't post links to Twitch because then you'd have a bunch of faggots trying to advertise their shitty streams everywhere.

Oh no, there's more of that thing I can choose not to participate in! Whatever will I do! The market must be regulated!

>gambling doesn't need to be regulated because it's a thing i can choose not to do

Sup Forums loot boxes when?

All users start banned, but if you buy a roll you get a 1% chance to get unbanned for the day

>every board becomes /vip/
pls no

Good thing that I have free Halloween emotes.