I just woke from a 9 years coma...give me a quick rundown on what i miss

i just woke from a 9 years coma...give me a quick rundown on what i miss

Not much to be honest

>Shaddius Manus

Chanology killed this place.
Return to your slumber, but this time in a box.

Wow somehow still gets updated, so nothing has changed.

9 years of your life.


You missed posting this thread on Sup Forums faggot

>are you a real villain?

Dark Souls series/Demon's Souls/Bloodborne
Fallout New Vegas
Hotline Miami series
A Hat in Time
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

what you posted is pedophilia in canada now.

moot is dead. Now some monoglian dude runs the place


I know why you made this thread, faggot.
There. Have your funny maymay, and share it with your reddit friends.

>mirror's Edge 2 sold like cold diarrhea
>rise of the Tombraider sold like warm diarrhea
>deus ex: augmentedwhite guilt killed talks of a sequel
>watch dogs 2: was laughed off shelves on day 1
>mafia 3 got laughed into the bargain bin 1 week after release
>dishonored 2 went into the dust bin of history
>battlefield 1 servers were practically dead a month after release
>ME: andromeda nearly killed bisexualware
>life is strange 2 got shit on day 1
>neogaf libtard creator turned out to be a rapist creep

What you've missed was leftist agenda games and leftists getting their shit pushed in.

Oh also:
Kid Icarus Uprising
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Super Meat Boy
Sonic Mania


Well, everything has became political, and this website has been infested with the worst kind of newfags who refuse to lurk, and cancer, mods gone full retard recently in several boards.
moot is gone and the new admin is chick jew, when is not selling your data is a pretty cool guy.

Play those.
Google WiiU and Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.

People are trading in literal virtual coins now and you can go to jail in some parts of the world for offending people. The world didn't end in 2012 and there is a Starcraft 2, and yes it is mediocre as fuck.


What put you in a coma?

>The world didn't end in 2012
Why lie?

So literally nothing worth playing

>I made this thread just to post cropped porn: The Post


Memes have become reality and Sup Forums is mainstream.

Also Robin Williams is kill

OP here
we still donĀ“t have Half life 3 what the fuck

user.. I have some news...

You missed out on me, user. You don't know what you've got 'til its gone.

dont waste more of your time playing this shit...

Nobody miss Dumb Phoneposters.

Maybe that's because I'll never leave.

this shit is list. my list is better than yours.

K.roolfags getting BTFO

What if you actually died in 2012 but your consciousness went to a different timeline which is this?

The whole world wants you dead, you'll need to change your appearance in order to blend in.

>Vir Shadus
>Homo Shadus
you vulgar pleb.

>Knows to bait with Shadman
No you didn't.

Portal 2, the ultimate best and last good game in existance

Well, then this timeline sucks.

Sup Forums has become inoperably cancerous, leftist marxists infiltrated most media industries and have turned every conversation into race/gender propaganda, Europe has pretty much collapsed into chaos, FFXV came out after ten years in production, Shenmue 3/FFVII Remake/KH3/Last Guardian are all being developed, they never made a DMC5, a reality TV star won the presidential election, they discovered the Higgs-Boson god-particle, the comic book industry has pretty much died, NeoGAF exploded after 18 years over a blurry facebook post of a girl he tried to do sex with one time, you missed most of the rise of Lets Play culture and Twitch, and a fucking boatload of unbelievably good games have come out as well.

oh yeah and the speech at the end of MGS2 is becoming more and more like a prophecy with each passing day

Last Guardian came out tho...