Favorite Wolfenstein Moment?

Mine's the one when B.J. befriends a little girl as a kid, and his dad gets so angry that he makes him shoot his faithful pet dog. :/

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that was old yeller, OP

you can see that devs are from sweden.

#whitepeople are terrorists baka

What the fuck are those faces.
Kids in kidya give me some serioes heebyjeebies.

stupid kid he told him to shoot the animal but didnt mean the dog

Here's BJ watching himself bury his dog. It's incredibly poignant. -_-

This is rally retarded characterization. In the first game when BJ mentions his childhood, his dad just sounds like a normal man of the time. But now he's EVIL WHITE RACIST ANTAGONIST

why can't they make a decent looking negress? she looks like a baboon

I think you're full of shit, that screenshot looks like a PS2 game. Post proof

I don't mind a few snippets that offer looks into BJ's past but I hope the game isn't filled to the brim with them. Giving him some backstory is nice and all but I much prefer warrior poet BJ with his internal monologues.


That's the spirit.

Getting snippets of American muscle neck kraut-eater's childhood seems rather unnecessary.

I know it's unnecessary but I don't mind it being there if they're just snippets.

In Old Blood BJ says his Dad told him there were monsters that would come for him if he misbehaved you stupid fag

Why are white people so evil?

why are children so ugly in vidya?

So? His dad comes off as stern, all good fathers are.

Well, BJ is given to be what, 35-ish before the time ski[p in TNO, setting this whole scene at about 1920 in Texas. Hi sfather's reaction isn't entirely unexpected, and ties back in to some of the dialogue from J's storyline in TNO, being pre-Civil Rights Movement. I'm sure it'll all be very sappy and dramatic, but I also suspect that I'll quickly forget about it in the wake of hatcheting a man in the skull with such force that he explodes into giblets.

You know the devs at MG wish they could go back and make Anya black.

Parents from the dawn of fucking time have said that to their children you goddamn retard, it doesn't mean they're over the top sadistic "racist" lunatics. This is utterly laughable and pathetic bullshit the devs are pulling here.

I wish the father was the lead. He lays down the law.

That fucking face

LMAO! I promise to never lose my pocket knife again

Face rigging for kids is hard, especially since there's usually so few of them in any given game and the time and money they'd have to spend doing them justice isn't considered to be worth the hassle. Mostly it comes down to them having to create all new facial animation assets for like 3 characters we'll barely see.

Maybe your awful flyover state parents told you monsters would kill you if you didn't obey, I'm so sorry user.

so Sup Forums was right and its a propaganda filled piece of shit

You think this shit is bad? Just wait until more of Assassins Creed is shown off.

This shit is hilariously bad. (game itself is terrible also).

>no ebonics
not immersive enough

>See how EVIL and RACIST the old WHITE America was?
>That's why BJ must build a truly free multicultural utopia thru the teachings of Karl Marx!
>GOTY 2017

Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest of there are "Sup Forums was right again"

wtf I hate white people now.

Seriously though, this game looks gay as fuck.

It seems BJ's and his dad are at odds with one another.

You know he fucked Anya and she's having a baby this game, right?

Wow. Tell us more, homo.

>nu-males writing their daddy issues into the script

lol. Pathetic.

Someone post the pic of Uncle Pol standing over the boards with his strings.

That's fine, if a little lazy. I suppose this neatly confirms we'll have a chapter in Texas?

>all of the butthurt Sup Forumstards ITT
Holy shit, this is fucking pathetic.

The black guy fucking the fat white chick in Wolfenstein II, really shows them bigots hihihi

>le old world was actually all supportive of Nazi's

Wow fuck these swedecuck writers. They did fine with TNO but now this is trash you expect from Ubisoft.

They'll die in Wolf3 and BJ will get a nice black partner to raise her son together. It's the very least he can do for starting all of this, as a white male.

>TFW you just want to shoot nazis while enjoying a cheesy storyline, but the devs are trying to turn that one game you were looking forward to into a hamfisted drama, complete with childhood flashbacks.

Was his father even brought up before this game?

i tried to stay optimistic but they went full sweden

Couple of time he was mentioned as a stern man in TNO, told him stories of monsters coming for bad kids and stuff like that. I think the game will still be good, I'll probably just be skipping the cutscenes on subsequent playthroughs.

>Wolfenstein TOB
>"When I was a kid, we had a monster in our basement. My father said if I done wrong, it’d creep out at night and come for me. I tried to do no wrong. The monster came all the same."
>"The monster never dies no matter how many times you kill it. It just sheds it's skin and changes form. Can feel the weight of the world pushing me down. Try to carry it nonetheless, one last time. Then I can rest."

>Wolfenstein TNC

You didn't know the """""Greatest Generation"""" were really equal to the Nazis? They were both loathsome. Look at all of these racists! There's lots of these pictures on Reddit. I feel physically ill thinking about being related with my skin.

looks like fucking lil wayne

BJ is part of the greatest generation you silly goose, not his dad.


>BJ is part of the greatest generation

Then why is he such a faggot?

Because in his timeline, the good guys lost WWII :^(

The good guys won in his timeline.

So its the same as ours?


Not anymore they don't for the most time, but back in the day it was standard practice that nobody really thought much about. Are people monsters because they go along with what is "right" for the time?

She looks like the baby from Eraserhead.

>responding to latent retards who use buzzwords like "flyover state" unironically
you know you replied to a sore loser right

GREATEST GENERATION can go fuck themselves, i hate them

So, does BJ lose his head?

The accuracy of this is maybe the saddest shit I have ever seen.

Thats what they all look like

Please be nice to my granny

>why can't they make a decent looking negress?

Really? You're going there? I cannot even believe this. It's 2017! All black women are beautiful, you're standards have been brain washed by the white devils.

I like how despite supposedly being Polish, Papa BJ supports da natzees, since all wypipo are racist or something.

You guys sure are sensitive.

>BJ's mom is jewish
>let's make BJ's dad a racist white man
>What? No, we didn't put any SJW content in this game at all, it's completely apolitical.

Settle down, now.

they should screen this documentary to the veterans, I am sure it will be a very moving sight for them

See the image.

>another beloved franchise circling the drain because nobody was """""""""""""""sensitive""""""""""""""""""""""" enough before
really makes me think

Called it.

Really not sure how I feel about this any more.
The marketing campaign is typical as they come, people really shouldn't let that shit bother them as much as it does sometimes.
But this is wholesomely unnecessary character re-building for the sake of some apparent need for motivation to do what he already does (slaughter the absolute shit out of nazis)?

I dunno. I loved the internal monologues of TNO. The politics of the game didn't bother me, they were pretty agreeable as they should be. J's rants didn't bother me either.
This game is bothering me.

Also BJ looks like a literal retard, why'd they fuck his once beautiful face up no homo?

Wow, Hillary Clinton became a nazi in this timeline?

Yeah and we didn't turn out as sexually repressed numales defending the virtual honor of minorities who hate us on the internet, so weigh the pros and cons.

Wow lol, literally Kathy Griffin and trump

Does he have weiners in that jar?

Let's see what some actual WW2 veterans say about current events, oh they're saying white supremacists are all disgusting subhumans that don't belong in America.


But the allies save him immediately, ala Robocop.

I can see it, she'd probably adopt whatever ideology if she stood a chance of gaining power

I cannot believe what liberal hysterics this game turned out to be when the first game was hilariously over the top with how you visit an actual concentration camp, get sent in the ovens, find lawn chairs and coffee cups sitting facing the ovens, and there's a fucking robot that burns jews inside it.

Is that the bad end? Or when you miss a QTE prompt? I haven't seen anything about the new game, I'm just going to avoid it entirely, but I'm still curious, in case a future Wolfenstein game decides to drop the political allegories.

Same, I didn't blame Bethesda's marketing for taking advantage of the current political turmoil in the US but it seems like Machine Head really did go and make the game REEEEE WYPIPO NAZIS

No, see
Haven't you noticed how in a lot of footage and pics BJ has something in his neck?

Yeah, that doesn't contradict his video. The "Greatest Generation" threw away their homelands and posterity.

so whats the deal with bj? does he get a body transplant?

wow you're such a GENIUS did the metal band around his neck thats also around the neck of the cat monkey clue you in possibly?

antifa don't hold back on old white guys

he knows this.

So I saw in a trailer that supposedly Hitler is in the game.

What's his deal in the story?

Is he the end game boss?

has this game been cracked yet?

No, I'm still not getting it. You can't just reattach a head to a body and expect everything to be willy nilly, that's just silly and it doesn't work that way.

exactly what the video shows you cuck lord

Not really, they lived pretty good lives.
Can't blame them for not giving a fuck about what came afterwards, after all, when you die, you lose consciousness, you don't care about what comes afterwards.

Absolutely. The little cat monkey thing was a dead giveaway, too. It's how you get to decide if you want to have slits or the constrictor thing.

Hitler was revived somehow after BJ blew him up as Mecha Hitler. There's a not in TNO that explains how he always looks pale now and smells like a nursing home, or something along those lines.

How were they supposed to know the jews would take over?

Yes, I can blame them, because now I have to live my life in the shitskin-infested West they created.

Fun Fact: A lot of Americans actually supported the Nazis pre-world war 2.


It's a videogame that doesn't take itself seriously.
For fucks sake, the final boss of the previous game was a 100 year old dude in a mecha.