wow, all these developers must really regret making you guys mad
Wow, all these developers must really regret making you guys mad
>game get's lots of negative reviews
>everyone and their mother buys it anyway
lawbreakers was a top seller on steam too
PUBG have been up there longer than a few days, you tiny penis
did vpol bitch about the latest deus ex?
i didn't buy em
Colossus will be the worst selling Wolfenstein, but will also receive the highest "critical acclaim" from lefty journos.
I'm not buying it or playing it, and I don't know anyone who is.
polfags bitch about every new game
The only game on there Sup Forums responds negatively to on average is Wolfenstein, and that has more to do with using the current nazi-phobia as a shallow marketing ploy.
you really need to get off Sup Forums for a while and return to the real world
that place is rotting your brain
pity (You)
thank you for further proving my point
No, all of those games are causing meltdowns to polfags and contratards on v
>Journalists will overrate a game because it was brave enough to make the controversial statement of "nazis are bad"
You must live in some poor sad reality
>Stay away from the internet for 1 month from today
>No one even mentions or plays any of these games anymore.
>Everyone is back to shitposting about Jontron calling someone a niggerfaggot
See you soon.
Sup Forums is the real world.
Sup Forums = anally destroyed
>No, all of those games are causing meltdowns to polfags and contratards on v
Oh good have we reached the point in the cycle where we all pretend Cuphead was never good and nobody here ever liked it?
yup, they didn't even play it. heard something about connections to black lives matters (which honestly if you play the game, is not a real connection) and decided this game was for librulz
I actually got to enjoy a fun stealth action shooter.
>everyone who complains about my game is Sup Forums
All of those games with exception of Origins are good games, tho.
Origins looks like it will be shit because they're announcing the loot crates already.
>he thinks anyone played it
Meanwhile Wolfenstein has advertising material quite literally based on Punch A Nazi insanity.
aka actual reality
The only reason why it will receive critical acclaim is the fact they are putting more effort into the story. Most gamers nowadays want movie games. Just look at how terrible the witcher 3 was compared to other RPGs, yet it's the RPG of the century to many people only because of its deep story. Personally I thought the story in the new world order dragged the game down by ruining the pacing, and I don't really have much hype for the new one because of that.
Deus Ex is dead
>stealth action shooter
Fuck you're retarded.
it's as if review bombing just convinced people to ignore reviews, rather than getting them to stop liking things you don't like
It's unfinished and clear they cut a bunch of content out. It's a decent game but got really taxing the second half, and the ending was dogshit
v is reached the point where they shill microtransactions, dlc and lootboxes because people started to dislike them
>muh poor nazis gettin killed
>we wuz assasin
>why sp makes fun of whiteys
Etc etc, only pol whines about muh blacks and muh womyns in games
Their initial go-to is always to accuse their detractors of being mentally ill, in an attempt to gaslight them.
Ironically the accusations of delusion and insanity are projections.
Wolf II is the only AAA game on PC I'm even considering this season.
What else can you expect from GAFugee shill?
The ending(s) in HR were dogshit too but people still love it.
Reminder this thread was made purely for OP to make 300 replies baiting race shit
>defending idiots
Why do shitheads like to do that? This happened with Doom and now everyone shits all over it. Is it because the games became popular?
I wouldn't say I love it, it's a decent game as I said but it's a far distant third to the original and HR. It's a bad Deus Ex game but overall it's above most games.
I'll assume, for your sake, that you are just being ironic and don't actually think like this.
If you are not being ironic, you are LITERALLY mentally unwell. I am not memeing. You genuinely have a disease that should be diagnosed and treated before you do something to ruin your life, or the lives of those around you.
I really hope one of these days, someone is able to get through that wall of delusion and paranoia and convince you to seek help.
Sup Forums is reality, my friend
it's what everybody who didn't vote for hillary is thinking
You're a fucking demon and you will be extinguished if you continue gaslighting people.
still mad nazi cuckboy?
schizophrenia: the post
Watch them continue without shame
This is the same like when niggers did the bottleflip and they said only haters say its fake
Do people really fall for that shit in the pic? You can literally see the Photoshop by the poor edging using the perspective tool.
It can't sell worse than Old Blood. It definitely won't sell better than New Order tho
Reminder that you were 4d chess'd if you treated this as a culture war and participated in either side
Whoever wins or loses, Trump's brother wins
no. its what a group of milennials who are increasing in size every day are thinking. it is not what older boomers are thinking. the worrying part is when you guys become the majority in the future after all the old people die. we may be well outnumbered by Sup Forums's fascist army and consequently be powerless to stop your ethnostate garbage.
Thank you comrade. After the revolution two extra toilet paper rations will be added to your account.
>4 post in
>Already bitching about Sup Forums
I'm confused are Sup Forums invading or is it just some delusion by faggots?
Tineye couldn't find that image because Tineye is trash, i can't find shit 99% of the time on it
>guy using the nazi bogeyman is a commie
>Sup Forums still SEETHING
what did you think this thread was about when you read the title?
I love it when anons come ever so close to realizing that these people's only loyalty lies with making money. The Senate GOP just voted for a law making it illegal to sue a bank. All these guys care about is money, and the culture war shit is just a means to that end.
Sounds great desu senpai.
As of this post, there are only 3 threads in the whole catalog that deal with any of these games.
its a damn shame that people actually like anything past deus ex. Invisible war is better than both prequel games and that game is awful
I miss the days where dumbasses like these would just be laughed out of Sup Forums.
>nazis are bad
>and by the way anyone who doesnt vote democrat is a nazi
>getting knocked out by a cuckold
Nazis are pathetic desu
Dont worry, mods already caved to NeoFAG discussion, soon you guys will get to communist uprise Sup Forums and make it your new hugbox.
to be fair 99% of pepe's are terrible photoshops
polfags are triggered
But Sup Forums has basically rolled over for Sup Forums in the last few days.
another reddit thread about why marxism is good?
>if you're not right-wing you're a marxist
You're right. I wish we could go back to when Sup Forums wasn't so damn problematic
bruh i am hoping that the mindless libs will be so incensed at your rising power that they will plunge any manner of weapon into your heart.
this is all assuming you want to create an authoritarian exclusionary state that serves the volk first and foremost ofc. if that description doesnt fit you then dont be offended by my statement above. :)
>commie flags ITT
y-you're pol, y-you're a n-nazi.. y-you're schizophrenic
>complains about being labeled a nazi for being right-wing
>proceeds to label anyone left of him as a communist
There's a big difference between making edgy jokes and being triggered into rage by violence against nazis in a video game.
There was a difference. The old Sup Forums was just about getting a reaction out of people. So you did the thing that would get the most attention.
Nowadays the racist is sincere. Hell even I myself am an actual nigger hating racist in 2017. I wasn't like this in 2006 even though I called them niggers etc.
>make Sup Forums bait thread
>p-polfags are triggered! why so triggered, Sup Forums? eh hehe, you mad?
That's not gonna happen and you know it. Libs are even more emasculated than the most cringy of larping nazis. Stop fantasizing, faggot.
why? you are the one paying jew money to buy them lol
>Paying for digitally distributed games
How fucking cucked can you be? Pirates own their copy more than you do.
you know what the difference is here. this was done when Sup Forums was the equivalent of a nonideological 12 year old. we did things like this because they were attention grabbers, acted because of the tabboo of the thing. now Sup Forums is the equivalent of a teen going through his rebellious punk phase- actually serious about nazism rather than treating it as a joke "for the lulz."
did you guys know that black people are inherently less intelligent and more violent than whites and asians
What damage control will Sup Forums use when Wolfenstein 2 is a huge success?
>Funny online racism is the same as literally, unironically believing you are some sort of shining crusader in the imaginary war against white people or republicans or whatever.
it's literally just the steam top sellers list
It's exactly the same now. Only difference is that social media wasn't as rampant as it was 12 years ago. The exposure is off the rails. You get any sort internet sensation, and it turns into a meme that day.
Just go on Facebook, Instagram, etc and the posts with the most likes on meme pages are shit that was posted here over a decade ago. Shitposting is normality, so of course things are escalating
You guys realise that you're being baited by 1 fag trying to stir shit up with his "Muh Sup Forums boogeyman X D D D D D You're all mentally ill nazies!!!11!" shit, right?
Don't get worked up, it's what he wants, sage.
>it's imaginary guys!
>please don't search for "white people" on twitter
when you say 'it's exactly the same', do you mean that Sup Forumss userbase is acting ironically in the same sense as the habbo hotel raiders? do you genuinely believe that none of them are actually serious about their dangerous fascism?
>but when you turn it into a design it's great to work with
I need context here but it sounds like he's being pretty loose in his usage of "marxism", and is just extending it in some vague way to game design. It hardly sounds like he's endorsing it as an ideology.
>fucking twitter being the cause of someone's paranoia
Really now
I mean the actions of people from this board are the same. Nigger swastikas was funny because it offended everyone, the same as people who identify as kekistani who voted for Trump to trigger the snowflakes.
It's a never ending culture war with no winners
Except he didn't go down. Even when that one guy got a running start to sucker hit him with a wrench and barely did anything. The fascists known as antifa are incredibly weak, apparently.
Not defending Richard Spencer. He's a turd and likely a plant.
You people realize these threads are honeypots to ban commies and Sup Forumstards, right?
Stop playing dumb. No one cared before. People only care now because of the marketing that's purposefully playing into neolib delusions tied to modern politics.
jesus christ this these threads are always a disaster
The real world is a group of middle class white kids jerking each other off over conspiracy theories?
go back to neogaf faggot
>Sup Forums
Confirmed for neofaggot who just arrived here
>online bullying turned me into a nazi
Bleugh. Are nazis the new emo kids?
What did Cuphead do lately?