>literally getting banned if there are ANY other programs running while destiny 2 is running
>if you run geforce experience, which is the main sponsor of the game, you will get insta-banned

wew lads

Other urls found in this thread: PCSupport&tSort=3&tType=0&d=0&lang=en

stop exposing yourself to 12 year olds Jim

>Criticizing Islam in a Blizzard Title post 2006
>Not expecting to get permanently banned.

You brought this on yourself

works on my machine

>buying Destiny

>had a choice between destiny 2 PC or renewing a sub for FFXIV
>chose FFXIV to play weeb waifu dress up.

>Actually buying that piece of shit.

>buying shit games
You only have yourself to blame.

>not so fast!
that's a smug ass ban message

>post yfw you see someone has bought destiny 2

>Buy shit game on console
>You can play it
>Buy shit game on PC
>It stops you from playing it
PC wins again

Didn't happen to me, so you must have been exploiting or cheating.

Well getting dropped on the head didn't happen to OP either so I guess we should just assume you're a retard

>buying a Blizzard/Activision game
>being surprised when dumb shit happens
play stupid games win stupid prizes

medaka box was a strange series.

>not so fast!

Do you always comment on the Reaction image someone posts as if they care.

>if you run geforce experience, which is the main sponsor of the game, you will get insta-banned
I've been hearing geforce experience is the only one not getting people banned. I played about 6 hours earlier with it running so your obviously full of shit about that.

It was fun though.

so if i buy this game and have a fucking webbrowser playing youtube open im going to get banned?


I care you huge nigger. Much better topic than Destiny.

if you enable the FPS overlay it's a ban
overlays are the main trigger that is catching people with otherwise innocuous programs
discord has the same problem

Doesn't destiny think the discord overlay is a cheat thing or did they fix that?

Many PC customers are being banned on launch for what seems to be caused by having overlays (discord, msi afterburner, fraps etc). Currently the forum is being flooded with complaints regarding this issue and to top it off many others can't even play the game due to constant crashing. PCSupport&tSort=3&tType=0&d=0&lang=en

it does and they did not
they fixed literally none of the things people brought up as issues from the beta


eh, constant crashing comes up with pretty much every game. It honestly doesn't seem to be all that widespread in D2
the bans are a huge problem though

>use fucking fraps
>get banned

glad i didnt buy this piece of shit

Their reason is that it might cause the game to run badly and that people won't be banned for it.

Skimming the forum through banned threads, people who turned it on got hit with a ban. What a horrible anti-cheat system.

>>if you run geforce experience, which is the main sponsor of the game, you will get insta-banned

How did they fuck up that bad

>runs cheat engine

lmao get shrekt op

Who gives a shit. These niggers got what they deserved for buying destiny 1's expansion pack. It was known that you couldn't use any overlay apps with it because they used net code that a five year old could write a cheat script for.

I guess they thought that banning all things that run in the background will stop cheaters but they've approached this badly. They even said players wouldn't be banned for using geforce or the amd one.

This is fucking terrible.

You can't have cheaters if you ban everyone


>buying destiny 2 after everyone has told you not too

>Runs discord overlay to keep track of voice chat
>Get banned

this is just terrible cheat detection.

Don't have to ban anyone if nobody buys your game.


this kills the industry

except that isn't happening

anyone can feel free to post any proof at anytime.

>buy shit game
>get fucked in the ass and scammed out of your money

I don't see the problem here. An idiot and his money etc etc

>tricked by friend into spending 90 dollars on this

Tell that to Randy.

> i'm banned
> ......
> "cheers!"

>Be me
>Blizzrad support circa an indefinite number of years ago
>Everyone who runs WoW in a Windows emulator (on Linux) gets banned
>We (customer support) don't know it at the time, though
>Have hearty chuckle as the ban dispute emails roll in
>Close a bazillion tickets and make my metrics for the week by copy-pasting a pre-formatted "lol u hacked tho" email
>Realize as the day goes on that, yeah, it really was schmucks running emulators
>Kinda feel bad for them, but someone retarded at a much higher paygrade made this decision and it is therefore untouchable
>Hear that some get overturned, but not all
>mfw same shit, different year

>Buying this shit after EVERYONE warned you that it was shit
I feel no pity, go fuck yourself, I hope they never lift your ban, maybe then you'll fucking learn something.


>tried to ask friend to play with me
>convinces me to play FFXIV instead
>just did my waifu's hair and bought her a new dress, she looks lovely

You made the right choice.


>2 people on my friend's list

>buying this generic piece of shit normie shooter

LMAO its not even fun like normie overwatch is. how can you even buy this junk?

>Having GeForce Experience installed
Do you enjoy corrupted driver updates?

LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE AND LAUGH AT THEM PCSupport&tSort=3&tType=0&d=0&lang=en

>Bungi says they won't allow third party applications
>People have them running in the back ground or installed
>Surprised when the auto ban kicks in.

People sure forget fast huh. Not saying the bans are justified but I could see this coming from a mile away.

Post YFW you didn't get tricked into buying a game with no content

>accidentally leave my loli sex emulator running

>Halo died for this



Problem is that with Windows 10, borderless windowed forces vsync. So fullscreen is the only option for no input lag. But then alt-tabbing is slow as shit, so people use overlays to access internet, chat etc.

>he liked reach

>Bungie's face when

wahh wahh me follow Sup Forums no opinion yep yep! not a single thought in my little head haha, yeah destiny bad hehe any game Sup Forums say bad me say too do i fit in yet?

Where the fuck did he say he liked reach?

>playing Destiny
>giving sheckles to ActiJew

I fucking hate that that FAN SITE was freaking out that their site was being used to tie into some shitty fucking "haha fuck destiny i can't understand statistics but lol population decline" narrative. But I fucking hate more that they somehow thought this shit would help.

Halo was cold in the ground long before Destiny was announced.

Is Activision Blizzard getting too big for its own good?

>millions of people actually bought this piece of shit
wtf? i havent heard a single person talk about this game and it was shit when i played the open beta. how is this possible?


normalfags are dumb.

Gotta have a strict anti-cheat to protect that amazing PvP

>he liked reach

nothing of value was lost


I swear 2017 has seen the lowest player retention rate in modern AAA games with multiplayer in decades.

Apart from I guess PUBG

>mfw it's still successful because their ungodly marketing campaign netted them enough paypigs to drop thousands on lootboxes

Not even Jap devs fuck up their PC releases this badly.

Fucking Google "destiny 2 discord bans" and you will find it. Stop being a lazy ignorant shitposter.

>Discord users getting BTFO

judgment day

Discord tries to interact with the exe so that explains why it is getting them banned

It's mad that bungie thinks this is ok. Most people don't read into these things, thinking it'll be ok just like every single other game they use the overlays with and then get hit with this shit.

Whether or not it's their fault for not making sure doesn't matter, bungie dun goofed big time.

I bought it. It seems extremely empty. I thought this shit was supposed to be a console MMO?

>tl;dr, get fucked kid, we stole your money and you can't do shit


But every other game is fine with the overlay. Bungie is just fucking stupid.

enjoy your empty destiny 1.5 trash cucks.

>people actually fell for Bungivisions Jew tricks

they should just give a fucking warning first. That would actually be reasonable. Its like they want this to fail at this point.

You fell for the meme. It's a looter shooter with instanced areas that matchmakes you with other players as you move through it. Anyone who sold you on it with "MMO" is a fucking mouthbreather.

Its people who legit got banned trying to blend in with people who didn't so they are band wagoning together to try and get unbanned for free.

proof: I'm literally running like 2-3 of the programs people are listing in the way they described them being used and I'm not banned

The thing is they did warn people; in a small paragraph in their weekly update thing that nobody reads saying that it wasn't recommended but you wouldn't get banned for it.

>people getting banned for utility overlays

>if you run geforce experience, which is the main sponsor of the game, you will get insta-banned
No it won't and stop lying on an anonymous imageboard. What were you really doing?

I mean I'm playing it to do end game stuff with old WoW friends. Used to be top 500 world but now I'm super casual. But this shit is just so mundane.

Bungie hates PC. If you don't play the game exactly like you'd play it on a console they will go apeshit.

Still more than dota 2.

>Destiny has a partnership with Sony and the PS4
>Pc users get banned for nothing

i (((wonder))) who's behind all of this.