Night falls again.
UNIST Thread
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Room: vidya
Pass: vee
Connection was crapping out earlier, I'll dip if it's bad
Let's go! I hope I can suck less shit today. I mostly played blayblue today.
HD Cyberbots when
not fucking soon enough. also that connection was terrible
I only noticed the hiccup near the very end.
If only Capcom remembered that Jin or Devilot existed. Actually, I think they had a bunch of character costumes for SFV have a lot of references to past series, Cyberbots included. If only they were cool enough to bring it back.
Fuck time warner
I think it's funny that sfv has no cyberbots refrence but UNIST does.
>tfw in that limbo between learning characters were all you know is basic confrms and a bnb.
Corner combos someday
what is this face writing meme?
Which one? Clearly it wasn't explicit enough for me to take notice
She's writing the chinese character for "slut" on her face
Kimi no na Wa/Your Name parody
Hyde has a color called Santana and it makes him look like the character.
Huh, what do you know.
Hurry up and tell us the NA release date.
Ok, I'm confused. What version is everyone playing? PS3? is the PS4 version import only? Is PS4 an updated version or is it the same as PS3?
PS3 and PS4 are both import only right now and they're the same version
UNI[st] which is the most up-to-date version and the most full release the series has ever put out on consoles. It's available for PS3 and PS4 but only in Japan and it has crossplay for both systems. The West is currently stuck with UNIEL aside from the recent tournies that brought over their imported copies.
If only paper were here to look at these Byak combos.
Guess I spoke too soon
NA better bring online FFA
hey man, a W is a W.
We'd hear about those kinds of additions already from FB if they planned on adding it
More like, UNINSTALL.
I mostly meant that he got in the room as I said it after the match.
I'm a fraud
So does the game require PS+ for the PS4 version?
Only online PS4 game that doesn't require plus is FFXIV, since it has its own fee
Yep, the PS3 version obviously won't.
I caved in because I wanted the dynamic theme
This reminds me. I looked through the replays after I took my system to that event, and the only character no one played was Orie despite the game being played all day.
No one likes Oreo.
most boring character, free.
I can finally share this now that we have some byakfags
Exactly, People at least want some butter on their toast.
What does that even mean?
They want to be flashy, to be basic. Orie isn't all that amazing visual wise compared to the others. Like Hyde has his cool hit effects but Orie barely has any
She's flavorless, a personality lacking "pure girl" trope. also her out fit is less interesting than wagners.
This would be my reaction
Oh damn, that's hilarious
the music volume is really low though
I'll take it over BlazBlue's weird audio mixing
Unfortunately. WIsh we could select character themes too.
I mostly picked Orie up on a technical standpoint of me finding that she incorporated her DP into combos so I was curious on how that worked. That and how ridiculously huge that 214B sword swing is. And you know, she's got overheads.
I've actually never seen an auto combo drop before.
Icy goes above and beyond to show how good he is at dropping shit.
What's the dynamic theme?
It's the shitty promo art they use for the cover.
This match is looking a powerpoint
> 6 frames
It feels like im fighting time itself
I read you at 3 bars, merk and I felt the stutters this time. Where am I sitting at?
idk it's not very shitty imo
It's not a very good theme, promo art and the game's menu sounds
3, down from the usual 4
It's bad. Hyde also looks like fucking dog shit in the art/
Cover art with the character select theme playing.
was the dynamic theme a preorder bonus, or did I just miss it?
I thought he looked fine. He mostly has the same expressions on all the big key art.
It was a bonus if you downloaded off the JP store during the first two weeks of release I think.
Pre-order bonus
It was included with the game on PSN
What lies these bars tell us.
Damn. Well at least I got my SamSho theme on the main account.
He looks fine in that art. In the new one he looks like he's stopped eating and had another growth spurt.
Anti-air command grab made me feel cerebral
Even in the UNIEL cover Hyde has some lanky legs though.
>Mashing on wakeup that many times
Linne covers them up so they aren't noticeable.
Comparatively, Linne seems to be the one who got the growth spurt between the covers.
The absolute madman
She's a growing girl.
But the story's barely advanced!
What the fuck
As someone who mains Orie, she's pretty plain and straight forward compared to the rest of the cast. Everyone else is flashy as fuck or has some cool tools to work with, but she's pretty modest in that department. The people who say she's pretty boring are right, although that hasn't stopped me from playing her.
What was that?
Connection dropped out of nowhere
It kicked me out again
Maybe the UNIST network is a bit wonk today
Not the first time it happened
Does anybody know how long you are stuck in shield once you activate it?
Gonna restart, it's not letting me spectate matches either
Let's play BB sometime, /blaz/ never seems to actually play
I'm not sure if it's the lag but that shield lasts for quite a bit for it to be mixed up on. Going from a low into an immediate high always gets my shield broken but there are times when I don't fuck up on my blocking.
>[st] threads appropriate blazblue lobbies from rwbyfags
There has to be a word for this.
Actually playing anime fighting games
Sure, I could always use pointers on how to play better.
Apparently what remains of blaz is a bunch of eus and south americans
My eternal impression of UNIEL is the Gordeau vs Merkava matchup
The jankest matchup you'll ever see
as it should be
Funnily enough, we had someone who played Hilda and Wald during release week. Then we're really back with UNIEL
What is this?
You alright there?
This looks like some mean spirited sandbagging