What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

with a decent PC you can overwrite your save game pretty much instantly

console owners have to wait three seconds, lol

Isn't that what the user system is used for?

His friend was playing on Master Mode.

Mystery solved. End your life OP.



wow, _yet another_ sexual assault claim?

>Retard can't make a new "user" or "mii" or whatever for his friend
Also literally who

>nintendo has to install anti-idiots measure in their systems.

>sharing space with people like this
we need a new hitler

Now post the part where he figures out Master Mode and goes full damage control

For real though, it's terrifying how final overwriting is compared to deleting. With deleting you can still retrieve the data. It takes several passes, increasingly difficult to recover from but still possible, to truly lose it forever. But you even accidentally think of overwriting and, nope, it's fucked off to the end of time.

He meant that he's a fucking retard.

Gaming journalism: Not even once.

>friends over at a dinner party
He deserved it. Fucking normalfag.

I bet this guy licks his cartridges too.

>typical retarded nintenbro

He's worse than that - he's the editor of Polygon.


Can you not back up your saves on the wii switch?

How is this not a user error? How at all is this Nintendo's fault? I don't get it.

Jesus christ. Polygon has to be made up of the most braindead pieces of shit.

Polygon's editor-in-chief, everyone.

Only to other Switch consoles right now.

Also, the guy in the OP should've just created a new account on his Switch as they get their own unique save files.

It's real easy to do too.

>when will they learn
>when will they recover