P-please user, *cough* watch m-my videos. Every view *cough* counts

P-please user, *cough* watch m-my videos. Every view *cough* counts.

Other urls found in this thread:


Phil is honestly more entertaining than any serious streamer/let's player I've ever seen. I would much rather watch his videos than anybody else's if only because he's so stupid that it's fun to watch

He kinda looks like Bill murray


Stop making fun of Phil guys, him and his buddies will kick your asses

Its weird I hate him so much as a person I cant stop watching the This is how you dont play series.

Everything about him and how he plays games disgusts me, but I also enjoy seeing him suffer.

He is such a simpleton sometimes I get a good laugh out of how he easily handles some bullshit parts of the games at time through luck or no fear but ends up having a lot of trouble on the more cognitive based obstacles.

I have mixed feelings on him, yeah hes a fucking moron however he has beat alot of games.


This is fucking amazing


This raises a good point, do streamers have a plan when they are old? I mean the AVGN is making fuck you money so he is set but someone like Linkara who is barely making ends meet, does he expect to do this his whole life?

more like

>my latest video is up on YouTube user, mmkay? [joker laugh] Turn off your ad block or I will ban your ass.

did his wife really leave him? LMAO

Post the loss one please

>This raises a good point, do streamers have a plan when they are old? I mean the AVGN is making fuck you money so he is set but someone like Linkara who is barely making ends meet, does he expect to do this his whole life?

These people aren't thinking beyond tomorrows paycheck

now post the boston bombing one, that one brings me to tears every time

Since Phil vanquished Kojimbo fags and was outed to earn around 8k per month he's not that much interesting anymore.

He's not even entertainingly bad anymore, he's just pathetic.


>Gets 50$ from troll subs on his Twitch event stream
>Gloats about it on twitter as if he received 5000$ by doing nothing

I don't have that one, but there's this.

We need less Todd Howard on this board and more DarkSydePhil





Eceleb shit is not video games.


>dsp will be streaming when he's 80
>i'll be watching it

>t. Chad

Please get off my board. I'm severely depressed and want to die. I'm so fcuking stupid nothing makes sense. In conversations I rarely have anything to saaay other than "yeah" or "cool". I fuck up so often I look so stupid in public.

This thread is the hardest I've laughed in a long time on this board

hahaha what the fuck
how did I laugh at this

>Drunk tweeting at 5am
Is Phil'a drinking problem getting worse? He's been drunk on stream a few times lately and admitting to drinking a lot of gin lately.

DSP is based /ourguy/ desu
anyone that still pretends to hate him is a numale and desperate for attention

Hell yeah, drunk DSP will make his videos even more entertaining to watch

>I drank the whole bottle WOOOOOW

Thats why we like him here on Sup Forums, most of us are at this point as well

>I've had to make make major life changes.
>I no longer have someone to cook my meals while I stream.
>it's honestly a lot of work to boil water, then boil noodles, thaw the sauce, then add the noodles to the sauce.
>it takes about an hour and a half if you include eating then cleaning up after myself.
>I don't even get to relax until midnight, then I have to wake up at 11 am and do it all over again.
>you don't understand how exhausted I am.

This is all shit he said just the other day, nearly verbatim.

based phil


He just got broken up with and is depressed as fuck give him a break. Its hard to just admit your life is crumbling after a breakup.

>took him two hours to make a CAW in WWE2K18
>claims he's physically exhausted and has to take a break

they aren't technically aren't wrong about the character though

>haha I'm not even drunk
>bugged alcohol mechanics

Assholes like Phil don't deserve a break. He's a lazy, whiny manchild that can't handle the real world. His bubble is bursting, and he'll burst with it.

what did he mean by this?


Yeah everyone here talks shit about him, but he honestly has more in common with most people on this board than the other e-celebs/streamers that get posted constantly. And he's actually fun to watch due to fuck-ups and stupid shit he says

...Why doesn't he just find a more efficient method/make changes?

>Just buy pasta sauce in a bottle and cut down preparation time by a considerable amount
>Instead of microwaving junk food, buy frozen vegetables and something like rice

This is what truly intrigues me.

Have you seen how he makes his sauce? He would be better off pouring Mountain Dew on his spaghetti.

of course they are because they, like yourself start with the confirmation bias.



Fucking wonderful.

Ricky Gervais looks terrible.

Hilarious thing about DSP is his detractors turned out to be even more pathetic than he is. From SoK's doxing and overall shitty behavior to King of Pol and how he lied about his wife, had a meltdown and left the internet.

>just a dollar a month man c'mon dude

>He literately puts a bowl full of sugar in there

Does he have no fucking tastebuds? Is expect that from a child, not an adult man.

because he hates changes. keep in mind this is the same person that took years to move on to direct capture despite people telling him to and when he did he got all bitter.

>King of Pol and how he lied about his wife

The SoK shit was even more retarded then the people obsessed with CWC

Well,can you blame him,every one around him is a douche bag and hes losing his fame,it's depressing

I don't think he's depressed over a breakup as much as he realizes just how fucked he is now all alone in his big house with a debt he'll never clear short of winning a lottery or something. Deep down somewhere even DSP must realize this streaming and Youtube shit cannot last. If only because he's getting older.

Reminder that DSP is actually based and Sup Forums has been brainwashed by Arin and The Zaibatsu into believing he's an idiot.

Stop being a sheep.

His DNF review:

His RE6 review:

His Halo 3: ODST review (part 1 of 3):

His AssCreed Unity review:

His 1886 review:

His Evolve review:

Calling out Bungie (Destiny) (30:00):

His stance on GamerGate (easily one of the most mature and level-headed I've seen yet) (39:16):

Five Nights at Freddy's:

Nintendo being faggots (38:55):

Calling out Anita Sarkeesian for being a Professional Victim:

Dropping Truth Bombs regarding Twitch (27:25 onwards):

His thoughts on shitty video game reviewers (Revelations 2):

Also, as a streamer:

>Does not accept donations mid stream to interrupt game
>No follow/subscriber alerts
>No stream gimmicks
>No facecam
>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
>Literally just the video game
>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS

DSP's M.O.? Video games. The video games come first, and he as a player comes second. More Lets Players should be like this, but only DSP has the integrity to actually follow through.

If after all this you're still a typical anti-DSP Sup Forums mouth-breather... well, sorry, I tried. Guess you can't save them all.

fuck off dsp.

Why did he record all those easily exploitable green screen moments?

>Does not accept donations mid stream to interrupt game
>No follow/subscriber alerts
>No stream gimmicks
>No facecam
>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
It's hilarious that he has to do all this shit now and literally beg for money every week.

no, he needs to put his big boy pants on and start making steps to fix whatever shit situation he put himself in. he doesn't deserve a break, he doesn't deserve pity, and he doesn't deserve the money that he begs and manipulates dumbass viewers for. he has proven time and time and time and time again that he's a shitstain. Maybe hitting absolute rock bottom will be the kick in the ass he needs. Or more likely he'll just continue sitting there bitching the whole time.

>Its weird I hate him so much as a person I cant stop watching the This is how you dont play series.
Fucking this, man. I’m like perversely fascinated by how terrible of a person he is. I just can’t help but watch him get lampooned on YouTube, but if he were near me I wouldn’t even have the balls to look him in the face because of how cringeworthy he is, I would just get bummed out.

>I hate DSP
t. brainlet numale reddicucks aka 99% of Sup Forums posters


Is this a copypasta? I find it hard to believe that a person can be this fucking retarded.

If you guys think dsp is a trainwreck you should check out manlet tears lately. 8gag trolls have gotten him banned from youtube and twitter for being a little faggot, doxed pictures of his penis, doxed chat logs of him having a sexual relationship with a tranny, doxed his dads criminal past and he's been forced to self censor on twitch and donation beg for an audience half the size of dsps.

There isn't anyone more deserving of getting JUST'ed this badly.

this. I literally don't see the point in watching a let's player unless they're playing an extremely esoteric game. DSP is the only other exception where it's someone so bad that it is comical to view.

What happened with King of Pol?

king of pol is back apparently. he just shaved off his beard and looks completely defeated.

>not a single argument or counter-point
as expected of a nu/v/edditor like you. how fucking pathetic


literally who gives a shit

sounds like your obsessed with him. If you care about him so bad why don't you marry him.

drunk dsp is the best

>marrying White LTG
Yeah no thanks, I'd rather not be in debt.


Theres something about people being shitty at games that makes them fun to watch. I can’t put my finger on what it is, but I’d rather watch DSP play Overwatch or Dark Souls than some autistic, boring nerd do some glitchy bullshit in a speedrun. Same goes for Yahtzee’s Let’s Drown Outs. Yahtzee will openly admit that he sucks at vidya.

I think it’s the anticipation of knowing that they’re guaranteed to fuck up at some point, it’s kind of a cheap thrill.

This is like a Mr Bean bit, it's so good.

based on what?

if you're ever bored, go on Phil's board and check out the posts of "ThatDogGuy"

it's 100% phil pretending to be a fan to defend himself. It's embarrassing.

>scratches nuts on camera
>neighbor shouting "shut up" in the background
>dumps a bowl of sugar in pasta sauce
>gets gout
>jacks off on stream
>begs for money
>bans paying subscribers
>lies about his accomplishments


>I think it’s the anticipation of knowing that they’re guaranteed to fuck up at some point, it’s kind of a cheap thrill.
Kind of a weird analogy but I used to go get lunch at a deli that was right next to a skatepark. After a while I realized how entertaining it was just to watch a skater try a trick over and over again, and fsr it was really fun to see them actually land it after trying it for a while. I think it’s the opposite for DSP, because it’s exciting to see him get closer and closer each time, and the comedy comes from him not knowing what a fucking asshole he is.

I won't be giving Phil benefit of the gout


there's literally no one more pathetic than DSP at this point
even spoony is a winner compared to him

hello pathetic SoKuck shill

reminder that dsp is a literal cuckold

Am I the only one who feels like spoony is a good guy who doesnt deserve all the shit he got and still gets?

He's actually mentally ill, compared to the rest of these people who are just degenerates or fuckups of their own merit.

Yes, and you're also a retard. Spoony's always been an asshole, even when on meds. The "persona" he put on screen isn't a persona at all, he actually is a huge jackass, mental illness or not.

It sounds like Leanna was cucking him towards the end of their relationship too. You can hear her saying something like "I'm going to see him. Don't wait up."

Of course his only question was "we're still having dinner, right?" or "you're still making me food, right?"

>egg salad
wots this

