What was the institute's goal?

What was the institute's goal?

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to stop me from playing fallout 4 cuz theres no druggie cannibal edgelord faction

To let Obsidian figure out what to do with assets

The Disciples.

literally who

Replace people with Synths just for shits and kill the leader's dad

To save humanity. If you went for any other faction you're a gay retard.

>Replace people with Synths
why though?

>Save humanity by killing people and replacing them with synths

Why not, it's funny


Nuka World DLC

literally the worst DLC ever created, Bethesda needs to burn to the ground for that abomination

To be the bad guy because the writers are so fucking stupid they required one.

They claim to want to benefit humanity however their master plan is never outlined and they come across more as shut-in autists who can't relate to the common man due to the fact that instead of helping humans with their technology and be hailed and saviours they actively antagonize and fuck with people just because. They could have had potential but Bethesda's shitty writing ruined them.

The Institute = South Korea
Sinths = South Koreans

Every single faction in the game wanting to blow them the fuck up didn't help matters either.

The way he probably saw it, humanity couldn't survive the post-nuclear world, nor shouldn't live to start another superwar.

Or he was just unstable.

Reasons a brainlet like you could not even begin to comprehend.

where can I download the dlc esp files?

Every faction had a good reason to want to blow them up other than the Railroad.

They wanted to develop the means to wipe out everyone on the surface so that they could colonize it and repopulate with their version of civilization.

They believed that the civilization that arose in the wastes were too barbaric, too far gone, to be saved. They would sterilize the area, and spread their "utopia".

It's unclear what the history of leadership of the Institute was, but apparently previous leaders have been absolute twat nuggets. When the various city-states and colonies tried to unite and form a coalition to improve security, trade, and presumably rebuild some semblance of a major government, the Institute sent in a Synth to murder everyone. Presumably they felt that a democracy was inappropriate and that everyone should have subjugated themselves to the Institute because they had superior tech.

Shockingly, the inbred, highly isolated population appears to have developed pervasive sociopathy. The security force was on the verge of pulling a coup and establishing a dictatorship. The science department kidnapped people forcibly mutated them with FEV, then further experimented on them leading to their deaths. They developed humanlike machines that could think and feel, and clearly displayed emotions, presumably because belittling 1st generation synths wasn't entertaining enough. Despite the pretense of running the compound like a business, the leaders operate in a clandestine council where one fuck gets absolute authority which they can pass along to anyone, even complete outsiders, without any input or approval from the rest of the council.

If the Institute had their way, they'd develop super weapons and devolve into tiny dictatorships and absolute monarchies warring against each other and fully depleting any and all resources they can find.

In short, the Institute is another glorious example of Bethesda quarter baking an idea for a faction and trying to make them reasonable for evil characters to ally with.

I like how half of this is your own fanfic theory.

This desu

to shit up the franchise.

Achieve self-sufficiency underground.

After the fucked up trying to civilize the surface.

So they're a more retarded version of The Enclave?

No matter what their goal is.
They created fully human-like robots that can be used as sex slaves.
Every faction creating the best sex slaves is automatically my friend.

>We want to destroy the Institute because Synths are a threat to humanity
>We want to destroy the Institute because Synths are people too

No avellone tho. Need him.


Which part of it was fanfic? Everything that he said was spot-on. I understand Bethesda's writing isn't the best but surely no one can be this retarded to totally blank out what little backstory the antagonists have been given.

Are you stupid? Obviously they were... Well, they planned on... I mean, they created Synths to....

Whatever, you are just a contrarian asshole. How dare you question Bethesda!

Did you play the game?

After you fuck up Bunker Hill (from the Institute's POV), you meet Shaun atop the CIT ruins and he straight up tells you that he realizes that the wasteland cannot be saved.

Preston Garvey plainly explains the history of the Commonwealth states trying to unite, each sending a representative, and the Institute's representative being a synth who murdered everyone. I grant that I made an assumption as to their rationale (Hence the "presumably") but I'm not sure why else the Institute would have butchered a diplomatic congress of the Commonwealth communities.

CIT would have been made up of a small group, smaller even than a vault, when they escaped the bombs. Small, isolated populations are going to have inbreeding problems, even with eugenic planing.

The Security force literally takes over the food production area. This is an issue you have to sort out as part of a quest. Read some terminals and talk with some NPCs, and you'll find that the Security force has been overstepping their bounds and ramping up their monitoring of the other sectors. They disagreed with Shaun and wanted to take control.

Virgil's entire side mission, getting the cure for FEV is littered with information detailing the kidnapping and forced FEV experimentation.

The Institute developed Gen 3 synths, who clearly think and feel. They had Gen 1 synths who did not, and were more than capable of performing the menial labor they force the Gen 3s to perform. When you wander around the Institute you'll find that the staff tend to insult, threaten, and belittle Gen 3s, but are polite or at least indifferent towards Gen1s.

Having research divisions is business like, as is having a council of department heads lead by a CEO. However, that CEO (Shaun) has absolute power and puts the Player in charge despite protestations from Security and other departments. They had no diplomatic or legal means to oppose the Player's appointment as the new second in command.

So he was just pulling another Master?

Their motives were too complex.

You wouldn't understand.

Synths are worse than fucking mutants, and its too dangerous for anyone but us to have any level of tech so we must confiscate it to protect humanity.

We believe that synths are close enough to being human that they shouldn't be used as slaves, so we're going to run a major intelligence/ resistance agency to try and free them, and destroy the slave masters who make them.

Fuck the guys who have been murdering innocent people and replacing them with unstable robot replacements that occasionally go haywire and kill our citizens. Also, fuck the guys who murdered all of our diplomats the last time we tried to be anything more than a bunch of independent settlements.

>The Institute developed Gen 3 synths, who clearly think and feel.

This is a HUGE problem as well. The entire world is a 1950's future/past using old tube vacuum technology and rather clunky, rustic technology turned up to 11, yet a small (smaller than Big MT) group of people (technologists? researchers of something? Apple?) create some of the most modern robots and even make them INDISTINGUISHABLE from HUMANS (!!!). Bethesda just thought they could rush past this and establish it as fact without anyone asking questions, but I'M ASKING QUESTIONS GODDAMN IT!

You can't completely make up a retarded plot for the 4th (6th) game in a series and retcon everything that has been established, this isn't Elder Scrolls for Chris's sake!

To breed Gorillas

to not be in one of the worst AAA games to ever exist that's for damn sure

>humanity couldn't survive the post-nuclear world
Yet he lives in a time 200 years after the bombs dropped and humanity is still surviving.

I don't get it. Do you mean North Korea?


It's funny because it's ironic.

Explain, pussy.

make me nigger

Gotta love how shite the Railroads plan is: we're so dedicated to synths that we'll destroy the people who create synths in the first place. Do they not see a priority conflict there?