Hidden Steam Gems

Post games you've found on Steam that practically no one has played/heard of, and argue why they should try it.

I'll start with Regalia.
>fun tactical combat with lots of customization and depth
>great level scaling, meaning easy settings will feel easy, while still providing challenge at some points and hard will kick your ass
>no healfagging, the best you can do is shields, meaning every fight does not turn into turtle-wars
>goat music
>charming characters and personalities and romance options for all the girls
>town building and upgrading is fun and rewarding
>zero grind

Criticize and share gems.

Other urls found in this thread:



Astebreed and Renegade Ops

Why must you be this way?

Anyway, here's another one, Steamworld Heist (while not really "hidden", it's a gem rarely talked about on Sup Forums so I don't think many people here actually played it):
>Worms meets Xcom meets robot space pirates
>a million different weapons with different stats, uses and projectiles
>hat-customization (fuck you I liked it)
>"always outnumbered, never outgunned"-mentality, encouraging crazy bouncing headshots and bullet-curving
>looting, plundering, and spending the cash on your ship and your crew
>some missions are crazy-difficult to 5-star but the rewards are amazing
>cool universe with more lore and depth than you'd expect

Sell me on this. A 3D-but-not-really 2D bullet-hell shmup?

I remember playing this. Shit was fun as fuck, but I think I built wrong and ended up fucking myself.

Fuck off shill
No proper physical release, no buy!

>thread about games on Steam
>"m-muh physical releases!"

One Way Heroics. It basically has all of the features OP mentioned, plus infinite replay value, a surprisingly great plot, vast strategic depth, and is basically the best game ever. It's dirt cheap and there's no excuse not to at least pirate it right the fuck now.

Seriously, play this game as soon as you possibly can.

I bought Astebreed physical for PS4. Great presentation for a doujin game.

I have the game for you my friend
Closest thing I've ever seen to a spiritual successor to Paper Mario, comes out on PS4 early next month for $20 physical, GS has it up for preorder
I pirated it on PC but I'm going to buy it the second time around because I'm a physical copy sort of person

If you're a fan of beat 'em ups you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't check out Fight'N Rage.

Every time I try to bring this game up, barely anyone talks about it though.

Alright OP, I'll play, Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force (there's a mouthful) is a JRPG that no one seems to know is out on Steam:
>movement-focused turn-based combat
>a Nip game that actually features really fun and interesting male characters too
>minimal pandering (for the genre)
>Fang, the protagonist, has a surprisingly well thought-out arc, which makes him a much better character than you'd think
>no seriously, Fang might be the best written character in any JRPG this decade, he starts off like a stereotype but his development is amazing
>a lot of stereotypes are broken in this game actually
>looks great at 4k, and runs smooth as silk
>rockin' soundtrack: youtube.com/watch?v=Ucfzn_IZqpQ

Color me intrigued. Always on the prowl for SRPGs on Steam, but never heard of any of these.

How do you people manage to sneak into every thread?

>A procedurally generated RPG-roguelike

Two memes in the same opening sentence. This is not how you sell a game.

Oh that looks fun. How's the online scene? Is there one?

Then stop reading things written by the translators and just play the game.

I'll give it a try. I'm keeping my finger on the refund button though.

I've seen this in my peripheral while browsing for new vidya, but it seemed like high level weeb shit that was nothing but a circlejerk about Anime Cool Guy (tm) and his two waifus just from the art so I passed it. I got some serious SAO vibes just at a glance. Is it not like that?

Probably one of my favorite SRPGs OP. I loooved the fact that there was no healing. Nothing is quite as annoying as fighting a white mage in ANY game.

No online at all, unfortunately.

Pirates own the games they pirate more than anybody pays for them on Steam does.
I bought a PS4 last month just so I could have a steady supply of proper physical releases. That game looks good, especially for the price.

I found Saira to be a pretty fun platformer with some puzzle elements. It's got a lot of different planets to explore, each with their own gimmick. It's been a while since I played it though, so I can't really get too much more specific than that.

Also it's free, I guess.

I'm not gonna' lie, at the start of the game, there's some bitter pills to swallow. The protagonist starts off as an insanely lazy guy who complains about always being hungry. Now bear with me, because this is by far the low-point of the game.

Fang's character arc quickly starts building and the people he meets and how he treats them is really fascinating. He smacks the shit out of a potential love-interest and calls her a bitch for not agreeing with him pretty early, hinting at some really fucked up mental issues.

It takes a few really fun and unique turns that most JRPGs don't dare touch, and is almost worth playing just for that.

You just have to endure the opening hours, which is sad, because the game would have hooked people a lot better if it didn't present itself like ironic weeb garbage.

Speedrunners is a really good party game

Platformer racer with gadgets and speed boosts you find along the track to keep it interesting. Only downside I can say is that all the maps aren't available from the start and you need to play the game single player to unlock them (and the other runners, though they are all just cosmetic swaps). Point in its favor though there's support for more maps off of Steam Workshop

Regalia is too high-tier for Sup Forums. It requires a brain and an IQ over 20, which means that 90% of the users on this board won't even get through the install process.

Every time without fault.

These dinner dash like games are pretty fun.
I was curious and pirated Maggies Movies Camera Action! and I was comfy collecting my stars and the story was like my soap operas.

I hope Maggie achieves happiness and I hope this shit goes on a sale.

That does look fun, but I always panic in games like that. Like I don't think I deal with the stress very well of the higher difficulties, and tend to stop enjoying myself after a while.

Which is too bad because in the early levels where everything is nice and easy I find myself having fun and being very relaxed...

dead state is pretty good if you like a simple dnd style combat and exploring central texas

Literally 9/10 game, I wish more people played it.

The only thing keeping it from a solid 10 is that I wish they kept the 2D style in battle.

oh I wonder if it would affect me like that eventually. I noticed I was talking to myself a lot when playing the game.

I live in texas, and it sucks shit.
Can't imagine it'd work for a game.


I thought tons of people played it?

An RPG maker game, but it's incredibly well done and the only quality RPG maker I've played thus far. It's a Snes era JRPG style game with a ton of depth.

Nah, it's a niche genre.

I've actually heard about this. It looks very simple but looks can be deceiving. What makes it stand out from other RPG Maker games?

>all that great music
>surprisingly good voice acting
>vivid and clear sound
All around the game sounded amazing. And for someone who doesn't usually care about that stuff, this is actually pretty impressive.

The attention to detail when it comes to the monsters, abilities, stats, equipment and things like that. The plot tries a little too hard, but the number crunching is top notch, especially on hard difficulty and above.

Hmm, well you've got me intrigued. It looks like a great laptop game though, so maybe I'll give it a try.

Is it a long game? Can I expect some bang for my buck?

Astebreed is a really fun shmup. You have two different fire modes: Normal untargeted forward firing and Panzer Dragoon esque lock-on, spread / concentrated options for each, melee attacks and 2 version of what's basically bomb.
It's average shmup length so 1-2 Hours but it does some really cool stuff with perspective similar to Nier.

Didn't this game recently get a sequel or an expansion or DLC or whatever? Worlds Unknown? Or did I suffer a stroke and none of that happened?

I own this game for ps4 and you are making me really want to play it. I guess it can wait until I finish the .hack games.

I hope the dev makes a sequel that is actually longer/has more meat in terms of content. Maybe selecting stages from a map, upgrading/customizing the mech or side events with the sisters.

It's pretty long, like 30 hours for a playthrough and then theres a bunch of achievements side quests and secrets if you care about that stuff. I've seen people go pure autism mode and have over 1000 hours. I have about 80.

You totally should. It's fun as fuck when you get into it, and it even gets pretty challenging when the large fights break out.

Keep an eye on Fang though, and try to notice his subtle shifts in personality throughout the game. It feels like they started by making a generic weeb game, but then the writers said "fuck it, let's just do something very different this time" and no everyone just decided to roll with it.

I won't spoil it for you, but everything is not as it seems

I backed it and had great fun with it. Still sad the devs decided against romance but I guess it might have clashed with the goofy, light-hearted cast.

Yea a sequel just came out (Worlds Unknown) pretty recently but I haven't tried it yet. Playing Nier: Automata and sucked back into FF14.

I see how some people could miss romances, but honestly I didn't miss them as much as I thought I would.

I always feel that games that go full-waifu mode start focusing too heavily on the visual aspects of the girls, you know? Like personality and actions become flat shallow stocks to focus more on making suggestive artwork, poses and flimsy excuses to get them in bikinis.

I'm not saying any of that's inherently bad, but I am saying that not EVERY game needs it.

The last casual game I enjoyed was this Headliner game.
It's just a simple game where you just approve news for your newspaper, and influence people opinion about certain topics.
You just read them, stamp them and then walk home and talk with your family.
It's just a simple and short political game so I followed my beliefs and got a pretty good ending, if not the best. I don't know why so many people on steam forums got murdered or managed to kill their families.

I pirated it and ended liking it, but since I got a good ending already I don't feel like buying it lol. Maybe their next game...

I got a physical copy of it though. It even came with a map.

The only thing I don't like about LD (and what a large part of what made me drop it, I think) was pic related.

In my opinion: either make EVERYTHING large pixels, like the characters, or make everything statics artwork like the enemy. Don't. Mash. Both.

It looks retarded and just makes it feel like no one put any thought into the game's art-direction at all.

And it's sad because, as you mentioned, it's a surprisingly well-balanced game for a JRPG. There's very little you can do to cheese or abuse it, and it never stops being challenging.

How'd you manage that? Backing?

Regalia was actually really good, but it came out at a rough time, and was overshadowed by other releases. Which sucked because it was fun as fuck and deserved more sales than it got...

Are there m/m romance options?

There are no romance options. You can bro-up pretty deep with your loyal bodyguard, even spend the night in his bed, but that's essentially as deep as it goes.

The Swapper
>Claymation graphics that are charming even if not the best ever
>Puzzles that may not all be as good as Braid or Portal but still good stuff utilizing (and not overusing) the cloning mechanics
>A story exploring cloning and consciousness without shoving it down your throat and just executing it really well, with a great ending
>Atmosphere akin to cosmic horror
>Great music: youtu.be/ShPR4ABt0mk

>Great arcadey bullethell shmup
>1x1 px hitbox as it should be
>Powerup mechanics and game modes that have more depth and are more interesting than I've seen in other shmups
>Novice mode if you're a scrub where they cut out some of the attacks and bullets
>Continue if you're an even bigger scrub and still want to play through all the game has to offer
>Visuals, music etc. is great: youtu.be/KCwt9vOxT4o

Idk if it's the same kind of game entirely, but Crazy Plant Shop is a management game without a timer that I managed to enjoy as a result.

The Swapper looks really good. I might have to try that!

Reminder that an autumn sale is on the way.

This is the best thread on Sup Forums right now. I'm saving it.


Yeah, I agree with that. Also waifus would have taken away focus from the goofy comedy and crazy antics.

>mfw waifufag
>wanted to see which girl to befriend first
>ended up bro-ing it up with best boy instead

Why is he so perfect?

game won't load on my pc

I have a pretty good one. Harvester is an old point and click that was basically made in protest to the popular notion of the time that violent video games made people violent. I bought it for it’s ridiculously cheesy looks and set up, but found myself actually really enjoying the atmosphere it created.

I will say there are a couple of bullshit parts you shouldn’t be afraid of looking up, and the ending segment is probably the part I liked least. Still, I was really surprised by how much I liked it. I think it’s cheap on steam, give it a shot.

Man, I want to play this game so badly, but my computer keeps crapping out when trying to do so. I just can't deal with the constant crashing. At least I think it's just my video card being too old and nothing else since it's just a little below what's recommended. The game sounded fun, and I love games that have multiple routes. The MC also seemed like he'd be fun even if he starts off just being some lazy hobo.

The actor who played the protagonist in that got arrested somewhat recently, I remember, for possession of CP.

I actually heard about that. He always was a kidder.

>Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Surprisingly fun God of War style action adventure with a whacky B-movie storyline. Don't get discouraged by the generic artstyle.

Fantastic 4-player co-op game (can also be played solo or with less people, but 4-player is highly recommended) with puzzles, bossfights, challenges, speedruns etc. Looks like a classic top-down action game game at first, but it has you constantly bouncing an orb between players, making it more dynamic and chaotic than similiar games.

FPS rogue-lite. Pretty fast paced, with several difficulty modes and characters to choose from.

>Before the Echo
A mix of DDR-stlye rhythm game and RPG. It's a pretty linear story, but the gameplay makes it worth it.

>T.E.C. 3001
An endless runner that is actually good, pretty much Temple Run on acid.

>Toki Tori 2+
Metroidvania-esque puzzle adventure, surprisingly difficult. Also has Steam Workshop integration, meaning there's lots of custom levels to check out as well.

>Paper Mario
I disagree with that, but it's still pretty good.

What about Last Dream World Unknown?

>Before the Echo

Play The Metronomicon if you liked BtE.

The nice thing about Toki Tori is that you have all the abilites unlocked from the start but you only learn how to use them by playing the game so in your second playthrough you can go anywhere you like instantly.

>AI War: Fleet Command
one of the best strategy games I know, the universe is controlled by aliens and you have to take over systems from it by carefully weighing your options. The player is so outnumbered it's ridiculous. It's very deep.

I finished the alternate tower on the original FFF. If not for having a shit laptop, I can play the ADF version as well. Damn, I want the new routes that they feature on this.

I wonder if pic related becomes even tougher now.

Never heard of Regalia before now. After looking it up and watching a couple videos, it looks great. I'll definitely keep an eye on this and hope for a nice sale this christmas.

all waifu shit, what a coincidence. your opinion is worth nothing

He is Lord of Chads, and must be treated as such.

Which is sadly saying waaaay more about Sup Forums then this thread.

MC is surprisingly well done, like that guy said. I beat the game a few weeks ago and I strongly advise playing it. Have you tried running with lower settings?

Does this play anything like Fire Emblem? For some reason it's the only SRPG I really like playing, the rest have all been boring to me.

i've been waiting for this game for many years
and it came out and nobody bought it...

>Toki Tori 2+
Correct taste right here.

>even tougher

Oh yes.

Which other srpgs did you try? Older FEs, FFT, Tactics Ogre etc.?

It does. You take turns on a square grid, and there's lots of units and shit, placement is king and there chokepoints are God.

I've played all the GBA, DS, GC, and Wii Fire Emblem games and really enjoyed all of them. The GC/Wii ones were my favorite. Haven't gotten around to the SNES and I don't have a 3DS so I haven't played the waifu ones.

I played FFT and always got bored after a few missions and dropped it. Tactics Ogre I hung onto a little longer but it didn't feel as fun as FE, seemed like every character had too many attack options and there was too much shit going on. It didn't have the simple rock paper scissors mechanic of FE where I knew to send sword users against axe users and what mattered was positioning. I also tried Battle for Wesnoth which was kind of OK but the army management system put me off.

Sounds good. I'm a little worried about the lack of healers since protecting your healer/paper units is a big thing in FE, but I've played no healer runs in a few FE games and I imagine it plays a bit like that.

Paper Sorcerer is a Wizardry Clone (some call a DRPG)
like Grimlock or Etrian Odyssey

Its one of the best ones of these games on the PC, (most good ones are ds/3ds exclusives)

Lots of people don't like this genre but even people that do don't seem to know about this game

>You're a villian
>all the classes are monsters you summon (like skeleton)
>trapped in a book by the 'good guys'
>odd paper(beige) and ink(jet black) only art style
>really unique soundtrack

This game would have been 100x more popular except that the first level is by far the hardest. I think most people never beat the first boss and unlock the town, upgrades, and random dungeon.

Wesnoth isn't an SRPG so much as it is a wargame.

I've only played the 4th but Disgaea feels very smooth to me so maybe check that out if you have a console for it and like comedy, I agree older ones like FFT definitely feel old and are less accessible.

Is the town just the first place you can buy stuff? I don't remember it being hard, I found it a bit dull (mostly for not being my kind of game though).

Any gems I can pick up and play for a couple minutes at a time to hours?

Yeah its the hub world between levels

As I said most people don't like these types of games. For example, my favorite of all time- Etrian Odyssey 3 got a 6/10 at ign.

Crimzon Clover, One Finger Death Punch and SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition do that for me.

I've got Etrian Odyssey 4 on my 3DS and wanna try that, nothing about Paper Sorcerer grabbed me but idk if that's the genre or just that game's presentation.

Lords Of Xulima

You should buy it then because nobody ever really talks about it and I think it sold badly


Immortal Redneck is supposed to be just like Ziggurat I hear

good thread op
i'm downloading fairy fencer f, i'll get on it after i'm done with valkyria chronicles
i took a 2 week vacation

>Before the Echo
I got stuck on that game back when it was still called Sequence because I wasn't good enough at rhythm games to level up my spells, but it was awesome otherwise.