>What was the best boss fight in Dark Souls 1?
Souls thread
If you can beat Ornstein and Smough, you can beat anything the game throws at you later much more easily. That's the one fight that forges you.
>*Summons Solaire*
Solaire was fucking drunk or something everytime I summoned him, because he always got killed fast.
Ornstein & Smough
Artorias no contest
Artorias was great, but OnS takes the cake because it presented the most challenge in a creative way.
>have two bosses that would be hard enough to fight on their own
>challenging in a creative way
> ds1 bosses are hard
artorias fucking sucks thematically and as a boss fight
>ywn live to see a proper Dark Souls 1 sequel
>no bed of chaos
how does he suck thematically?
Kalamet is the most fun
Artorias the most skilled
Other bosses are just memes.
> go to the right and hit this thing
> now go to the left and hit that thing.
> ok now go in the middle and hit once
They are fucking pushover on their own. The second phase is always piss easy.
hes just a dude with no properties or interesting backstory
he's known for walking the abyss but he went into the abyss and got btfo almost instantly so that leaves him as "one of gwyn's four knights", hmm real interesting stuff
Reminder that Ornstein got his plume but Artorias set is still for edgy chicken leg faggots
i don't see what's so bad about his story. Like you said, he was one of gwyn's four knights, went to fight darkness in the abyss and eventually got consumed by it.