Bull Hell

I'm new to bullet hells, show me your favorites. So far I've gotten Crimzon Clover, Bullet Hell 2, Touhou 6, Beat Hazard, and Super Galaxy EX Turbo

Also which ones let me move real fast? I want my movement to be as chaotic as the bullets look

>Bull Hell
god fucking dammit

Raiden Series
Blue Revolver

Dangun Feveron lets you have pretty high movement speed.

Also, how do you all play your Bullet Hells? Do you restart the level if you get hit? I've been doing that and it feels so good to succeed but it gets really frustrating

Cho Ren Sha 68k is the fucking GOAT, plus its freeware!

Most times I just play out the credit, unless I did something retarded in the first few seconds.

The ShotTrigger releases have the right idea with a quick reset button. Most others make it a pain to reset manually, so I'd sooner just play it out.

Any of Shinobu Yagawa's games that use Rank. The Bat series especially (Battle Garegga, Armed Police Batrider, Battle Bakraid)

I play one credit and restart on game over until I identify the parts that give me trouble, then I practice those in isolation before returning to doing real runs. Practice is good but you don't want to be stuck restarting for an hour. Not only is it frustrating, but it's also unproductive. It's better to take a break and then come back, you'll learn better and have more fun while doing it.

Bullethell is trash, my man. Play a real shmup.

Dragon Blaze. The movement speed isn't too fast, but it's a very frantic, aggressive game where losing control of the screen even for a little bit will get you killed. It's not too heavy on dodging in the first loop. But the second loop is insane.

Give me five reasons

I should add that they don't really cross into bullet hell unless you really rack up your Rank early on and avoid lowering it.

1. it's usually low quality games
2. instead of being about the genre (as in shoot 'em up, you gotta shoot things) it becomes about avoiding bullets instead and navigating mazes (so it literally becomes a maze puzzle game instead of a shooter)
3. Non bullethells usually have sweet as fuck bosses and soundtracks and attack effects
4. bullethell is popularized by weebshit like tuhu and because of that it devolves into loli fucking and waifuing bullshit
5. bullet hell is gay shit, play Space Invaders Extreme instead

t. fag whose only experience with bullet hell comes from touhou

Literally show me one bullet hell that doesn't devolve into moving pixel by pixel through safe "roads" of bullets and holding down shoot until the boss dies.

It's such a pointless sub genre of a far superior genre. Nerds only like it because they perceive it to have an actual challenge and require actual skill and the psychadelic placebo of bullets is just a distraction.

t. tripfag who likes all shooters except bulletshit.

Gunbird 2

That aint bullet hell, son.

also more Psikyo on Switch fuckin WHEN.


It has more bullets than fucking dodonpachi at times you idiot. But actually even CAVE has games like Ketsui where not playing aggressively gets you slaughtered


Akashicverse is good too

Shoot the Bullet

big bull hell

nevermind, I suck cocks

>Also which ones let me move real fast? I want my movement to be as chaotic as the bullets look

lmao fag.

pic related is bulletshit.

If you want fast play shmups instead of danmaku
Or if you just want to move fast play Shoot the Bullet or Double Spoiler but you don't really shoot in them

sorry guys, I just can't stop sucking big meaty cocks

Yes one of many styles of bullet hell games, Deathsmiles is also a solid game which has a lot in common with the likes of R-Type when you play death mode

anyone remembers the name of the danmaku game with only 3 colors or so (blue/red/green) and the bullets blend in with the background made out of the same 3 colors?

I'm not very experienced with the subgenre but I really liked Bullet Heaven (a spinoff from that Flash series Epic Battle Fantasy)

Colorful shooting

touhou is magnum opus of bull hells

Haha wow u homo stapp


oh, sorry, I'm tripping all over these giant cocks I'm servicing

Gross, bro, get some help.

Who SUPER Star Soldier??

thank you user

tried playing it but almost fell asleep

Hey user I got some advice for you regarding bullethell games.

1. Don't try to watch all the bullets, you'll get overwhelmed. Watch where there aren't bullets and move into those safe places.

2. Use your fucking bombs. Bombing is not a bad habit unless you're trying to set some new high score on a game, and by that point you need to be able to do no-death runs consistently. When it comes to just beating the game, you'll progress further AND have a better score if you're willing to use bombs. This is especially true for games where you lose bombs by dying. Fucking up and bombing when you didn't need to is a waste of a bomb. Fucking up and dying when you could've bombed is a waste of all the bombs you have left on that life, as well as that life itself. You should never die if you have even a single bomb left.

3. Take advantage of practice modes. They're great for getting better at late game levels. On some games you need to beat a level before unlocking it for practice. Honestly there's no shame in using continues if it's just to unlock every level in practice mode, because practice will get you better faster than just replaying the game from start will.

4. Learn how scoring works. This isn't just for the sake of scoring, getting extra lives at certain point milestones is common across the genre. Just look up how scoring for your game works online, it isn't worth trying to figure out on your own. Lots of games have weird little tricks or quirks you wouldn't think of regarding what gives you the most points, and knowing this stuff can get you a crucial extra life or two during a run.

Have fun user.

>2. Use your fucking bombs.
Fukken this. I dont know how many times I had to see my friend die because he would forget he has bombs.

Especially since some games give you a shit ton of bombs per level

the GUI will make no absolutely no sense at all initially, but fuck me if that wasn't a great game

DaiOuJou is fucking GOAT, prolly one of the best out there

5. Identify what kind of attacks you are dealing with. First look if the attack is aimed at you (or around you) or if it's static. If it's a simple aimed attack tap dodging and streaming are effective. If it's static, memorize it. Usually attacks will be combinations of both. It's a good idea to go into practice mode and see how the attack will move you stand still. If the attack is RNG then you're fucked.

Bombs can be tricky because it takes experience to recognize when you need it and it doesn't feel good to waste it. I remember playing Enter the Gungeon and any time I used a shell I'd take damage because the second before shelling I'd stop paying attention to dodging and focus on pressing the stick. Most aren't as tricky with it though.


Doesn't get any better

>4. bullethell is popularized by weebshit like tuhu and because of that it devolves into loli fucking and waifuing bullshit
God damn there's so much ANGER in this post. I want you to look at this lewdhu and get all that anger out, user-kun.

Hmm... ahh... I see.

>one full glass of sperm