More questions for the people who played this game

More questions for the people who played this game.

Can you practice in free roam with lethal weapons, then just load a previous save to avoid accumulating demon points? Or is the game dedicated to tracking demon points?

Also relative to missions and side missions, can you just play them using lethal force but have a non lethal save you can just load?

Other urls found in this thread:

But you're already a demon user

autosave you fucking faggot

Okay spergmaster, lets try coherent sentences this time....

Is autosave permanently on, constantly saving your actions and progress? can you shut it off?

I'm really fucking curious if I can play extended periods of time going lethal without acquiring demon points.

I don't think you can do that. Try backing up your saves.

thanks famjam

I built one fucking nuke, which got stolen before I even got a fucking chance to process it! I don’t the the Shrapnel boner on my head, but how the fuck do I get the the fucking gallons of blood of me!

I read you have to decrease demon points by doing acts of heroism to remove that bs.

This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid/work around. I have no problem going non lethal, but to be constantly worried about demon points and having to "pick and choose when I go lethal" sounds annoying as shit.

Why even care about demon points? I got demon snake half way through the game but it didn't do anything besides make you bloody and your horn bigger. Just play what you feel in the moment

seriously fuck Kojima for doing this demon point shit

>hurr war bad
I'm already a demon, I get it

Who gives a fuck?

I really don't want my character covered in blood and flies. Looks stupid.

I don't mind a morality system in the slightest. Love the idea of capturing enemies even. It's just the punishment makes the character look ridiculous.

Autosave is always on and cannot be disabled. There is no manual saving. If you run around with lethal weapons,I guess you could just never trigger another Autosave.They only happen between zones IIRC.But realistically,no you'll never escape the autosave. This isn't a game you can dick around freely in then "reload".

Once you go full demon,you get a mission to undemon yourself.It's basically suicide and there's basically no reward.You sacrifice like 20 S rank soldiers for a Humanitarian Aid mission and an assload of good karma. It's one of those combat unit missions.

That's fucking terrible...I mean all I want to do is practice in free roam, maybe replay a mission (if that's even fucking possible) going lethal straight operator style....all without being punished for it.

I feel you. I actually accumulted all my bad karma in FOB mode using lethal weapons on enemies in FOBs. I didn't think that was possible. Had to do the retarded mission to unbloody myself. I love my lethal weapons, especially my grenade launcher. And I loved playing with rocket launchers and shizzle.
The only "good news" I have is you could always do what I did: Realize that it gets increasingly harder to become demon once you've done it once and fixed it (it takes more points the next time,not 50k but 60 or 70k or something) so you can just re cure yourself... or you could play as your favourite DD.

seems like something that could be rigged up on the pc version

It's possible that restarting a mission resets all the heroic/demon points and every resource and soldiers you captured, but I'm completely not sure.
As an alternative to backing up your saves like I've mentioned earlier, you could also choose to play as a DD soldier and not having to worry about the visual changes in Venom.

I'm so disappointed now. But how long would you say it takes to:
1.) Get to demon snake if all you did was lethal?
2.) Grind your way back to 0?

tweet kojimbo and ask him

>you could also choose to play as a DD soldier and not having to worry about the visual changes in Venom.

Yeah I might have to do that when I'm not grinding away at heroism to get back to 0. You only lose the metal arm right with DD soldiers? Can you use all weapons including their upgrades from all the gunsmiths with DD soldiers?

MGSV's meta ending becomes a lot easier to swallow when you consider GZ and TPP as an allegory for Kojima's strife with Konami. There are too many instances of events within the game reflecting real life for it to be a coincidence.

>Deja Vu
>"You might be able to erase the markings, but the memories will never disappear..."
>Leading up to TPP's release, Kojima's 'marking' was scrubbed from promotional materials
>Big Boss watches as everything he has built crumbles to ashes in front of him
>Kojima's life's work no longer belongs to him, Konami are free to rape the MGS series' corpse while all he can do is watch
>Kojima leaves Konami behind and goes on to build his own Outer Heaven, while we the players are left to suffer with a series that has become a phantom of it's former glory
>It's bittersweet since the MGS series couldn't have gone on for as long as it did without our support, but we are left with the phantom pain of a beloved series being milked for all it's worth by a money-minded publisher

Shitty writing aside, you have to give the guy some credit for telling a story that blurs the line between fiction and reality as much as MGSV, intentionally or not. If the working conditions at Konami are as bad as that Nikkei report claimed they were, it took a lot of balls to make a game that is essentially one last 'fuck you' to his slavedriving bosses.

>Can you use all weapons including their upgrades from all the gunsmiths with DD soldiers?
I believe so.

The only things DD soldiers miss out on are the robo arms.

Alright, thanks again fampies

>kojima's hopes and dreams

Alright good stuff...wasn't planning on using much of the arm anyways.

It sounds like you are where I was. If you hit demon Snake for the first time,you're sitting at 50,000 demon points.Probably a little more.
Grinding it back is not pretty.You're probably too far into the game to make use of the best way to get Good Boy points--shit like,maxing out Quiet's/DDog's friendship meter,extracting all animals,clearing all mine missions.If you're Truely unlucky,you got this game on release day like me and can't 100% it due to a bug that prevents you from collecting all the blueprints for more Good. Boy points.
Ordinarily you only make points extracting animals and men alive for like 30 or so points,but the best way to make points is actully just to visit Animal Zoo Platform.This gets you 200 Good points,but you need to sit through loading screens.And you'll be sitting through a lot if you want to grind down 50k 200 at a time.
The best way,sadly,is to sacrifice the 20 men in the combat mission.I didn't like it,but shit,look at the alternitives.

Lol I haven't even played it yet. Just been drooling over youtube vids until I can make the purchase. Doing research on google etc etc. Was really excited to get my hands on it, a little less now though..

They also have stuff that Snake doesn't. Both genders get the face mask and ballistic face mask, while females get Eva's jumpsuit, and The Boss' sneaking suit from MGS3. The masks, as far as I can tell, do nothing other than look cool.

Don't let me scare you. It was truely very fun. You can probably tell I spent a lot of time with it. It's also free right now for PSplus members. I was considering using my free trial to download it to my ps4 just so I can play without getting my CD out. You could always give that a shot.
My memory is rusty but you can basically AMA.

There was a point in those gold/silver outfits for quiet?

Just buy it, don't demon points get in the way of your enjoyment of the game. Blowing up outposts with a rocket launcher while riding D-horse is too fucking fun to really give a damn.

Yeah I read that in the past. They can equip the balaclava's...I like games that allow you to equip the balaclava's. They just look cool, plus I don't like the horn/shrapnel on Snakes head etc etc

I wasn't really into stealth games besides hitman, but I am having so much fun with the game, there is just so much to do and so many options... BUY IT

Me too. Game is solid even if it suffer from the open world meme.

Blast Arm sniping people across the map is so fucking fun in MGO, even if it makes you feel like an asshole

Why wouldnt you wanna earn demon points? Bloody is shitty but the longer horn looks bad ass

Nah it wasn't even your post m8. It's the whole lack of being able to work around the demon point system. Like I don't mind a morality system, just wish there was a work around to play lethal, but just erase that gameplay/don't save that gameplay and just carry on with my more careful play through.

I think the only other question I have are will your game get interrupted if your mother base gets attacked by another player? Can you just play off line to avoid all that? Or is that a separate game mode all together?

Ohhh and do you know if Ps4 or Xbox has the larger multiplayer community that's still active?

Oh no question I'm still going to make the purchase....I'll deal with whatever bullshit, just not as excited as I was prior. But yeah, still definitely going to get it.

Far as I know Quiet's outfits are just that, outfits, they change nothing other than how she looks.

You can throw Snake in the parasite suit(more gimp mask than ski mask), but then he can't use either of the bandanas. Same with the Raiden suit, but at least that gives you faster run speed as a tradeoff.

If only it wasnt dead

Are you Pro Jared?

Nah,Miller will call you if your base gets attacked--from there you decide to quit and defend or not.And desu,no one attacked you when they could see you are online(even back when the game was new). That wasn't the strategy--you wanted to go in while your opponent was asleap or at work so you could just face his AI controlled guards.
Today,I imagine it's much much slower. A while ago,my main source of postgame came from invading fake event FOBs for prizes (cosmetics,lmao).
I'd be amazed if anyone got invaded online unless it's one of your friends.
Also,you can play offline but you don't want that--the game has since been patched to only develop some items while online,and you can only collect resources from your FOB while online (and you'll fucking need them).I believe you can't develop your FOB offline.There's probably more I'm forgetting.

Oh yeah that parasite suit, saw some gameplay with that. Kind of a cool lookin' uni.

I actually really like that basic uni, with the pancho looking thing around the neck lol. Snake lookin' like Clint Eastwood lol. I'll be maining that uni until I get bored with it.

I'm still finding a decent number of matches on PS4
I can't imagine having to worry about Demon Snake if you're just playing missions normally and slitting a few throats here and there, if you're planning on balls-out gunning down entire outposts and setting goats on fire that might be a problem. I've only gotten the medium horn a few times and that was when I was TRYING to get it, all it takes is one quick replay of Mission 22 to get it back to normal.

>and you can only collect resources from your FOB while onlin

All that's good shit to know, thanks man.

Alright fellas, I think that will do it. Been fighting tooth and nail to make sure I don't watch too many vids/spoil too much. On that note you guys take it easy and stay frosty out there famslams.

I'm Sly Cat.

Nice, all this curiosity about that point system and I might not even reach demon snake lol...anyways thanks for answering my questions guys, dooses

Until this thread I did not know that demon snake, just today I saw snake blooded and shower did cleaned up.

For me it only took a few hours of outpost cleaning while doing side ops.

What the fuck, I only just realised that's a lightbulb on the Stun Arm and not a skull being electrocuted

It gets to the point where you need to kill entire missions of people many many times to get full blood demon. The only thing that will give it guaranteed is building a nuke, instant demon at 100%

The first time. After that you could unbloody yourself and build another,and it won't turn you demon. A nuke is really just 50,000 demon points.

If you're on pc, there is a mod on nexus called infinite heaven that allows you to customise many difficulty aspects of the game. I got it to force subsistence/OSP on for all missions, but it also has some debug features, including reseting demon points to zero.

The creator makes it disable any custom settings during FOB missions so don't worry about bans.

Get it on PC
Get Infinite Heaven
Have fun.

>game tells you to avoid combat
>rewards you for not killing people
>just shooting everybody with all those amazing weapons would be so much fun
>no, I'll have to stick with the tranquilizer and CQC

I just don't know how to play these games man

has anyone cracked v1.12 yet? i dont feel like buying it just because of IH, as good as it may be

provided you avoid checkpoint saves sure

multiple saves requires switching files in a folder, unless theres a mod for it

side note, you can farm un-demon points and even though my most used weapon was the knife i never really had my morpho fragment grow

rocket punch
active decoys
thermals and smoke
sleepgas mines
riot weapons

plenty of options my dude


well the game also rewards you for doing things really fast, even if you're brutal

some of those japanese guys on youtube do those missions in a very noisy and chaotic way, but it's over in 2 minutes so they still get an S rank

Have played like 25% of this game and had no idea about good/bad points...
Have just been straight Call of Dutying some missions if I get spotted

When you have 50k demon points,you unlock a combat deployment mission to restore all your karma.The catch is it's a high difficulty mission where your men,20 S ranks or higher,have a single digit survival rate,so you lose all of them basically.What's not to get?

that's why you shower

Yeah, the rank system is a bit fucky. It's mostly function except for the goddamn "listen to all conversations" mission side objectives, those are the most fragile AI scripting in the world.

Fly in with the helicopter and shoot everyone. Good chances for an S-rank.

If you wanna play more methodically, go for the side objectives. Ranks are "arcadey" and reward "speed-runy" gameplay ; side-objectives are about carefully approaching each mission and handling it like a ghost.

hide on rock formation
lmg it in the dick until it dies
perfect stealth no kills