Playing NGB since today, got up to chapter 7

Playing NGB since today, got up to chapter 7.

NG2 is better in every way, you fags memed me hard I'll admit.

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Black is better balanced, has fair bosses. It has that small open world with shortcuts, feels kinda Dark Souls actually. Combat is more strategic and less about UT and OT spam. Both games are great, it's a shame we'll never get Black 2 or at least vanilla 2 without framedrops.

ng2 only has better combat/gore, but even then it greatly overused enemy projectiles

ngb is a godly action adventure game

2 feels more impactful in every action and has much better choreography. Its hard to tell when something is dead in B because its not visceral enough, and the camera and bow controls are awful

What difficulty?
NGB on Master Ninja is better than 2's Master Ninja mode.

I don't even know. I just put new game and it just started. Do you just unlock more difficulties as you beat it?

Yep. There's hard, very hard and master ninja.

So starting for the first time means I'm on normal then? No wonder...

you unlock mission mode and the next difficulty once you beat it on normal, assuming you didn't get demoted to ninja dog in chapter 1.
difficulties add new enemy types and upgrade old ones
black mission mode is a lot better than ng2 mission mode

I played Black after 2 and I felt the exact same way. Combat felt like so much more of a dance in NG2. Black is built almost entirely around abusing the UT.

Newsflash, you're fucking shit at Ninja Gaiden.

>has fair bosses

NGB&NG2 have the same issue that DMC1&DMC3. The sequels have way better combat, but everything else is a step back.

They are all 10/10 anyway

>black mission mode is a lot better than ng2 mission mode
I'm trying very hard to respect this opinion, but I can't

More like 10/60


I did beat it first try on MNM. Git gud.

Got it, not your thing.

Sure you can find a thread about some visual novel or cinematic experience, those look more your speed.

Dying in these games just makes me want to play iijii moodo.

then try comparing the mission modes
ng2's was gimped and was dlc for some reason

You're dumber than a bag of hammers

I only ever played Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Am I missing out on something? Why are people saying Black is better?

>feels kinda Dark Souls
fucking hell user, fuck you

I knew somebody will bring that up but come on, I'm not even memeing here. It's very hard, has interconnected world, checkpoints, every enemy has some weakness you can abuse, you even lose your essense if you die. It is kinda similar.

>Hello there fellow anonymous, i'm holding on to some shit and i'd like to fling it at someone. Which is better: Black or Sigma? :DDDD

Get out

I didn't even compare the two I don't understand the love for Black. Brainlet detected.

>le Dark Souls XD
>Git Gud LOL

Fuuuuuuck youuuuuu

Some parts are just stupid and poorly done though. The bow boss despite the mechanic sucking. And chapter 4 has random popup enemies on every other corner. This series is way better linear like 2 with some secrets thrown around if you care to explore

When does NGB get hard?
I remember first booting up NG2, and the first set of enemies kicked my fucking ass

pyramid, labirynth and demon tower are all pretty harsh

if its your first ninja gaiden then probably alma
people who are really bad at games lose to murai though

It's because they are fanboys/parrots who don't know any better. No sane person that played both games would have that attitude, that's why this is not an issue outside of cesspools like Sup Forums

>Alma is le hard

One day someone will have to explain this fucking meme to me. I seriously doubt any of you people have even played this game since release if at all.

you're trying too hard

Funny, you're the second newfag to accuse me of samefaging today, on two different boards on two completely different subjects.

And by funny i mean you're a fucking idiot.

Sun (power) or moon (defense) armlet? Everything seems to be dying fast but a few bullets or one hit seems to do a lot

you're not a bitch, right user?

-abnormal throw range with tracking
-flies around while trying to dodge flying swallow
-the arena can have camera issues
-frequent projectiles
you might not find her hard now but she is still a wakeup call

>you're trying too hard
Epic! reaction image and you caught the samefag xD truly an Epic! non-try hard response user! A+. Anyone wanna be in the screencap?

>abnormal throw range with tracking

Are you the Soulsfag? Every single enemy in NG tracks

>flies around while trying to dodge flying swallow


>the arena can have camera issues



Like every other NG1/S1 boss? If it's normal mode the brown fiends are a joke.

>frequent projectiles

Surprisingly easy to dodge

>you might not find her hard now but she is still a wakeup call

She wasn't for me and i'm not trying to boast. She's not "easy" but she in no way deserves the meme status you people keep trying to give her, especially when that cunt Elizabeth exists. That being said i very much enjoy fighting her because it's a constant fast paced back and forth. I was sad to see them kind of ruin her in Razor's Edge, a shame because Doku is actually a lot more fun to fight in that game.

To this day I drool over Alma's design and encounter(s), she's everything a perfect boss fight should be.

there isnt a single soulsbabby on this board that can complete ngblack on ultraninja difficulty
I did it it when I was 14

go play dark souls you shitter



Sigma added some shitty new enemies and bosses that just aren't fun to fight and it removed a lot of the puzzles and other level design stuff that provided some gameplay variety.
One thing that was kind of interesting though is they redid some level segments to naturally integrate into the main game some of the enemy types that only appeared on the harder difficulties of Black

This guy is full of shit, only one of the enemy added is bad of which there are like 5 of them all in the same level and only there for thematics as they are piss easy. The bosses added, by which he means 1, is very fun to fight. And by a lot he literally means barely anything worth of note.

>tfw started playing Black a few months ago and quit at Alma

It wasn't a conscious decision, I just didn't pick the game back up right away and after a while I felt I wasn't practiced enough to handle the challenge anymore.

>Its hard to tell when something is dead in B
It really isn't. The death cry enemies make is distinct to any other sound they make.

Was 3 any good? Only played 1 and 2.

The biker guys are a pain in the ass and the water combat with the fishmen was garbage

If you mean Razor's Edge, yes

if you mean vanilla 3, no

I'm just beat first sigma on master ninja difficulty. How much harder black version is?

This rehash boss was new too

>better balance
>fair bosses
>feels like dank swags actually

You are an absolute scoundrel

>better balance
>hurr durr heres some enemies who can swing forever and when they dont? they throw shurikens at you haha le balance le open world !

2 is better than this shit

What exactly is wrong there? It surely more balanced than NG2's IS/UT/OT spam. Bosses are surely more balanced than Genshin or Elizabeth. It does have a structure similar to Dark Souls.

>2 is better

you see your coming from a bit of an experienced background and looking back without acknowledging how difficult it could be to someone unfamiliar with the games like this

Ninja Gaiden was my first entry into the genre and Alma was literally a problem for these exact reasons the user mentioned

again not saying your wrong coming from an experienced viewpoint but for newbies its fairly reasonable criticism

>tfw eurocuck

>The biker guys are a pain in the ass

>Flying swallow them when they stop
>Guillotine Throw their bitch asses of the bike as they drive underneath you
>Just plain attack them when they stop
>Use Ninpo on them
>Use essence from one to UT the other
>Do a running attack as they drive by


much pain
very ass

GTing them off the bikes is especially satisfying.

yes fishmen were garbage, it's a good think they only appear in one level and there's like 5 of them.

This is funny because even the NES games AI had mild tracking and heavier tracking in certain spots.

How is emulation going for this stuff?
I still have my OG xbox with NGB but no ps3 or 360.
Also i'd like to play NG1 at 60fps.

He wasn't new, he was the same boss you fought before but fixed with one more move so he can actually do something besides get stuck in a loop.

Is it only possible to play black on the OG xbox?

It's been a decade since I played the game but this seems to match how I remember it with half the time the flying swallow gets blocked for some reason and their back and forth movements not playing well with the camera
Forgot link

It just came out on Xbone.

That gameplay just gave me cancer. Literal definition of spray and pray, all those missed inputs from the spam...fucking lol
Was that played by baboon? Please tell me you're not that retard.

Explain what you mean when you say balance.

Also we're disgusted because you keep calling a trap a real woman basically. We won't say anything; but if you then say the trap is as attractive as one of our favorite girls you're getting out of hand.

It is not an action game.

He tilts his head a bit before doing the grab IIRC.

NG2 is the better game but the original is harder.

Well he got a Master Ninja rank at the end so he can't be that bad

>8 minutes for a mini mini boss


Or it was a watered down port even in difficulty

Because of the worse controls? Input delay? Less combos? Enemies that just spam attacks and don't give you a chance to attack back? An awful camera? I wonder why the original is harder!

No, he really doesn't. He can even spam the grab one after the other and there is no telegraph animation, as soon as his head recoils from the first bite it immediately thrust forward again. And the time from when he starts the attack and it reaches you is less than a second.

Really? Are you really gonna fucking pretend rank in NG means fuck all or did you actually not play these games?

Sigma is literally harder than Black. Some enemies have improved AI.

>see it get hyped by the internet as the best action game of all times
>play it
>camera is literally your greatest enemy, forced into tight spaces with controls tied to camera and just a shitty reset button with lag
Don't ever say this shit is even close to DMC3, it's fuckin amateur hour.
NG2 improves it but still has problems.

>DMC3 baby

Get back in your crib

360 or X1

I can dodge the grab consistently, your reactions just aren't good enough.

DMC1 is better, so it doesn't surprise you're wrong about this too

And you are full of shit, you are not dodging the grab on reaction because it is simply humanly impossible.

You are either abusing the upper platform edge strategy, Dabilaroh or simply guessing when he is going to bite by constantly moving and rolling every single time he can do the grab. You're not super human faggot, many much better players than you have fought this boss and they all rely on these things.

Op is a fag ngb is better than 2 quit being a contrarian 2 is still great though.

Scrub learn the controls the camera is super easy to handle if you learn how to play.

So if you don't beat him on your first try you're a shitter?

2 is better in every department. The sheer destruction of the game and even smoother combat puts it above any different design choices the first game might have had. This isn't even going into the fantastic voice acting and cinematic direction. You literally carve your way through the rivers of hell, leaving behind only paths of blood and arms. The upped intensity all in all makes it a much better game, as well as streamlining of somethings and improving mechanics

If you don't no damage, no upgrade, wooden sword, blind, speed run this game you're a shitter.

>fantastic voice acting

You better have played with Japanese dub or else i won't be able to contain my laughter.

I have never made it pass chapter 4 or 5 on normal. The one boss with the electric fight on the blitz. I also got a game over on the ghost fish enemies while in ninja dog mode. I cleared Gaiden 2 without having to lower it below normal. Why the fuck is 1 so hard? And it's worse since sigma 1 is tamer than black, by I still can't do it.

>Why the fuck is 1 so hard?
>And it's worse since sigma 1 is tamer than black

Clearly it's because you're too fucking retarded. You never got past the 4th chapter but somehow you know the ins and outs of how each game relates to each other in terms of difficulty?

Ryu is much better in eng but its equal everywher else

I would honestly like to see some sort of crossover between NG and DMC.

I'm crying here!

>chapter 4 or 5
I could maybe understand being a bit troubled by the first Gallas you face if you don't have the Dabilahro, but even then, what?
I suck at games and even I could beat it.

Wrong, and I feel like NG2 in particular out of the two gets worse the further you go because of its very nonpersonal and uninspired bosses (all the greater demons) and its locales arent nearly as well designed or interesting as in black

Meanwhile in NG1 you had bosses (which were characters you cared about) like Doku, Murai, the vigoor emperor and THEN you had shit like the asshole demon that puts you through the boss gauntlet

The only thing I think that NG2 really builds on is the pure combat mechanics but even that wasnt a pure improvement, more like a shit of focus. Every weapon is fast and intricate as fuck now but I dont recall there ever being a very good reason to use anything but the dragon sword or the extremely overpowered scythe. Dismemberment and the QTE kills added a new dimension to the combat but ultimately it just gave you more iframes to hide behind (which was ridiculously necessary). The original game made it feel like there was more relevance to what weapon you used rather than them just being slightly faster or slightly slower short/fast dragon swords (just compare the vigoorian flail or the dabilahro to t

not sure why that posted early, compare them to the scythe or the kusarigama

NGB is just a better package, albeit not as hard if thats your only focus

Ok, i guess i have super human reactions then.

Why are you so hostile? I said I never beat Gaiden 1 on above ninja dog mode. I found 2 to be acceptable to play on normal from start to finish. I also said I got killed by the ghost fish which don't show up until the near end of Gaiden 1. I find Gaiden 1 to be a significant challenge on normal compared to Gaiden 2, which while not a cakewalk is merciful enough. One thing I really like is the dual katana in sigma 1 were nailed perfectly in moveset and power compared to 2 and 3. I'm playing razors edge and not having a good time, fundementally broken. Anyway, got any hot tips on making it pass the first 5 chapters in NG1 Sigma on normal? I know how to cheese Alma so shes not a problem.

He tilts his head prior to initiating the grab, go watch a smaugan fight on youtube if you can't recall the tell. It's pretty quick but it's definitely not "impossible" to react to, you're being ridiculous.