>Spamming voicelines are now a bannable offense.
Overwatch is fucking dead.
>Spamming voicelines are now a bannable offense.
Overwatch is fucking dead.
>getting banned for using game options
video games 2017
>Win a quickplay pretty convincingly
>Type "EASIEST GAME OF MY LIFE" in all chat
>8/10 times get the most butthurt comments of all time
I don't give a fuck about this game, it's hilarious and worth a ban.
I blame streamers
Heck no.
Stopped playing this shitty game over a month ago because they'll never add more than a single map per update, and instead bloat the game with more cosmetics despite the updates being so spread apart. They will also never make a new character that isn't a pile of gabage, let alone one better than Ana.
It's pretty funny and sad that they're doing dumb shit to stop "toxicity" too.
I have been calling Jeff Kaplan an autistic kike everytime I'm in game, and still no ban :(
you can't bot this game like wow and diablo so they have to ban you for something to get you to buy the game over and over.
This is exactly like PUBG devs banning people for using the car horn when a streamer can hear it
Playing this faggot game should be a bannable offence
How long until they remove DVA's "is this ez mode" voiceline because it might inspire toxic behavior?
How long until they remove dying because it disrupts their gaming experience?
Dispenser, comin' up
*honks horn*
they wont remove it just make it so the enemy team cant hear it
30 day ban for being disruptive in chat
Love how Overwatch became TF2's biggest contender and STILL fucking died within a year.
The game play design is ass. Every match feels sluggish, every hero run at the same speed which makes very little variety in mobility. Constant DPS dick sucking while there's only four healers. Two of which are off healers and the other absolute mediocre in comparison.
Character design is bland and one note with even the"evil" characters feeling Disney like instead of actually being controversial.
Blizzard keeps throwing money at the eSport scene instead of letting the community develop their own competitive scene like every other fucking game, which just encourages toxic behavior and people playing the game like a job and not like a game.
It's a insult to actual video games by how shallow the entire development into Overwatch seems to be, with the game's only saving grace is it's porn community.
Truth isnt bannable user
came here to post this
>get emote from lootcrate
>use it
>get banned
Why is a fast paced high octane team based shooter where the game objectives are shoot and murder the other team filled with such meanypants who use bad words to hurt my feeeeelings?
Cant jeff kaplan find a way to make this game less violent?
What the fuck is wrong with Blizzard?
I knew a person on the FFXIV Community Ambassador team who told us that spamming emotes in Cities is actually considered a bannable offense.
>play 3v3 cause it's the only gamemode that isn't 100% shit
>Constantly forced to play against GMs/t500s with two shitters that range from gold to diamond on my team
>Literally FORCED to carry the two retards in 90% of the matches
>Can't get angry or shit talk the idiots on my team
It's funny how they complain about "toxic" attitude when they're the ones causing it.
Word of advice, your weapon accuracy is above 50%?
don't play 3v3 alone, you will suffer.
>play game focus-grouped to attract the most normalfags possible
>get mad the game puts you with normalfags
What the fuck is Blizzard's problem? Who gives a shit about voice commands?
>spamming nigger nigge rnigger
>get banned for life
Its a corporate decision for the sake of controlling the image of overwatch as an esports product to make it easier to sell to other corporation for ad sponsorship bullshit to make an easy boatloads of money off of.
So fuck it all i say especially the right wing faggotry that has allowed such libertarian tier bullshit. Fags may whine about them SJWs or whatever but naw fags are being greedy asshole taking advantage of the laws and regulations or the lack therefore of consumer protections.
So as faggots will cry about the shallow cultural aspect of shit im made at the system behind it all that has allowed them to actually do that to a product i fucking purchased. God damn right wing assholes and the dumbasess who don't see through them allowing such dumb as shit to come to pass over how one chose to use the shit they buy.
>Spamming voicelines can be a bannable office
Hold the fuck up. Overwatch is so babby tier that the only voice line the other team can even hear is from the Hello emote.
Boy I hope OWL collapses
They should just have an option that you can turn voicelines off. Keep em and get fucked at your own risk. Also add there that if you turn them off, you cant spam them.
Problem solved, can i get money now?
>the only voice line the other team can even hear is from the Hello emote.
Except it's not, everyone can hear voice lines you fucking idiot.
>Break the rules
>Get banned
Is that the best you can do? [in smug Female Heroine voice]
Wait what?
Are people really banned for honking cars in pubg?
No one gets banned in OW from reports. This is simply trying to stop idiots from doing things like this through fear that you CAN get banned for it.
You can literally troll and lose games on purpose, as evident by every fucking game where I had to deal with these fucking cocksuckers, and receive ZERO punishment for it.
Since when? I haven't played since a few months after launch. I could never hear voicelines beyond hello and ult announcements.
Probably because no one is using them near you. I've specifically dealt with a spamming enemy d.va saying "I'M NUMBAH ONE" over and over as she ran at us and died.
I'm never going back for sure now, spamming voice lines was the last enjoyable thing to do.
How neutered do they want the game to be? This kind of makes me think what youtube's been doing. With their constant updates that put advertisers over content creators, trying to be some fun-for-all-the-family.
How long until we see a McDonalds™ event? The "I'm loving it™" skin for junkrat to look like Ron McDonald and some others of your favourite McDonalds' characters.
You can hear all the equipped voice lines from the enemy team. Dunno if this was a recent change but you can. I always play against Dva weebs that spam her lines all game.
>blizzard 2017
>build bee hive
>tell bees to stop buzzing
Why don't they just make a rule "If you spam voice emotes we will ban you because that's not how they're intended to be used."
Why they gotta hide it under the guise of harassment?
>winky face ;)
>el oh el hehe
This entire thread has posted other examples beyond blizzard doing this shit. Go back you fucking loser.
>make game friendly and casual from the bottom up
>it's more toxic than dota 2
Hahahaha How the fuck is voice line spamming real hahahaha nigga just mute them in-game like nigga just close your speakers HaHa
Why don't they just make it so you can only say stuff every so often...?
How else am I supposed to let the other team know that my Mei is sorry?
Anything even remotely competitive is like this. Fucking HEARTHSTONE is like this.
I think it has something to do with the sports mentality.
I make it a point to do the laugh taunt after killing someone with Reinhardt's charge every time. If I were ever to get banned because of it I would consider that a great honor. Same with Winston's laugh voice line.
I don't get why people still play this, is it just the sexy models that make you put up with such an awful company?
>Spamming voicelines are now a bannable offense.
What did Blizzard mean by this?
god, blizzdrones really honestly make me sick to my stomach
It seems so bad on Pc. I've noticed its not a problem on consoles but I don't know what about the PC crowd that is so fucking meme and troll oriented. I saw some video the other day where a guy said heal me to his mercy when she was already healing, she resorted to trolling on the spot.
It is similar in league where the emotes are spammed by the biggest fucking fags. So glad you can mute it now though. But overwatch on ps4 is so much more lax, fucking pc community is full of trolls.
Look at any game forum and it's like that, though. Because your normal well adjusted person has no reason to go visit the forums unless something breaks entirely for them. And even then they'll probably try make the games version of a ticket rather than go to the forums.
>Losing connection is bannable
>Keyboard and mouse is bannable
>Playing Widowmaker is bannable
>Spamming voicelines is bannable
>Creating a new account is bannable
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Overcucks.
Please stop calling Activision-Blizzard by its PR name.
Why is “I need healing” so much more annoying than “MEDIC”?
lmao what a fucking joke
>Spamming " i need healing" because your mercy bitch won't let off the tether on the Shield up, full health Rein BF is now a bannable offense
And with that, along with the guaranteed double rez, girl gamers were secured
>say "Hi"
>uhh user did you just say "Heil"?
>wtf report this Nazi
>banned for life from Overwatch
I'm really depressed lately because Overwatch gets worse with each update and there is nothing to play.
Why does this happen to every game I enjoy? Tribes: Ascend was killed the same way. TF2 was destroyed by the F2P update, now there is a cheater in virtually every server. Every high-TTK skill based shooter dies young.
Then there's nothing left but fucking walk-around-preaimed-at-head-height low-TTK Counterstrike or casual FOTM shooters like PUBG, Battlefield, Destiny, etc.
I just want one high-TTK high-movement FPS that doesn't die. Fucking casuals won't let it happen. If you buy shit like Destiny 2 I hope you get brain cancer.
It must be rough being a legitimate fps fan. That is the most popular genre by miles which means it's subject to the worst treatment. Quake champions no good?
Go play Dirty Bomb. It's inexplicably not dead yet.
You lost the ability to try and seperate them when destiny 2 was put on the blizzard launcher.
That showed everyone which company was the bitch of the other.
Welcome to the club brother
God damn I wish they didn't nerf D.Va into the ground she used to be such a fun tank, haven't played since
TF2 was destroyed by meet your match update and there definitely aren't as many hackers as you say there are, in my 5 years of playing, I have encountered like 4 or 6 hackers
Quake Champions was outsourced to some Russian game devs and its TTK is less than half the TTK of normal Quake in most circumstances. There are huge technical issues with the game's netcode as well. Also no playerbase.
Evolve was a bad version of "Hidden: Source"
Google footage of that game if you want to know what Evolve should've played like.
>I'm really depressed lately
Maybe get some better fucking taste, you subhuman piece of trash
FPS isn't the only genre you know
yes I'm mad
nazis leave this place
I hope you aren't implying Blizzard has control over Activision, why would Activision make a new launcher for Destiny alone?
How do they judge whether you using voice lines is disruptive or not? I like to use "Sorry about that!" with Winston after I get a kill. Is that considered harassment?
>FPS isn't the only genre you know
It's the only good one. The only one that fully harvests the potential of 3-dimensional gaming.
Every other competitive genre is trapped in 2D mode. Fighting games for sure. RTS, no Z movement at all.
How does top level play work in OW? I'm guessing the people who bitch and moan for these types of bans are shitters?
the current 'meta' is a fucking joke, mercy is so horrible that she makes how fucktarded junkrat is fly under the radar
i don't mind voice lines getting punished tho, mostly because while most people will find stupid voice lines funny a few times, because they think it's amusing to themselves and other people, they'll start spamming it over and over and over and over and over and over and over
If you "Attack the Payload" have been a "Attack the "Payload" tank or a healer and listening "Attack the Payload" closely, you can "Attack the Payload" realize "Attack the Payload" somone constantly "Attack the Payload" spamming the same "Attack the Payload" thing over "Attack the Payload" and over can be very distracting,"Attack the Payload" or the ones "Attack the Payload" that spam "Attack the Payload" for healing at full health and you "Attack the Payload" "Attack the Payload"then miss "Attack the Payload" someone that needed healing.
Maybe this might help explain how spamming over and over can make getting a clear picture of a situation bothersome.
TF2: Playpen mode
>waaaah I can't shit up the game with pointless spam
This is the one good thing about blizards ban happy attitude.
Enemy boat spotted!
Missiles are fun, you can shoot them through Defense Matrix.