Why did Nintendo ruin Samus?

OK, so upper body looks pretty much the same, but did they have to ruin her lower body between 2004 to 2008?

In 2004, she was one of the few Nintendo females with a muscular (lower) body, but of course they had to make her more "feminine" by making her look like a catwalk model in 2008.

Why couldn't they let her keep her buff, muscular lower body from 2004? Does anyone think 2008 Samus looks better?

Shut up,fag.

They ruined her in 2004 when they gave her that ugly ass outfit.

I prefer her thick 2004 butt

Zero Suit torpedoed Samus by making her too kawaii.

The best Samus will always be Metroid Prime 1's. Realistic proportions fit Samus' character better than anime.


Why do you want a woman to look like a man?

Am I the only one who think it's more hot seeing her in her badass suit knowing there's a qt inside?

>Sup Forums is still mad about hot Samus

Yes, look how fat it is

I don't, since her upper body obviously doesn't look masculine. But I do want her to have a muscular lower body like in 2004.

Samus is supposed to be physically strong.

You don’t need physical strength when you have a technomagical power armor suit

Take a look at this pathetic faggot, thinking Samus's 2004 butt is fat.

Samus is physically strong even without her power suit. Well, except in 2008 where she looks like a weak stick.

will he ever make another doujin with her?

Her hips are way bigger in the GBA version

I will always prefer this Samus.

Alright you can shut up now Sybb

This is basically 2008 Samus. No muscles compared to 2004

> a fucking barbie doll
pleb taste

God damn 2004 Samus is literally perfection.

>read catalog preview of OP's post
>"Oh god, I hope this isn't the flabby butt guy"
>open thread
>just regular Samus butt talk
I'm relieved.

I know, right? So why did they have to ruin her in 2008?

>People are still so fucking stupid they don't immediately recognize a report Sybb threads when they see them

He's been doing this for years people, it's not a mystery anymore. Report and hide.

Sybb always use the words "flab" or "fat" in his posts. This is not Sybb

I'd rather chill at a space bar with Zero Mission's Ssmus

Fucking kill yourself Sybb.

>barbie doll
Barbie's don't have that kind of mussel you moron.

post braphogs


>people still haven't gotten over the fact that Metroid is a girl

She's supposed to look like an abomination.

Keep her in the armor

genderswap samus best samus