>ctrl+F NeoGAF
>no thread except the closed sticky
guess it's fair game for let people know here that the spill has officially reached infchan
>ctrl+F NeoGAF
>no thread except the closed sticky
guess it's fair game for let people know here that the spill has officially reached infchan
Other urls found in this thread:
Spill from here or from neofag?
Sup Forums and the other are obviously fucking affiliates you moron. If you could read, this wouldn't be a question, tracer falsefag.
>atheist/solipsists in charge of logic
hey stop raping yourselves faggots
>cuckchanners think they're welcome on double chan
Stay here pls
Seriously what happened. Are mods deleting all the threads about it again?
No I'm being personally IP traced and harassed by people I know both irl and spanning multiple communities that have an overlap with NeoGAF and a known gayfox affiliation. I have mounting evidence in personal experience but of course they have enough of an idea what they're doing to make it ambiguous (obviously), but sneak in hints of my personal life to make it obvious as fuck to anyone with half a brain in my position.
so its time to join neogaf
what are you on about
It was made obvious on infchan and my posting privileges were revoked despite every reply following a logical thread of discussion (with quotes) and my background making it my community, not to mention the OC I was sharing. Apparently someone there got really scared and invoked authority, whether or not they really wield it is up in the air.
hi leddit.org . come to think of it my ban was a red page even though the chan I was banned from posting on for it was a blue board. that's fishy
Oh, I think I understand you now. That's spooky if legit user. What kind of irl stuff has been happening?
Reset era delayed... again
literally schizophrenia
get help
Do you seriously think that place is ever coming back with the scope of this shit? NeoGAF was harboring really sick people doing illegal af shit and the mods were in on it. That place is NEVER coming back.
me getting older basically and people I used to know think they have privilege over the human condition and want to fake being a niceguy on other parts of the web while they dump their hypocritical vitriol on Sup Forums.org . so I popped off a little and cut them off
I was erroneously diagnosed with this at one point in time and it was revoked. See? Case in fucking point, kid. Guessing you're nervous or something.
Bans are always red page you sperg
And this behavior is PURE REDDIT so people are aware. It's everywhere nowadays. See this passive aggressive nicefag shit? It's cancer. Keep in mind Friendly reminder from your neighborhood Spider-Man Reddit.com 's domain is a known harbor for rapist support groups and snuff trafficking. inb4 false flag, deflection, etc. This is real life serious shit you idiots. This is why this is going on.
>That place is NEVER coming back.
You have to remember there are true believer SJW developers that will still congregate on Reset Era and/or Neogaf (because it's obvious they want to go back to their old Hillary Clinton supporting ways)
So Neogaf is back to normal. After all normal is the new Nazi, and Nazi is...kek?
so is it all over? the website is back up
Those threads aren't in the slightest videogames, they're just ebin twitter screencaps
>knowing the far reaching nature of the internet and the omnipresent potential overlap of any given communities is "literally schizophrenia"
>there is a scandal going on
hold those lunch trays you fucking psychos and remember to learn to read so you're not retarded anymore. life advice
you absolutely 100% have schizophrenia
but you wont believe me
itll get worse and worse till you kill someone or end up so mentally ill you get arrested or end up in a psych ward
get help
>saw the "don't talk about Neogaf, go to Sup Forums!" sticky
>made a post in a soon to be deleted gaf-themed thread, asking mods what were they thinking
>literally sending people to Sup Forums
>way to get flooded by future brony-tier nazis
>got banned for three days because of that post alone
>reason: spam
>couldn't post anymore, actually follow advice and go to Sup Forums
>saw some shitheas arguing about the holocaust
>let's see what flat earth-tier antisemites have to say, why refusing a free laugh
>three days later, still lurking
>not laughing anymore
Jesus christ Sup Forums
It was actually the jews
It's always the jews. The NeoGAF guy who got into the shower with that bitch is a jew. The NeoGAF pedophile guy is a jew. The bitch herself is probably a jew, too.
Someone give me a quick rundown on this neogaf shit and why I should even bother caring
what did the replies look like?
you should probably leave this thread
this is the mentally ill general
The guy that did this is a hero, you have my respect.
it's not video games so Sup Forums is eager to talk about it
Imagine if moot raped snacks
The owner is accused of sexual misconduct, and the users are mad at him for it. NeoGAF is a big board, so the users will end up going to a lot of different places. Thankfully, the ones that like video games won't come here since no one talks about that.
snacks... snacks...
i havent heard that name in fucking years dude. i dont even remember. all i remember is the name
Me too, as far as everyone is saying, neogaf is a place for leftist devs?
The schoolgirl mod?
What's with everyone calling things Nazi now. Do people even know what Nazis are?
nah. something else. i cant remember though. i must have heard that name in 07 or 08 or something
way back
assholes that had the audacity to be fashionable as fuck
i still dont remember
gonna need context
W.T Snacks was a mod on this website, a pretty popular one.
Neo-nazi imagery popped up at rallies in the US lately. It's just simpler than calling them what they are, since the term is charged.
You'd remember, you just weren't there
Any questions?
>come here
>come here from Free Speech Central everyone is based and no one is cucked
>come to a place everyone says "nigger" and "faggot" a million times a day but somehow run by SJWs
>shit the place up until staff lets you have a containment thread just to shut you up
>fail to keep your own dumbass threads alive
>stop bothering to make them
>fail to see how pushing your shallow "beliefs" on people, saying who's allowed to make games and who isn't, and treating people like shit is going to change anyone's minds or get anyone on your side
>fail to see you're literally Tumblr
>fail to see you even use their own excuses
>fail to see that you've been used by two bit journalists and fringe losers for the past three years
>fail to see that everyone knows you regret your "migration" because you migrated to a place no one knows exists
>fail to see that your assinine plan to take over the much more popular site has failed miserably
>"You're not allowed in OUR special club!"
That's some fucking tsundere shit.
More accurate depiction at the bottom.
This killed old moot
People that liberals don't like, basically
that must be it. kinda crazy that i remembered his name
i swear it was like 2007 when i heard that name mentioned last
Please get help, you're scaring me user
>tfw even websites follow the nazi zombie cliche
is it time to retire this tired trope?
>Emily rogers
Why are you faggots obsessed with reddit and neogaf. And why do you care about internet drama unless you're emotionally invested in it? Thank god I'm not a neet anymore
Obviously. Nazi means "someone you disagree with politically".
i swear to fuck i saw that picture as well
this is weird
hes literally schizophrenic
he wont listen to anyone
just keep spouting drivel
literally mentally ill
>took off 'off topic' discussion
>instantly turned into Nazis
It's almost as if they are made that their SJWs hangout died by the hands of, ironically, a rape accuser but they instead want to destroy Evilore even more than he already is.
Nobody cares about your reddit tier drama here. There is a place for shit like this called cripplechan, now get the fuck out. We had enough cancer with GG.
Probably a million fucking people have over the years for whatever reason.
Seriously, where do you think we are?
Is there even anything left to say? The initial push was basically MODS GET FUCKED but without any real new news it should fizzle out instead of turning into a persistent general. I don't remember the Gawker thing lasting particularly long either
You sound like a friend of mine who ended up killing himself.
Your simplifying the situation. Neogaf for years has been known as a site which it's user (mainly its mods) have been pushing feminist and even pedo-acceptance in the forums. A couple years ago one mod (Axiom) got caught WITH CP on his fucking phone, and in 2012 Evilore himself admitted to smacking a girl's ass to 'assert dominance'.
Boohoo :(
>since no one talks about that.
This is an epic meme, truly.
It's the new "faggot" "cuck" and "retard"
It's deflection 101. The conversation is no longer neogaf mod being a pedo, it's now nazis have infiltrated gaf.
Still don't understand why gawker and escaspist drama was allowed yet mods banned neogaf drama.
The only thing you could really add is that they are being hypocrites by only being mad about it now. But Sup Forums has been the home to so many deviants, criminals, and outright insane people over the years that there's no reason to judge someone else's moral failings. If your attitude is anything but "who gives a fuck", you care way too much about this stupid thing and should find something else to do.
If you don't want Achmed rapping your wife your a Nazi.
Mods probably got drunk off power with minimal supervision and wanted Sup Forums to become a legit video game discussion site or something. Seems to be a level of disconnect between the mods and posters. They're doing weird shit in all the boards.
Start posting funny account suicides. Those are the best thing that came out of this.
>Neogaf is back on business, sucking Sony's dick as usual
>All the sperging of /vpol/ was useless like usual
Really makes you think.
How do these "journalists" get away with writing such tripe that literally no one but themselves believes?
hi neogaf
Sexual assault is ok when we do it, fuck Drumpf.
Are there actually some based posters on NeoGAF?
Yeah, you normally see them in banned screencaps.
why do these cucks come here to talk about how great their gay board of faggots is? if it were so good, they'd go and stay go. if it were so good, they wouldn't so desperately be trying to revitalize a dead board with people they claim to hate, here. you are cucked to the highest degree.
Oy vey delete this you anti-semite
Go back to 8 posts a month chan
Sup Forums doesn't pretend to be holier than thou. We're sacks of shit and we know it.
It's not over yet
>85 post
its over lad , party is over
no one clares
Tyler "If she's in the shower, I'll take her flower" Malka
Tyler "Bitch is wet? I'll take that bet" Malka
Tyler "Vomit hole's closed, other one's hosed" Malka
Tyler "We went for drinks so I'll get my kinks" Malka
Tyler "She's bi, I'm her guy" Malka
Tyler "Scrub me clean while I flick your bean" Malka
Tyler "Ass against the glass" Malka
Will the lack of neo gaf affect the industry in any form? Less representation of politics and other stuopid shit that have no place in videogames for example or why is this all so iportant that even a sticky was placed
who cares what tyler did i just like seeing this dumpster fire burn
They're deleting almost all the threads now.
By nazi they mean normal
Reminder that neoneogaf is literally Sup Forums.
According to leftists on tumblr, literally everyone. Even me, an actual jew, am apparently a nazi because I told a tumblrina she's retarded for thinking GG was bad.
newspeak for "not." fuck off reddit. this assbackwards "hurr our own president is a fascist let's take down the gubment" shit is exactly why you faggots are in trouble. way to out yourself you retard.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>muh gg boogeyman
>muh alt-right boogeyman
>can't discuss wolfenstein 2
>can't discuss any social or political things related to vidya
How is it not exactly the same? Because you can say nigger and not get banned sometimes? (people regularly get banned for saying that here)
>you lived to see both NeoFag and Sup Forums mods wrecked the same week
let'spay careful attention to who gets triggered by this
Who cares