Which one should I get this friday?

which one should I get this friday?

>buying Ubisoft games ever

why does AC still look so boring after they took a year off?



in wolfenstein BJs dad is a racist therefore its anti white propaganda. we all know middle aged southern white guys were actually progressive when it came to racial issus, especially interracial couples.


Jesus what's become of gaming where you have to purchase everything day one? I'm still trying to finish games I bought months ago. Do people just play 2-3 hours then move onto the next thing or is this the true power of being a NEET? or underaged fags having free time after school

>buying bethshit when the only remotely good wolf game was old blood, and that was a 6/10 AT BEST

Congratulations, you triggered yourself before anybody actually posted

buy wolfenstein but check a /vpol/ shitposting thread about the game before you play it so you can have the added benefit of their tears

>only remotely good wolf game was old blood
Old Blood was mediocre compared to TNO, though. I don't understand Sup Forums's fascination with it. It was really unimaginative and disjointed. Worse still, the level design was poor.

thank you for correcting the record

Neither. I'm picking up Mario instead.

none of them

>Owning a Switch
You fucking lucky bastard

>Too Thousand and Seventeen Years after the birth of Jesus Christ, our lord and savior
>Still playing Video Games

because they're out of ideas?

>get home from work
>eat dinner
>playing video game till reasonable time to go to sleep

Unless you work some stupid 60 hour week for whatever reason, you should have plenty of free time at home after work and on the weekends.

I don't really get the appeal of this new Wolfenstein, I liked the last two ok but 2016 DOOM was a huge step up from either of those games. New Colossus just looks like more of the same, which I don't think I can go back to at this point.

That's cool kid but the adults are talking.

I own every console. It's not hard to afford shit when you work at least part time.

This one

>in wolfenstein BJs dad is a racist therefore its anti white propaganda.

As baiten as this post is. It is sadder that people out there actually genuinely believe this. Since like one of the saddest and faggiest things one can do is lack the empathy need to detach themselves from virtual non real characters doing shit.

Like seriously the self insert fag is what has in large part come to ruin vidya and shit is just god damn sad. Like why are yall so god damn emitonal over non real people portrayed doing shit considered bad and whatnot? Whats next?
Yall gonna keep getting emotionally triggered over not real things in totally fantasy not real at all storytelling type things? Cause then what? ya drama queen faggot homos.

I know thats coming out too but I don't play a lot of kid games.

>alarm at 2pm
>alarm at 2:15pm
>alarm at 2:30pm
>alarm at 2:45pm
>alarm at 3pm
>mental note that I don't have one for 3:15pm
>wake up, get ready for work 30mins
>brush teeth and fix hair (fem)
>drive to work
>get off work at 1:30am (if i'm lucky)
>get home at 2:15am
>too exhausted to play vidya so I eat and watch tv until around 4am
>play vidya for 1-3hours
>sleep for 5-6 hours depending on how long I was playing
I suppose if it's an action game like Wolfenstine or Assassin's Creed you could probably finish in a week, but I can only play around 2-4 hours a day and that's if i"m not exhausted. I play RPGs too so I suppose that could be it as well, 70 hours into Divinity and I still haven't beaten it and I've been playing since the 10th


My 7 hour work days don't tend to interfere with me too much.
>7am wake
>ready to leave at 8am
>10min commute to work and start 9am
>finish at 4pm
>get home and fully settle with food at 5pm
>playing vidya till midnight

I can't decide whether I want Wolfenstein or wait for Call of Dawtey WW2. I'm not into the multiplayer aspect, but I like zombies and coop. What should I get?

I mean, I have a job, and I replaced my busted OG 3DS last month with a 2DS XL, so it's not like I can't afford games and shit, but I've had a lot of shitty little expenses come up recently. They've all added up to an approximate amount of "enough that blowing $300 all at once would be a really fucking bad idea".

I'll probably get one by the end of the year though.

OK Woah Hold up niggah.

If you were adult you could buy both of them any time you want.