Why aren't you playing Tekken 7?
Why aren't you playing Tekken 7?
online players memorize combos and air juggles. really boring to play after a day. only play vs with friends and they are not always around.
Online is still shit
Got kinda bored of it
Miss TTT2 and my boy
>memorize combos and air juggles
you mean, like every fighting game?
My nostalgia wore off
>online players memorize combos and air juggles
What did he mean by this?
It's shit on toast.
I really wanted to like this game but:
>It has really bad online. Out of SFV, skullgirls, fightcade T7 and MVCI T7 is the worst for me. I have never gotten a connection above 3 bars (initial setting doesn't make a difference for me)
>Its really difficult to play with people you know or in a lobby because no quick rematch
>KBD makes that game that much more frustrating to learn and enjoy
It sucks because so much of the game is really fun. The stuff I mentioned really kills it for me. I still get a craving to play once in awhile but its not worth the $60 or the 60GB space it takes up on my SSD
It's a really underwhelming game. It just kinda sucks.
I am playing the superior Harada game
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, MvC and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, MIGHT.
what's a good fighting game on pc for a novice?
is this pasta?
I assume so.
Because its casual button mashing garbage with no depth or complexity
How involved was he in pokken?
I just bought it today, installing it right now
is there anything I should know?
do u know how 2 tekken?
Because im not an mlg fag
t. Tekken 1 and beyond player
play everyday #JOSIEBOII
You wasted your money on a shit game
Oh man, I remember seeing this every thread before the game came out
What happened to my spirit for the game? I just put it down so I could play another important game on my list
I love Kat, though I'm probably not gonna get 6000 Dusty Tokens before January ;-;
no lei no buy
Good taste. Good luck user. Just photo EVERYTHING.
>tfw too dumb to learn basic bnb combos in less than an hour
Lol must suck. Most characters can get solid damage from converting every hit into a similar extender.
Wheres smash brothers?
What kind of fucking capcom fag made this shit LMAO
Because SFV and Rev2 are better
Right next to league of legends and sonic 3
>street fighter 4 in top tier
8frame lag ruins the game
I did 2 treasure hunts after just getting to Chapter 2 and got 80 tokens. Then I got distracted trying to take the "perfect" photos for my memory album. I only saved 2 on my computer though
Ass mad casual tekkuck detected
>Find two combos
>One is longer and has more hits
>The other cuts out some of the hits and goes straight to the finisher
>The second, easier combo does more damage because T7 punishes you for complexity
what the fug
'nuff said
Smash Bros is not a fighting game.
Reminder tekken 7 has the most input lag out of any fighting game ever made
Best way to get photos seen is to take them round frequently visited places. Kat's pipe is one of the best places since you always start there. Do every treasure hunt that pops up asap too. Get them tokens and photo items
At least my company isn't on the verge of bankruptcy :^)
Sometimes i play to see Asuka barefoot
You're not even considering things such as wallcarry or Oki situation
I dont think you understand what footsies are
Because I'd rather play VF
is this the best fighting game on steam?
no, its trash
then what's the best fighting game on steam?
What's that red and white shark costume from?
I dont remember seeing this in game
Recent or overall?
any with a reasonable playerbase
>tfw I always get my shit pushed in online
>Recently had 20 losses in a row
>Only broke the streak because I was paired with some guy who probably just started the game
Maybe Tekken is not for me.
It's one of Yoshimitsu's costumes.
Mortal Kombat X and soon it'll be Injustice 2
We don't know for sure but I'd say it's fairly likely a lot, or at least the rest of the tekken team was
Pretty much every character has not just one but more then one move that uses the animations from tekken characters as nods and references, Harada legimately likes pokemon a lot and pikachu in particular, and the game in general just is designed as a competitive fighting game, not like a casual licensed button masher: It's got a lot of tech and and intentionally complex/competitive gameplay systems, such as each move having intentional height invulnerabilities to allow moves to go over or under each other for punishes/to cause whiffs, just frames, etc.
Plus, while the E3 invatational for DX was scripted as fuck, the two devs that played the winner did actually into the game competitively somewhat and used actual setups and some optimal combos.
I like Tekken but not as much as I love Virtua Fighter. Honestly I don't like a lot of the new mechanics they added starting with 6. I don't like the bound mechanic or rage and I especially don't like rage arts.
have they fixed online yet?
because tekken is shit
>Garou in Top TIer
>tfw can't get into VF no matter how hard I try
I like Tekken, and Soul Calibur 2, but why can't I get into other 3D fighters? Am I just dumb?
Waiting for the geese to release to get interested again pretty much just farming cosmetic crap at the moment been bored
Probably tekken and sc2 are extremely low iq simple games.
what do you consider the highest IQ fighting games then?
No Julia no buy
But I am.
Juggernaut with Steve.
Still missing Lei tho.
I tried to learn it as my first fighting game but I didnt make it. sorry.
>vortex fighter 4 that high
>infinite vs capcom 3 pick doom and vergil that high
>tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data, that low
>third strike aka 3/4 of the roster is useless: the game, that high
horrible bait
Because I'm a trash player. But really Aus servers on the PS4 are fucking dead unless one of you lads has it too and live in the same country
USFIV had better net code for fuck's sake
>the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data
This is what tekken babies actually, ACTUALLY believe...
How do i learn steve
People keep saying hes bad for new players and hard to learn but i like boxing
Here's the thing though. They're all PVP games, so they all require the same amount of IQ to be extremely good at it because you ability to read, react, and execute starts at a base level. Then you add the difficulty of the game's execution which is masured by inputs and reaction time requirements which is measured by speed. That's what will require you to have a higher IQ meaning that Smash (at least Melee) gets a pass for the top 2 tiers. It's fast and input heavy.
>>tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data, that low
Chess and shoots n ladders are both PvP games, one requires significantly more IQ than the other.
>trash baby being this retarded
Dead and boring.
>tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data
Stay delusional
>Dead and boring.
Literally tekken
tfw come from anime fighters so no matter how dead tekken gets, itll still be more alive than what im used to
Im not the one who thinks, and i quote
>"tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data"
Why is pokken so underdisscussed in general?
The game has a scene: It's at all the large FGC majors and gets enrants even if not a ton, but there's basically zero disscusison or videos or streams of the game online outside of their main community channel.
How the fuck is a pokemon fighting game, something pokemon fans have wanted forever, that under the radar, especially when on top of being a fan dream it's also actually competitively viable and unlike shit like Smash which does it's own thing and forces it to have it's own community, actually shares the mechanics and systems of other FGC titles.
It should have had as much hype as Dragon Ball FighterZ but nobody gives a shit. What's the deal?
Because mechanics are different.
I'm pretty sure IQ translates the same across everything and only the details about said activity dictate how much extra is needed.
yes, low parries, high low and mid defense, counters, power crushes, one handed throws, two handed throws, about 8 options off the ground
whatever fighting game you play has baby defense in comparison
>tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data
Well, I'm not wrong. IQ does transfer from one thing to another, so you could say all those games require at least 130 IQ to play at high level due to the nature of playing vs another human being. Then you add the extra details each game provides which would raise that requirement, but not even a whole lot.
No one gives a shit about the Wii U or Switch.
Had Pokken come out like 10 years ago it would be hot shit.
But Pokemon is sort of in decline with the older generation. Its popular, sure, but its like a background thing now.
*main community discord channel
is that any less true of DBZ though? Also, I don't think DC as an IP is any less popular, and Injustice has a big scene.
Light Guard
Heavy Guard
Air Guard
Guard Escape
Just Frame Guard Escape
Air Recover
Air Guard Escape
Guard Attack
Guard Break
Back Turn Defense
Low Crush
High Crush
High throw
Low Throw
Command Throw
Cross Ups
Cross Unders
Rising Attack
Guard Cancel
Command Cancel
Air Cancel
Hyper Cancel
Hyper Burst
Beast Change
Full Crouch
Blue Life
Back Turn Just Frame Throw
About 12 options off the ground
Quadruple the amount of moves per character than tekken
Try again baby
because its a honestly shitty and stagnant series.
tekken7 is also extra disappointing with no features.
Getting gud in Tekken is dumb and boring since you're basically forced to do so in training mode for hundreds of hours. I'd really rather do something useful with that time. This shit only appeals to players who started with Tekken a decade ago.
>tekken 3
God i miss that farting dinosaur
I played him mostly because of that
tekkucks BTFO
>tekken, the fight game with the most demanding understanding of defense and frame data, that low
this isn't even true in my experience.
hard combos still do the most damage
there are definitely combos that involve a lot of hits that do shit for damage though I guess.
Go to jewtube and search Avoidingthepuddle.
Find videos about your main char, and watch them.
>high low and mid defense
Literally every fighting game ever made has high, low and mid defense you absolute fucking retard, get a fucking clue.
Those are 5 things with different names