What did you play today?

What did you play today?

Dead by Daylight

spooky animu blobs

had to take a break from being spooked so bad

The Evil Within

replaying stick of truth desu

>looks pretty interesting

yeah i think i'll pass


fallout new vegas

Cool, me too. Didn't think anyone else on here would play it.

Haven't tried playing with headphones yet though. Don't think I want to.

Blue Reflection. It's amazing how OP you can make yourself just by talking to your classmates. It's also pretty boring and I almost quit playing when I hit a side arc where the focus girl just would not shut up about makeup.

Between this, TEW2, and DDLC.

My spooky october is pretty much set. What are other scary games to play?

I was

that's why I'm taking a break


I should've played my Pokémon Sun, but I didn't, so nothing

Valkyria Revolution

Played more Cuphead, I'm trying to get all A+'s and it's a fucking nightmare because I'm bad at video games.

Played some tf2 but programmed and shitposted most of the night. Really want to play some Super Mario RPG on my 3ds but I got uni tomorrow morning.

Fuck off

Grim Dawn


I played "finish the annotated bibliography by Thursday if you want to get back to your VNs"

now fuck off, stop distracting me