So the pyro update is here. Been here for about a week. The servers are still jam packed with pyros trying to complete contracts for the new weapons. Its complete chaos on some, every corner is 9 times out of ten gonna have a pyro. And if not a vac medic healing them. Also saxton hale crotch for no reason
Tf2 is literally chaos
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also theres more lag than before, so its even worse.
His crotch gets me thirsty af jesus
yeah it's fucking lame and the jetpack is fucking stupid.
>Three quarters of my team are pyros
>Still can't get extinguished
>tfw playing as engie
>Jetpack takes forever to deploy and swap out
>Gas cannister is a very niche gimmick not worth losing your secondary to nearly anything else
>Dragon's Fury's airblast penalty is insanely high, punishing you for getting proper reflects as well
>Literally no reason to use Flare Gun anymore
This could've been done better
Corners are the deadliest thing in the game. There's always fucking pyros there. I used to be able to go scout and shit all over pyros but get an inch to close and youre just immediately dead. I'm forced to go heavy to do anything about them and I fucking hate playing heavy.
I honestly feel bad for Scouts. There is almost nobody playing them anymore i most of the maps because of how most of the event's maps are less open or have corridors/choke points equivalent to an Overwatch map
>ever getting afterburned
it either lasts a whole 2 seconds or you simply melt to w+m1 anyway. I dont like this change
>Join server
>A match later get connection issues
>Get kicked
Thanks, I love the latest edition of dial up simulator.
is 60k heavy glitch fixed yet?
Im having a jolly good time as spy. Nobody spychecks or defends engie nests because everyone is busy with shitty contracts
Was fixed earlier a couple hours ago
Agreed, all the Pyro weapons were done terribly. I guess the team decided to do the balance patch and tacked on the weapons as an after thought. Explains why they are currently so weak. All the idiots complaining about DF Pyro haven't been killed by stock Pyros enough to realize just how buffed the flames really are. DF is shit in comparison.
Meanwhile Heavy got the best secondary he'll ever have.
autists still play this shit?
>mfw i stop playing TF2 for one week and come back and everyone is mad and I don't know what's happening
Deploy time increased by approx. 33%
Blast/Extinguish area increased by 150% (right now you practically have to hug someone to hit them)
>Gas cannister
Increases damage by 20% and afterburn duration by 100%
Gas cloud stays for much longer, additionally to being filled up from spawn
>Dragon's fury
Nerfed to 200% damage on burning targets Firerate decreases to standard after 0.7 seconds of not firing
Airblast penalty is removed entirely but takes up 10 or 20 (not sure whats reasonable) ammo
Hot opinions on new maps
>merc park
First two points are alright, last is awful
Its not bad per se, but all the flank routes are funneled to or within killing distance of the point so a team dug in on the point can watch all entrances from the cap
Fun even if it heavily favors soldier, in order to keep the point you kind of need a heavy
Fuck huge payload map, great if you like that kind of thing
>banana bay
The real star of the show in my opinion, this map is pure fun for mobility classes... until you hit the end of the track.
>Jetpack changes
>Gas cannister
Pyro has enough damage, no thanks. Area denial is a step in the right direction though, I'd rather have a lingering cloud than a reskin shittier Jarate.
>Dragon's fury
10 Ammo is fairgame to stop shitters from spamming airblast. I'd rather it consume 5 ammo instead of 1 per shot otherwise. Buildings take a fuck ton of damage from it too, idk how to feel about that
Just remove it entirely. Or decrease the damage.
>9 pyros in each team at all times
>matchmaking still not fixed, allows 9v3s and such happen at a regular basis without adding new players into the match until it's too late
>dead weight faggots going around throwing bananas to the enemy team, or trying to land near enemies with the jetpac to get their contracts done
>awful performance on all new maps
>the new flamethrower particles drop your fps even more
>pyro was literally reduced from being a combo class into a W+M1 class
>dragon's fury is a direct upgrade to the direct hit, with no reload punishment upon missing a shot
>airblast is a fucking mess
>infinite hp exploit abusing heavies everywhere
>contracts require you to finish a round in order to complete them, sometimes making it a better choice to stop trying to win in hopes of losing the match faster
>yeti heavy loadout is not halloween restricted
>sharpened volcano fragment no longer ignites enemies, only deals 25% less damage than the stock axe
>dragon's fury makes the axtinguisher and the flaregun pointless
Scouts were always being stealth nerfed because of all the new and different weapons added to the game. Different projectile types, speeds and damage spreads hurts a glass cannon class designed to directly evade damage because it's harder to predict whats going to be flying your way.
At least he got all the fun nerfed out of him so you have no reason to play him anymore.
>Still get backstabbed if you don't turn around for 2 nanoseconds
Are contracts not broken yet?
>mfw Spies crying about the deadringer nerf in chat after I kill them
Infinite HP heavies are a thing?
I do remember a recent incident where I did serious damage to a heavy and I could still see overheal particles.
it got patched out
The Spy speed buff is still bullshit.
>have to land 2 or 3 good hits on a fast class with a shotgun to save your everything from being sapped, within a short enough time that there's still time to save your buildings
>have to do it even faster if using Jag
You can't even melee spies anymore, because they can create a gap as soon as you pull out wrench.
>theres a full team of pyros swarming our spawn and we can't get out
>i say "i hate pyro" in chat
>everyone starts calling me a tryhard
I reinstalled yesterday
Doesn't taking damage drain their cloak though?
I know they have damage ressistance but most of the time I just hitscan them with the shotgun and end up killing them again.
Only engie's tompson
post webm of pyro epidemic
>how buffed the flames really are
Afterburn was nerfed and flames seem to reach the same distance as before
would have liked to see this from blue's perspective
>have to get nine fucking stars to unlock some shitty melee weapon
Fuck whoever thought this new system was a good idea.
>people still complaining about full Pyro teams
It's like you played 4 days ago and never touched the game again.
Consolation prize my ass, this banana is the best thing Heavy has now.
I went solo Heavy for the second Mercenary Park contract and I racked up those five kills in one life with zero problems, every time I was damaged enough to need to retreat, there was my banana, heal 200 health, back into the fray, repeat.
Sandvich can't do that, Dalokohs Bar definitely can't do that, the banana is the best Heavy secondary now, bar none.
Yeah, the banana is awesome. Mixing it with your knowledge of healthpack locations is great.
The hot hand became my favorite joke weapon.
>tfw it takes hours
At this point Valve would've been richer if they just made it buyable.
>talking about TF2
h-has it come back?
Don't forget that the server crapping out resets any progress you've made on your contract.
>get 4/5 kills for last dragon fury bonus
>server dies
The availability alone makes it fantastic, whether from the scant ten second recharge or from health packs, it's always there for you and whatever buddies need health. No more dead medics because your lunchbox item is still recharging.
>use GRU to run to spawn
>touch locker
>health doesn't reset to 300
>Literally No reason to use a flaregun anymore.
Actually there's no reason to use the shotgun anymore because if you're good enough with the Dragons Fury you can kill other pyros incredibly quickly. you absolutely need a Flaregun with the Dragons Fury depending on the situation but I usually use the Scorch shot as the knock up and back helps alot speaking of which also helps with the weapons ridiculous airblast cooldown by switching to it to get another quick hit on to target after a successful reflect.
The Jetpack has its uses and is actually good depending on the map and how much map knowledge you have a Flanking Pyro become FUCKING REAL with it just make sure you have atleast 1 charge to get the hell out if shit goes south.
The Gas Can is well by all intensive purposes pretty damn worthless a farcry of what I though it was supposed to do which was leave a liquid lingering for an extremely long time that could be used to deny a big area because people would be afraid to stand in it out of fear of getting ignited.
2 outta 3 aint too bad mate.
Can't even use the goddamn dragon's fury without dropping 50 everytime i shoot with it, even 800x600 resolution with lowest possible settings.
I waited two hours and two minutes to let you know your post is worth two shits.
On the flipside there has never been a better moment in time to be a Hoovy player
>All those Pyros running around you can rape with your minigun
It's like shooting fish in a barrel
I really fucking hope they make the new weapons droppable/craftable at some point because I don't want to be forced to use awful secondaries for some objectives I can barely ever make progress in just to get some stupid meme weapon
Dont forget that we still have weapons that. The community itself voted for
I want my arms race 3 guns
the weapon server keeps going down
Wait, it's not just a reskin of the Sandvich?
Need a dispenser here
>that feel when you're the only Heavy in a server full of people that can't one shot you
No its like the sandvich but heals only about 200 hp. But recharges twice as fast
fucking this
volvo must return stats, it cause nothing but problems
>game give me gas shiter for contract
>equip it
>its broken and i cant select it
>playing with flare gun
at least i can make point with simple kills
>there are people who dont use the VR viewmodels
Show me more user
>new flamethrower punishes you for airblasting
>everyone is trying to do it with their jetpacks anyway
>After a specific update for one class every autist left in TF2 is playing the class that got updated
This happened to every other specific update before
>try to exit hl2.exe
>game freezes
What's the config command?
I got my dragon slayer paint, sold it for 7 bucks, now I can just dick around with whatever remaining blood money I have.
cl_first_person_uses_world_model 1\0
Hey Sup Forums,
>Tf2 is literally shit
The new Sniper mustache is vastly underrated
There arent enough good mustache cosmetics, especially considering beards clip when your face moves
Just splash him outside of his airblast radius lmao
>not w-w-whipping out your shotgun
>Rescue Ranger consumes metal to heal buildings
>Entire point of the gun was to make Engineer mobile
>Now he has to camp a dispenser to use it
It just aint right
Even battleborn has 100 FOV. Why doesn't TF2?
The new banjo taunt gives me a...
>jump up
>Dragon's fury
>Nerfed to 200% damage on burning targets Firerate decreases to standard after 0.7 seconds of not firing
>Airblast penalty is removed entirely but takes up 10 or 20 (not sure whats reasonable) ammo
Totally unnecessary, wait until there isnt a 5-man roaming pyro deathsquad on every map and you'll be laughing at these retards. I never ubersawed more people than this weeks direct miss: pyro edition
Fun fact about it. If you speed it up through right click, and then off yourself through the console, you'll keep the smoke effect on your hands. It'll be visible both to you in first person and to others looking at you
Also the fly engineer affects the sound
>ubersawing pyros
They "fixed" aiming on the flamethrowers so now you just die if you go close to a Pyro with a good tracking.
You might want to read the whole post and understand the context.
I did but I did not get it. Were you running double medic with chain ubers?
>remove dragon's fury damage multiplier (maybe increase base dmg a little) and give him standard airblast
>jetpack still takes the second slot but you can use it while helding another weapon by simply doublejumping
>gas tank is full at respawn but still not refillable at locker, increased charge rate
now everything is balanced
The new flamethrower is a projectile and most pyros cant aim a single shot weapon this update. When there is five of them you will die. when there is only one he will rarely be able to aim and kill you. So I, as a medic, can walk up to these pyros using this new projectile flamethrower, and ubersaw them to death while they fire in all directions and reload.
Why dustbowl is so popular in pubs while tc_hydro is dead?
>10 years
>Still no dedicated Arena servers
So i have reinstalled and loaded up my old cfg and set game to use dx8.1 however rockets are hard to see.Any way to improve their visibility?
Also pyro is still shit lmao
Because TC is one big meme and it's fucking hydro man, what do I say
Dustbowl is the 2fort of A/D maps. It's pretty shit design wise, and people know it, yet it's still going to be queued into and played because it's familiar and in turn fun to play
shotgun is good for fighting scouts smart enough to stay out of your flamethrowers range
This is the old hitbox tho, they changed it to a cone and not a fixed box
Only takes 1 to solo a heavy within 3 seconds lad.
>shooting from the ground
>People complaining about all pyro treams
It happens every single update, and all pyro teams are relatively harmless, remember the engineer update? That was the stuff of nightmares.
>Those rounds you do godly as a spy
>Those rounds when you're utter shit as spy