Wolfenstein Thread (NO POLITICS)

Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus


Who else is buying this gem?

looks pretty great desu

fucking garbage just like TNO

Hmmmm can you smell that?
Yep is that FLOP smell. Quite pungent my dear...

Todd shill pls...
TNO was absolute garbage already, and the sequel looks just embarrassing as fuck.

I cannot wait to kill some fuckin' Nazis.

Yeah! How dare people have a different ideology!


god damn this is getting old guys

Is it weird that I love watching TheRadBrad? I hate like 99% of LPs, but the dude just seems chill as fuck and his commentary is both insightful and relaxing.

As for the game, I'm buying it day one

You're retarded


Agreed, fuck Nazis.

ok, no politics please, I want to ask a genuine question, please
are people really looking forward to this?
it doesn't look spectacular
I mean, they went through a lot of effort trying to create a "realistic"american culture where the germans won, and that's pretty cool, but nothing about the game looks groudbreaking


Looks fun but the ending looks lackluster and the final line the protagonists makes make them look like some failed rock band.
Too bad Outragefags will overreact again

I don't give a fuck about Sup Forums retards whinging, the game is just the same clunky modern game design made for retards trash that TNO was.

Isn't Wolfenstein inherintly political snce the bad guys are Nazis
Either way I hope the switch version is good. Switch needs more games that aren't bing bang wahoo

>nazis are the baddies!

I know right? A utopian future with nothing but the obviously superior race running things?

God someone stop them!

I'll get it but not on launch. I'll never purchase a Bethesda game for full price.

Saying "no politics" is just asking for it. With Sup Forums like with small children, you need to say/ask for the reverse to not get politics.

>clunky modern game
Found the underage hipster faggot.
A lot of people here enjoyed THO because it was an old school game with a modern paint.

Well that didn't take long.

Wonder how long it'll take the mods (who genuinely care about videogames only on Sup Forums they totally stickied it and everything) to get rid of this thread.

TNO wasn't really clunky at all, the general movement reminded me a lot of Half Life 2 actually. What did you play it on console or something?

Really? Are you American by chance?

>its a contrarians and Sup Forumsacks get immediately triggered at the mention of Wolfenstein episode.
>We've been playing this same episode on repeat since the reveal of TNC.

Anti white dogshit

>superior race
But user, the Nazis weren't Filipino

If you actually thought that Nazi society was "utopian", you should probably read more

>60 dollars
>8 hours max
>No multiplayer

Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?

This is the main character though...

kill yt people simulator

Honestly, with how incredibly advanced the Nazi's are, why they hell would I want to side those who are obviously no where near as superior?

They look like shaved monkeys.

Ugh the first was already choke full with cinematics, turret sections and for the most part in the whole fucking game blocked you from any kind of prolonged classic shooting gameplay with a variaty of stupid shit.

w2 first 15 mins cutscene then being in a stupid wheelchair for the next hour doest exactly show that they learned. Its like the game pretends to be a classic shooter with classic gameplay but never lets you actually do that for most of the game. Fucking retarded for all the shit nu doom gets at least it had that going for it.

you fucking retards need to play some proper games, the movement, animations everything is clunky dogshit compared to half life

I won't be buying or even pirating this game because it portrays the nazis as the baddies, which is factually incorrect

Every single one of the Bethesda-published attempts to 'bring back old-school style FPS' has been super mediocre to outright awful. The only way someone might be excited for these games would be if they haven't played a single FPS that was made before the year 2007.

I bet all of the money in my wallet you aren't white

all of you larpers, you're never fucking white. Always some mutt

>Wanting tacked on multiplayer

You are a perfect example of what is wrong with gaming today


>no politics
If they didn't want it to be political, then explain this shit. I get that they're playing to the current political situation irl, but holy shit it craps on the game. Idc if the enemy is nazis, commies, or Americans. As long as I get to play the big badass with guns who wrecks everything
Only if it's $30

Multiplayer is coupled with it being 8 hour long. If there is no multiplayer then don't make it 8 hours. Fucking Battlefront has a tacked on single player that is just about as long.

You play as a traitor who is the errand boy of anti white leftists and black supremacists, what are you trying to say?

Ok then give me 1 good example of a non-clunky modern first-person shooter with a solid campaign you prick

I don't think you know what clunky even means, because what I played was the opposite of it.

Hitler's power resulted in insane numbers of alpha white men getting killed off to in order to further a retarded domination-based ideology.

What are you even talking about?

>errand boy
He basically takes this shit on his back.

people only playing clunky shit have no comparison dude :P


BJ has always been about killing Nazis since the first Wolf in the 80s, how is he now suddenly a traitor? You baiting little middle school sons of bitches are getting a little too annoying

That's making fun of psuedo commies dude
>Self taught intellectual

He is a fucking commie who backstabs you

this looks like such generic shit its not even funny

He means race traitor


Because considering how worthless the average user is, they're probably gonna kill you anyway, and in much worse ways than just being shot

Wolf TNO was 12-14 hours on first playthrough, with an alternate time-line for replayability. I'm not here to justify the $60 price tag though, just to tell you multiplayer kiddies to fuck off



>you're in middle school because you don't want to worship black supremacists like me!
This is what a race traitor sound like

talking about any race looking like monkeys when I bet all of the money in my wallet you are a mutt monkey boy yourself. You're not white, no matter how badly you want to be.

60 hours for a 12 hour game with a large part of that being cinematic is a fucking scam.

To be fair Half Life 2 is over a decade old now.

>large part cinematic
Yeah, no.

Racism is dumb

You didn't play TNO?

Yes, all those innocent people should have just joined the nazis instead being exterminated like idiots. Or they could have challenged them to a LOGICAL and RATIONAL debate, they would practically walk into the gas chambers by themselves after seeing those crime statistics lol!

>Black Supremacists
If that is what you got out of the trailers then you really are underage. There is literally 2 black characters out of all trailers, some afro bitch and a fat clarinet playing guy. You are just looking for a reason to be offended just like any cliche annoying ass liberal

Just tell me I can skip the shitty story.

I fucking hated the story in the New Order. The ending was atrocious and completely out of character for this franchise.


fuck you faggot
devs are pushing politics so i will call them out on their bullshit

Looks pretty meh. I'll likely play it during its free weekend in a few months

Whoa, slow down fella. What's this I hear about you wanting to kill Republicans?

Did you know Republicans are not Nazis! Just cool it with these dishonest generalisations! FUCKING FASCIST.

>gas chambers


kill yourselves haha

just don't be surprised when you get called out on yours you Sup Forumstard loser

I put over 100 hours into TNO and 50 into TOB, so I am going to buy TNC day one. I'm not some ADD little bitch who plays a game for 2 hours then uses mommy's credit card to buy the next one

I don't think I've ever seen a video game trigger crossposters this long. Even Mafia 3 died off extremely quick.

I honestly can't think of a single one, modern fps games are all trash because the design philosophy is trash at least as far as """AAA""" industry goes.
It's cumbersome and awkward, the animations, weapon switching and equipping (for dual wielding) and contextual actions all contribute to the "clunky" feeling, the whole thing feels like a slog to play through and is not fun.
sync animations, half life didn't have a single one that took control from the player.
now don't get me wrong these new wolf games and Doom have great presentations but the games play like dogshit

No one commented on this on the other thread...

seriously faggot, go there. "Sup Forumstard" lmao


Forgot picture.

Good for you.

>Calls other people's opinions trash
>Can't give a single example when asked for a game in comparison

Get the fuck outta here

Modern triple A shooter user. What do you want or expect from that?

once again, please dont talk about animation Sup Forums.

tekken 1 came out in 1994 and has great fighting animations. Animation has very little to do with time, and everything to do with how talented your animators are.

I know this is a weird concept to fathom, but animation is unlike anything else in video games. When it comes to placing keyframes to move limbs, almost no amount of technology is necessary to have smooth motion and easing, its just where you place the keyframes and your animators sense of easing and weight.

t. game animator

>the only appeal of the game is that you can kill people who you disagree with politically

Nazis are tapped out.

Is there a game where I can kill celebrities?

*very little to do with time of release

Nazis are just people I disagree with lol! Not like they ever hurt anybody :^)

a fair comparison would be RTCW but that ain't modern

way to show (((them))), friends

>how dare someone have an ideology that systematically killed 6 million jews + 5 million disabled and other outcasts
geeee I wonder goyim

>Not like they ever hurt anybody :^)

Did less harm than commies

>Angela Davis
>Afro bitch

/leftypol/ here I'm actually looking forward to killing Nazis along with her.

What games you worked on?

They clearly hurt people but that is clear that isn't why the developers think they are bad. When all your allies are communists, it is pretty clear that the developers care less about the attrocities and more about the ideology.

Why is this board so infested with Sup Forums scum? It's worse than Sup Forums

Eugenics need to be brought back big time