he's in a better place now.
Why are penguins objectively the BEST animals in existence? And why aren't there any games where you play as a male penguin and venture out into the coldest blizzards to fetch fish to return back to your family whilst evading walruses to your best abilities? Heck even if it was Pikmin-style where you have to manage multiple penguins and make as many live as possible whilst fending off from predators it would be amazing.
>you will never be Etna's personal buttprinny
>you will never be Etna
How much am I supposed to grind in this game? I'm up to the second mid-boss fight and he keeps one-shotting my top doods
>you will never be Etna's tight, sweat collecting boot
Is Disgaea 5 any good? Despite the fact that there's no Etna?
More Prinny games please.
Sup Forums - Penguins and Meta
As much as you like.
You can also lift him to make him lose a turn.
It's better to lose one unit of your choosing than risk losing multiple to an aoe.
Etna is in one of the included DLCs, and recruitable. Also, it's one of my favorite in the series, definitely prefer it to D2 at least.
D2 has a better post game though. LOC + hat other difficulty level + hidden stats farming. People who complain it doesn't count are people who "played" using a gamefaqs and paid for Priere evility exploit.
Cheers, thanks!
Currently I'm looking for a PS4 game which has nice anime/drawing like graphics to look at, I mean, to play, and this came to mind.
Now I can't decide between this and Odin Sphere. Both looks pretty good.
>there will never be a sequel to disgaea 3
Why even live?
your franchise is dead dood
So when is Makai Wars coming out?
And do you think that action RPG they're working on will be any good? Thinking about getting it when it comes out in January, but NIS historically doesn't do well at anything outside of TRPGs.
is disgaea 3 generally considered to be the worst game?
>he actually cares about other peoples opinions
DD2 might be the worst, seen more complaining about that than D3, anyone who bitches about D3 is usually just a butthurt D5 fag though.
by retards, yes. sonigros couldn't stomach the graphics and started a crusade to force peopple to obey.
We thought it would never happen. Granted its not on console, but mobile, BUT the PVs show what appears to be the standard NIS TRPG engine running. So its not some copout RNG-fest like most mobile games.
I really fucking like playing D5, but I fucking miss having an actual postgame
And also a lot of the old monster designs, even if I don't hate these current ones
I wouldn't say worst, but it's definitely the most divisive. The plot and characters don't appeal to everyone and the endgame is vastly different compared to other games in the series due to unfixed bugs. It's not outright bad but it's not everyone's cup of tea and in terms of the franchise it's a bit weaker.
>The plot and characters don't appeal to everyone
this is my problem. i loved the first 2 and this one is a fucking chore
Gameplaywise, it's not like it was actively bad or anything. Just had a really one-note main character. Mao's just the least likable of all the main protagonists. Almaz and the Princess aren't too entertaining either.
It however has Raspberyl, the most excellent girl ever. It's worth playing just for her at least.
I haven't been following NIS news as of late, did they announce a mobage? That's kinda neat, I guess. I wonder how bad the gacha'll be.
I guess cast-wise it was kinda weak. MC was so-so and main girl wasn't very endearing either. Raspberyl was great and Yukimaru's sound bytes were entertaining, but she didn't have much presence as a character.
Storywise it was decent and I didn't have any problems with the gameplay systems. I think that was the first one that introduced the classroom system, right?
It all depends on how much you can tolerate the setting and the characters. It's a very different feel compared to previous games. It does introduce a lot of game play elements that are used to greater effect later on though, like the classroom system that's constantly getting refined each game and goes a long way to defining a "good" postgame experience. I'm one of the few that liked the majority of 3's cast and I'll still admit it can be a low point at times.
3 is a major step forward compared to 2. 2 Is the shit game of the franchise. minimal game mechanic changes. Horrible cast, shit story in every way. tedious XP mechanics.
Actually I take that back, they don't actually show a movement grid. So while the attack moves are stuff we're familiar with from Disgaea games, I don't know how much actual control you have over the characters. There is a turn bar at the bottom, but its not clear what sets up the order for it yet.
We'll have to wait and see. Some new cuties in it though. (Hildo sounds odd, so maybe its Hilda or Hyldr?)
Disgaea 3 PC when?
Disgaea 5 DLC at a reasonable price/free when?
Pls. respond.
What is the best looking 2D weeb game?
You'll get more mileage out of D5 at least. Odin's Sphere is rather short. Whereas you can dump hundreds of hours into D5 including post-game.
Otherwise theres always the Neptunia games.
Of all animals, they are the closest to humans.
NIS is making the game in collaboration with Clover Labs. If their other SRPG is any indicator, Makai Wars may indeed still have a map though.
Post game that let you play as a penguin
>the only people people who cared about the series the most in the first place
At least blame the right people instead of starting console wars in the times and places.
He's right about them being retards but the retards are the people who play the series but don't pay to the story at all. These are who should know that Disgaea's stories always have an ulterior motive and narrative to it, yet Mao's actual motives keep flying over these people's heads and then they just bitch about Mao being a selfish only caring about beating up his dad because he broke his game.
Say JP game, weeb doesn't mean what you're using it as.
I'm probably not even half way through yet but the story really just feels like "wow it's quirky he's going to get back at his dad for breaking his vidya!". I really don't like any of the characters and if there isn't hope of a big turn around (or something like the end of D1 with the spaceship stuff) I'm going to regret playing it.
>that second Mid-boss fight
So it just gonna become a thing that bosses are several levels above yours from here on out? I don't feel like passing bills to make the enemies tougher to level if it's gonna affect the rest of the story as well. Laharl is pretty much my MVP at Lv17.
While the level gap might seem consistently absurd, simple AI and degenerate player strategies pretty much trivialize the main story.
The AI is very consistently exploitable and if you know how some particular skills and classes work, you can get ludicrous damage fairly simply.
Also I can't remember if this applied in the first game, but it's possible to throw diagonally. Just have to time it.
Found an English article giving more detail on that game coming in January. Meh. Not much for games like that, but I'll wait on a better PV I guess.
did you meet mister champloo? if so, did you you get to the heart bank trip where you fight nothing but Mao clones? That point right there is where you should start paying attention to those heart bank trips
>player strategy
I've honestly never been too bothered to explore exploits in these types of games. I wouldn't even know what an exploit in Disgaea looks like. Most I've ever done is bait a boss with a Prinny.
I only have six party members to boot.
i think i'm around the heart vault, it's been a while
You make like several trips into it, one or two before Champloo even i think, it's been a while for me so i recall exactly which trips you should care about, so if anything, even if you skimmy through the sort at least pay attention to everything that happens in the heart vault, the first few trips might be nothing special but the heart vault will give you some info towards Mao's motives.
Well, Disgaea 1 is simple enough that powerleveling Laharl is indeed enough for the entire main story. There's also a specific map midgame that allows for incredibly strong and trivial powerleveling if you know specific mechanics.
Just know this, throwing is probably one of Disgaea's most signature mechanics. There is a lot of shit you can pull off with it and then they kind of go ridiculous with it in later games.
>>the only people people who cared about the series the most in the first place
LOL. Sales plumetted at the minute the PS3 generation of gamers took over. The more submitted to Sony you get, the less you buy non AAA EA and UBI trash.
So how viable is a team of all prinnies and the MC?
Sales plummeted on ps3 because psp introduced disgaea on the go with more stuff. After d1 and d2 hit psp, people started waiting and expecting the handheld held ports more and d3's dips in sales came from people expecting the vita port which happened. the same thing happened with 4 and 5. Fives only one the switch because the vita was already being pushed with 4, a bigger game game like 5 wouldn't work well on vita plus cashing in on switch hype
4 stam 4 str
D5 wouldn't work on the Vita period, its not powerful enough for the map sizes and unit counts.
As far as D1 goes: Ninjas. More Ninjas. Go full speed growth with all boots and fist weapon and they're unstoppable.
Not sure if the PC version fixes the healing bug though. Originally speed was calculated against ALL spells, not just enemy spells. This means once their SPD was high enough you couldn't hit them with heals anymore. So in the off-chance you did get hit, you had to rely solely on healing items.
>D5 wouldn't work on the Vita period, its not powerful enough for the map sizes and unit counts.
Literally what i just said, and those bugs are not enough to overlook the fact of you taking disgaea on the go.
>because psp
Oh Jesus Neogaf your bubble burst you need to wake up now.
>Laharl plugs his ears and closes his eyes
Did anyone play that Prinny platformer game? It was my favorite game on PSP for a while.
Divisive yes. Worst is DD2 without a doubt. And I'd argue that considering story and characters, 5 is worse than 3.
There was a Prinny 2 dood, its pretty good as well dood!
They're both fucking great. 2 is a little worse overall but the Asagi Mode is God tier.
DD2 game design is great, it just has a poor story
are prinnys our doods?
>worst girl won
fucking DROPPED tbqhwy family
time to fap
Is it possible to beat Disgaea with only a team of Prinnies?
I have the remake of 1 for DS, if it matters.
What game design? The only good thing was the Cheat Shop. Everything else without exception was badly done. And the need to pad the battles with incessant ailment inducing enemies was shitty as fuck.
>for DS
Do yourself a favor and just get it on Steam. It's the definitive version with PSP and DS bonus content combined.
>Asagi finally gets her own game
>it's gacha shit
Not while Infinite exists.
>What game design
Yeah, keep proving you never played the game and are just memeing around.
>don't need to roll the gacha since best girl is the protag
We are prinnies dood
Did anyone else buy the switch special edition just for this song?
>still have to roll the gacha for alternative costumes
Is there really not going to be a 6th?
No english version right? Of course. Ignore half your market like always
>short as fuck
>shitty main character
>forgettable cast other than Raspberyl
Any word on the next Disgaea or N1 tactics game?
Man I miss Disgaea. I want a multiplatform Disgaea 6, and I want smt5 to be multiplat too. I don't want to buy a Switch.
Obligatory best girl posting
if they are real, all of us are going to become one of them unless you start fucking lift and kill 1000 demons to become one of them