I dont come to this board often so youve probably discussed this already, but shitty business practices and ubisoft aside how was the new south park game?
I dont come to this board often so youve probably discussed this already...
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Combat was decent but far too easy. Story is garbage.
worse than the previous, but still very good
Standard Ubisoft fare. Mediocre and soulless but still enjoyable enough to be worth one play-through.
It's okay I guess, I like the first one more
Fucking boring. The Stick of Truth is superior in everyway. I'm with Captain Diabetes and I feel like dropping this game.
do you think stick of truth had superior combat and difficulty?
Its as good or slightly worse than SoT. Combat is better, but some fights might drag too long for what will not be a close fight. Uses way more buddies so you get to see more of the South Park cast, but the buddy powers in the overworld are a bit overused.
Some long animations make fights really repetitive, since you might just use one move over and over on Wendy/Call Girl for instance.
You play SoT and FBW for the story and characters, and I would say they are both even. Clyde and the Vamp Kids were pretty underused in SoT, and FBW's "final boss" fight was boring while nicely written.
I don't see how anyone could like SoT's combat better in any way but the fights are shorten meaning you bypass the shit combat to get to cutscenes faster. Its a poorly done Paper Mario game, enemies are poorly designed compared to Paper Mario and its balance is fucked since you just want to stack bleed/gross out and a few ranged weapons do 2-3 stacks of bleed per turn. Every fight was the same, no new mechanics introduced for boss fights or anything
not bad but not Worth 60 dollars and having to deal with uplay.
wait for a complet edition with all the dlc or something. the entire ending was a huge dlc bait.
both were easy but stick was funner since there were multiple ways to break the game. in the new one clone+ double turn destroys everything.
Wasnt stick of truth also supposed to receive story dlc but nothing happened?
>story was garbage
which was sad beacuse things starded to get intresting and than, time travel LOL.
dont know about dlc but some parts of the game were cut. the goths/vampires were suppose to have an entire storyline focus on them but it was cut.
Fighting the Christmas Critters in a ruined South Park then going back to the beginning of the game to fight yourself as The King was pretty fun. I'd say time travel was done well.
There was also something with the ginger kids that had Children of the Corn vibes.
it would have been better if you got a bit of freeroam in the future just to see how shit things got.
traveling forwards in time to see what south park is like after cartman becomes the mayor and fighting those christmas shits with santa, and especially fighting the stick of truth guys, are the most memorable parts of the game. the fuck you on about
A step down from the original, okay until time travel plot kicks in, all downhill from there, except it's so short it's more like jumping off a cliff.
Combat is interesting for a while, but just gets boring, especially the last fight. I turned the difficulty down towards the end because of how tedious fights were becoming.
Something that bugs me is how they handled buddy powers in the over world, in the first game you merely have to have the right person in your party, point at the thing that needs to be done, said thing happens. In this one, you have to point at said thing, make sure you have the correct buddy power selected, scan the fucking thing for 3 seconds, and then move to where the action happens AND do a shitty QTE every time.
>I don't see how anyone could like SoT's combat better in any way but the fights are shorten meaning you bypass the shit combat to get to cutscenes faster
It's not so much combat is better as much as the game knows not to overstay its welcome SoT doesn't do much that is incredible, but it knows to be short and to the point once it has expended its resources. Having explored all its base gameplay had to offer, it ends.
By contrast FbW feels like too much padding for too little substance. Stretched too thin.
i was focusing more on the final "boss", the plot with mitch coner and the ending itself.
the critters and the stick of truth fights were awsome.
>In this one, you have to point at said thing, make sure you have the correct buddy power selected, scan the fucking thing for 3 seconds, and then move to where the action happens AND do a shitty QTE every time.
Which could have been somewhat interesting IF the target-object coding did not make companions self evident. Might have been a small puzzle factor to it (but then this being Ubi, Towelly would bang you on the head with the answer for daring to take more than a minute to find it).
As it stands, the companion choice feels pretty redundant.
Do you think the ending was that bad? It seemed pretty standard south park shit to me. Hell I thought the stick of truth ending was worse
So why the fuck did Kyle decide to be a douchebag at the end just to fuck everyone over?
shouldve gotten obsidian again. the combat was lame this time around
it started out fine but then it dragged on for so long it was completely out of his character and seemed like the devs just needed a final battle.
As a friend put it: SoT felt like playing a South Park Episode. FbW feels like South Park being butchered to fit into Ubisoft's normalized production line.
it was a tv show ending not a videogame ending
felt more like oh eps about to end time to wrap this up. the content was fine but the pacing was awful.
Except combat is the only improvement FBW has over SOT. Exploration, "puzzles" and small things like how in SOT the attacks were (mostly) improvisations of real-life things are largely absent. This game would've been so much better with Obsidian because they would've put more thought into those things.
yeah the plot was bad cartmen pulling the strings all along, kyle deciding to troll the part by pretnding to be mitch coner just to have cartman confess Everything and than have it all forgiven and forgotten by giving mitch some sad backstory.
than we have the ending with the new kid having both his parents back but now in love again but still mad about dad is fucking his mom beacuse? than the dlc bait with butters.
SOT had an Amazing final boss and a nice ending to the game while DESU just went full retard.
Why did Matt and Trey go to Ubisoft anyways?
It's all right. I'd say it's a bit worse than Stick of Truth, but it's still fun. Your mileage may vary due to the battle system change.
>your dad fucked your mom!
I don't know how to feel about this.
I'm so conflicted because on one hand (Kyle) duh, on the other it actually happened in the first game and new kid didn't seem to care.
God fucking damnit I hate Cartman's stupidity.
i dont think they know much about video games (why should they) and simply went with the best offer. that or ubisoft had the idea to make these types of south park games and approached them before anybody else got the same idea.
Stick of Truth was incredibly successful, why did Ubisoft feel the need to ditch Obsidian and give this game to a developer that previously did guitar games?
Yeah, even on mastermind difficulty combat is still easy.
To play devil's advocate: every studio deserves a chance to do something else they might want to be doing.
The question here is more the impetus behind Ubi's decision.
More likely, they had an unavailable studio and put the production there. But then it's hard to reconcile spitting on corporate soulless business practices and then complain when there's a chance they actually gave a developers team an opportunity to branch out.
I'm going to assume the developers had little to no influence over the story in either games. So the most important thing the developers had to do, besides balance but combat obviously isn't the focus in these games, was build the world. Which this new game absolutely fails at compared to SOT.
If ubisoft sanfran really wanted to branch out they picked (or were assigned) the worst possible game to do that in. Which is why I don't buy it. More than likely it was just cheaper to give FBW to any in-house developer.
>tfw Spontaneous Booty and her theme
I dunno why is everyone bitching about story. I'm 10h in and so far I'm liking it.
its mostly the ending some people have a problem with
>want to play the new south park game
>try it out
>hate the combat so fucking much
>want to play for the story, but the combat is so shit its keeping me away
ill just have to wiki it I guess
What's so bad about turn-based combat?
>the combat is so shit
i keep hearing this but to me the combat was the biggest (and only) improvement over the first game
You're assuming user has issues with turn based itself rather than the execution.
I dont mind turn based combat, I just hate the grid system, how it handles turns, etc. It feels like a unholy mix of xcom and tactics, but without any understanding about what made those games fun and unique.
SoT's combat was simple, sure, but it worked on so many levels. It had charm, it felt right, it fit the world they built and just sorta... felt natural. TFBW's entire game feels almost by the numbers AAA. Over the top engine that very much wasnt needed and was pointless because they had to recode almost the entire fucking thing anyway, a combat that only sorta fits but feels misplaced, a grind for other powers for no reason other than to pad the game, etc.
Everything about it just rubs me wrong.
Dunno how else to explain it.
SoT's combat was shit, it was literally unlock kyle, and one shot everyone with his arrow barrage
sot's combat didnt work on any level, its charm of characters using improvised shit like car batteries for their skills couldve been translated to fbw but for some reason wasnt. i understand that liking grid-based systems is very much subjective but i dont think you can argue fbw combat wasnt an objective improvement on pretty much every level. the visuals are not the fault of the combat system itself
I just don't like how standard, regular encounters take as long as they do. But overall I enjoy FBW's combat.
Btw what's the best weakness to choose? Vampires right?
Brand recognition for a sequel. Just like Andromeda.
dont think weakness actually does anything.
>combat is piss easy
>bored out of my mind
>get to stripper part
>"lol the stripper is fat, get it?"
>"she's fat haha"
>"lol the fat stripper is coming to get you lmao"
>"XD isn't she fat?"
>captain diabetes gets caught by her, dies
>i get caught by her, die
>have to redo the entire snoozefest of a stripper fight
And that's where I uninstall, what a boring shitfest. Glad I didn't waste money on this lol.
>sot's combat didnt work on any level
??? it's literally just paper mario, it definitely worked
SoT had a much better focus, much better quests and story and way more variety (UFO's, Nazi zombies, Canada, Mr Slaves ass etc).
SoT didn't feel nearly as tight, the game has so much fucking artificial padding with backtracking and all the shitty buddy animations etc. The pacing for Fractured falls apart in the final third as well.
I did like the character customization though, despite it has pretty much no impact on the story, I made my character a girl and they sort of keep going "Oh has anybody told you that you're cute for a boy?", "you have very nice hair for a boy" but never is it revealed I'm a girl to the rest of the boys and nothing comes from it, surprising because it feels like the game is building to some sort of reveal but it never happens.
Also I chose Polynesian Russian Chaotic Buddhist and nothing came of that as well, I thought when you had to "Pray to Jesus" Buddha would come down but nope.
Weird to have this big character sheet RPG stuff but it has absolutely zero effect on the game.
Unlike FBH, SoT doesn't overstay its welcome, doesn't have enemies skipping your turn for no reason at all, doesn't have dumb gimmicks like
Generic Ubisoft open world game
I got to the Mitch Connor fight, died and gave up. I thought all the extra rules were made so you were supposed to die. Then it killed me for real. Whenever I got close to killing him, guess what? 'That damage doesn't count'. Seriously, I know it's supposed to make you mad but god I hate changing rules in the middle of the game
what you call "dumb gimmicks" is actually what kept the combat from being exactly the same all the time. im not a fan of real-time timers in turn-based games but at least it was some variety, and mind you other such encounters were far more interesting than the stripper club one
Just skip all your turns and let Kyle/Cartman kill each other.
>i dont think you can argue fbw combat wasnt an objective improvement on pretty much every level
The Paper Mario-esque timing system in SoT was way better. Now they just have what are essentially QTEs. The worst are the defensive ones, which no longer require even a modicum of skill. And the result is they have to nerf it so that landing it is meaningless. Woohoo, I managed to avoid 3 damage while they did 36 to me.
Bunch of dumb shit gets added St random. Like microaggressions when you meet PC principal. Things don't build on each other like in SoT. Also Morgan Freemen spoopy ghost solves any puzzle for you.
i liked it better than stick of truth it just needs fleshed out more. Ending was okay it just kinda happened.
>combat is piss easy
>die at the stripper fight
Kyle is useless, I don't even have him in my party
Ignore what I said then. Get gud.
youre right about the timing in sot, i didnt remember that
I love Ubisoft managed to suck all the fucking charm out what made the last game so good. Fetch quest and opening draws: the game.
Wait, in SoT or FbW? Cause they seem to be selfieable in FbW, you just need to find them a necronomicon. Beat the game and still haven't found it myself so maybe you're right.
the necronomican is literally in the next room______________________________
I guess the next game will be about anime, ninjas and shit. Either that or sci-fi.
i mean in the first game.
>get all cars
>dont get a Mr Slave ass vore summon
Went back in time and cancelled my preorder
Prefer sci-fi, Star Treck or some cyberpank.
You mean cats? I still miss some.
Do you heave to deal with uplay shit even on console?
Weird, I was sure I explored the entire house. Meh, I'll come back to 100% it later, busy with Hat in Time for now.
At least you can be female this time around
This game lacked of good sidequests. The hunting one and the Al Gore one in the first game were funny a lot. Also fuck Mitch Connor.
its not even funny, i literally dont get whats wrong with these stupid kids, 90% of the game appears to be just completely unfunny gameplay and stupid bullshit, with 10% being LOL LE FUCK WHITE PEOPLE LE FUCK NIGGERS LOL FUCK EVERYONE WHO HAS AN OPINION ON ANYTHING
Because modern southpark kek
Southpark isnt what it used to be anymore
Why would it be about anime and ninjas? I find sci-fi much more likely
>tfw I'm having constant chuckles with this game
you can dislike south park but this game is literally no different from the last game or the tv series from the past 5+ years
>literally no different from the TV series
>literally 5-10 minutes go by of gameplay AT LEAST without even a single joke or a hint of irony or satire
also the show has gone to shit recently, ESPECIALLY very recently
>>literally 5-10 minutes go by of gameplay AT LEAST without even a single joke or a hint of irony or satire
Which part?
You could get similar comments in Stick of Truth, there's literally nothing changed except for a line of text on your character sheet.
Yea with all the SJW bullshit
At least my character can have a vagina this time
I liked everything but the story and items more than the first one
The artefact system with clothing being cosmetic only is just bad
And story seemed, weaker? Than the first one. Like, the firest one had many good side quests and some ridiculous "typical" south park moments where this was really, WAY, WAY too linear
does turning up the difficulty do anything meaningful?
I kept it on hardest difficulty the first playthrough because I heard it's piss easy otherwise. I think I only really died in one fight.
>he died at stripper part
Holy shit you are fucking garbage mate
>doesn't do anything about it
>"fucking gimmicks"
you should have seen the amount of idiots spamming the forum and steam discussion pages about being unable to shit. plebs
>ESPECIALLY very recently
because it made fun of daddy?
seriously, seek help
Sup Forums is melting your brain
The ending chapter of the game is so shit holy fuck. Everything after you enter the lab is hot garbage. Stick of Truth was better. Fractured maybe has better combat but that's it.
Really? You should literally not be able to lose it
Just use fucking heals, also you can keep riving people coon has only single target attacks you should never die on this fight
I think he is talking about the first mitch conner fight not the last one
I failed the first time because I like to take my time in turn based games and plan every move. I would wait too long, then get knocked back by 3/4 bitches concurrently before it was my turn again, and by then the red bar was nearly full, skipping my turn. Second try was a breeze for some reason, just knew what you had to do.
>Please select a religion
That depends, I tried it on gamepad it seems pretty impossible to move the sticks left one left-right and right one up-down at the same time, your brain just makes it so
Just try to wave your left hand horizontally and your right one vertically, in seconds one of the hands will be doing circles
On the keyboard on the other hands its piss easy because you just press 2 buttons each hand