What games and game-related stuff did you buy this month, Sup Forums?
ITT: Your October pickups
What's he getting, Sup Forums?
Cuphead and just Mario by the looks of things now.
I was gonna get Destiny 2 and Wolfenstein TNC but D2 turned out to be a dumpster fire and TNC takes the good things TNO did and makes them worse.
Nothing. I haven't bought a game since June and that game was released in 2009. Before that is was February and a game released in 2012.
Evil Within 2 and waiting for Yomawari Midnight Shadows in the mail. Turns out the store pickup on that one was a load of shit and it's getting shipped to me instead. Whatever, I guess.
Haven't been going too ham on buying games lately, since I'm going on holiday early next year; but there's been a few decent sales on, so I managed to pick up this all (As well as Cuphead on Steam) for pretty cheap.
I liked Folklore quite a bit. Combat's a bit on the simple side but otherwise it's pretty solid. Be prepared to basically play the game twice, though.
Witcher 3 finally, thought I'd have to wait for Christmas
Yeah, I finished it as Keats back when it was relatively new (I rented it back in high school) but never got around to playing it through as Ellen. Saw a decently-priced copy on eBay a few weeks back, so I thought it was worth getting, since a lot of that early 7th gen stuff is getting fairly uncommon now. Keeping my eyes peeled for a cheap copy of Eternal Sonata at the moment.
Cuphead, Splatoon 2 switch bundle along with some other eshop games, Ys Origin and Caladrius Blaze from limited run games.
>ask my mom to buy me shadow of war and assassins creed
>get yelled at because I want to spend $150 on video games, again
I didn't even want the most expesive versions
Gears of War 4 and Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 remaster. Thinking about buying Cuphead too.
your mom is right here. these 2 games arent worth spending more than 50usd.
Get a job autist.
Chinese controllers, Cuphead, ELEX
Nights of Azure 2
Mario Odyssey
-all on switch
NoA2 as bad as the Japs have been saying?
Ninja gaiden black on xbone it’s as good as I remember also evil within 2 it’s kinda meh.
Bought this bad boy. I am really hyped.
I looked exactly like this in elementary/middle school. scarily down to a T.
Im past due on xbox one live membership. what happens when i dont pay
Nintendo Switch and games for it:
Disgaea 5
Splatoon 2
DB Xenoverse 2
FE Warriors
DUUUUUDE HYYYYYYPE!!! Oh man I'm so HYPE for another ass creed dude HYPE as fuck!
Thinking about buying Xbox Live Gold for a year or so
fucking hype bro! man thats so sick! origins is gonna be so bad ass!
Super Mario Odyssey
Thimbleweed Park
$120 of eShop credit
Cyberdimension Neptuina
Almost every b8 pic here gets lifted off reddit. No exception this time.
Life is Strange Before Storm whole season and preordered L.A. Noire remastered.
Did steal south park, tew2 and shadow of war though and will also get wolfenstein and ac origins.
Every time
So are you going to explain yourself? Why would you take internet content from another website and post it as your own?
Maybe she/he bought it but was just lazy and instead of taking a pic of their shit she/he just grabbed an image online?
Besides, who the fuck are you and why do you care so much?
I bought both of the Metro games. They're in the mail still though.