Lightning Returns

>"Here, we decided to include a larger world that you can explore!"

What the FUCK were they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's an "OP is a fagget who complains about the ''''lack of'''' time in LR" thread
let's see what's on Sup Forums instead...

I love the time limit system in Majora's Mask and Dead Rising. LR does an awful job at it and never gives you room to breathe and see everything.

This game gives me Versus XIII vibes. Do you think they used assets from that on this game?

Toriyama just wanted to dress his waifu skeleton up

No, the similarities are because Isamu Kamikokuryo who was art director on 12 and 13 was the world art director for 15

She has the ideal female body.

but you can do everything there is to do and still have so much time left over that you have to spend the last week doing nothing but sleeping at the inn to pass time.

If you like little boys.

I didn't even use a walkthrough and I finished all the side quests with 5 days left to spare. Honestly I would say the game gives you too much time, as I ended up dropping it when I got bored exterminating the enemies for the remaining time I had and it felt like a waste to skip forward.

No wonder 15 looks like shit.

Wouldn't it be great if the game had a certain mechanic that allowed you to double, triple or even quadruple the time at your disposal? Or if the game had a NG+ mode?
Oh wait...

No idea

>never gives you room to breathe

Sounds like you're just really bad. Try play on Easy Mode, they fix a lot of these issues for players that suck.

Lightning Trilogy on PS4 when?

Quality bullshit there, you can smell the faggotery behind that post.

>nearly 300 hours of content for just 60$
Never ever in the current industry
After FFXV they'll chop up each game in 5 parts and sell it at 60$

Wouldn't it be even better if a game didn't have those useless time restriction mechanics to begin with? Huh, you retarded square fan faggot?!

Fucking hang yourself, you're the reason they ruined Dead Rising

>Butthurt 12 year old weeb squarenix fan faggot detected

>what the fuck were they thinking?

they weren't

>youtube review
Hang yourself again

>Waaaaah! How dare someone on youtube speak the truth about muh FFXIII gayms!!!1!
Face it you underaged stupid weeb faggot :
Final Fantasy XIII is shit
Final Fantrasy XIII-2 is shit
Final Fantasy XIII-3 LR is shit
And you are shit too for defending/promoting this shit, my dear squarenix employ...

I'm not pissed about idiots on youtube, I'm pissed about bandwagoners parroting youtube idiots
If you're argument is simply repeating what someone else has said on fucking youtube of all places, you have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion and are simply poison for the board

Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands with her and have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

After about two whole hours you become able to freeze time forever by getting AP from the big monsters faster than you can burn it. LR has a shitload of problems but the time limit isn't one of them.

13-2 is good though.

>The game just sucks! This has nothing to do with me having

>playing on Hard Mode and defeating a Last One on the 13th Day inside a Chaos Infusion
Honestly, this gave me quite a sense of accomplishment, especially when it was something big like a Behemoth or an Earth Eater

>Wouldn't it be even better if a game didn't have those useless time restriction mechanics to begin with?
Play Easy Mode. It's for people who aren't good enough to handle the time mechanics properly.

>Wouldn't it be even better if a game didn't have those useless time restriction mechanics to begin with?

I have seen worse mechanics

>Magic written in English in one menu and in moon in another

You literally have to be brain dead to run out of time in this game. I finished all the main quests and most of the side quests with 4 days remaining. I had to get all cozy in a hotel and skip those extra days

This game sucked shit regardless of the time mechanic