Are Visual Novels games?

Are Visual Novels games?

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Game requires a fail state. If it doesn't have one, it's not a game.

What about puzzle games? Or point-and-clicks without any death scenes?

You can't /thread your own post, RETARD

but yes, /thread

>puzzle games
Time runs out, can't make any more moves, get stuck.
Those are fail states.
>Or point-and-clicks without any death scenes?
That's an interactive story, not a game.

Plenty of VNs have fail states, actually. Bad Ends exist in plenty.


no thats why theyre called visual novels

If its something you intentionally seek out for 100% completion (unlocking CGs, etc) then it's not a fail state.

>bitch kills you
>credits roll
That's an ending, not a fail state.

>what are bad endings

you can get stuck in point-n-clicks. And any definition that classifies something like Mokey Island as not a game is flawed.

What about Sims or city builders? Most of them don't really have a fail state

they are illustrated choose-your-own-adventure ebooks

>you can't die in monkey island

It's in the name. SIMulator

>a game requires a fail state

thats just nitpicking at the title I chose, what about Day of the Tentacle then? Is that not a game?

everything is a game to me

Back to NeoGAF with (you).

It's true though. a game were there's no losing, isn't a game.

fuck off. never been there and wont go there

>take video game
>enter cheat code that makes losing impossible
>it is no longer a video game

Idgaf whether they're games or not. They entertain me, and that's something that the vast majority of recent "games" fail to do.

If they're not games, then why are they allowed on instead of being moved to ?

That's like saying dying in Desu2 is not fail state since it gives you a bad ending.

Shame the double meaning was probably lost on the creators.

Because you weeb faggots stomped your feet hard enough and the jannies couldn't be bothered to deal with your incredible autism any more so they threw you a bone.

Fuck you CN

There is more GAMEPLAY in Gone Home than in every Visual Novel ever made combined.

Now for the flood of assblasted weebs claiming that pressing a button to advance a box of text dialogue underneath a static drawing of an anime girl is "gameplay".

they should be moved to what the fuck is desu2? sounds like shit

Then you need to go back, newfaggot.

Is Ace Attorney a game?

>been here since 2008

it's like you've never played a Hyperdimension game

I've had sex, so you are correct.

>not a newfag

Yes, you are.

Needs to be updated.
2016/17 will be T_D