Best LA laker with facts
>tfw there is an alternate reality where Nintendo bought the Sonics instead of the Mariners, and the KD-Westbrook-Harden trio is on their 4th championship.
The alternative would have to have ichiro not going to mariners and basketball being more popular baseball in Japan
Hope kuz meant a new game otherwise he is not based
>caring about apehoop
>not glad we got Ichiro and based Matsui as a result of Ichiro's success
>with fax
Implying basketball isn't better than snoreball
>dumbass eceleb thinks NoA is im charge of anything except censorship
>people unironically begging for a port of Tr4sh when its guaranteed they wont do it because its on a handheld already
>Implying baseball isn't better than basketball
Even soccer is more interesting than basketball.
He is a nba player
>watching apehoop
woah, let's calm down there.
Soccer is better than baseball. Baseball is a dying sport among 18 - 49 audience and kids.
Just old ass grandpa's watch it. Tv data proves it
>don't qualify for world cup
>literally no one cares
The islands in south America which own baseball atm is more black heritage than white
Reminder that Sakurai will never settle for a half-assed port, he shit out Brawl because if he didnt Nintendo would have just put Melee on the Wii.
We wont see 5mash realistically until 2019/2020
>Best LA Laker
At this point that's like winning the special olympics
>country trash at any sport it didnt invent doesnt get into the World Cup
Wow gee, wonder why it wasn’t news
This, except he clearly burnt out and is probably making Kid Icarus Uprising 2 instead.
>>tfw there is an alternate reality where Nintendo bought the Sonics instead of the Mariners
should have bought the Marios
>tfw a eurocuck desperately wanted me to care about soccer near me
Why can't they accept that we don't care about soccer?
If you haven't noticed, Caribbean nations like Cuba and the Dominican Republic didn't invent baseball yet they are kicking the asses of Americans in the sport.
Puerto rico, venazula. Cabberians own it
How would Uprising 2 work with HD Roomba?
Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, but yes.
>Proud nations with 3000 years of cultural heritage loving soccer all around the world.
>A patchwork 'nation' with an average IQ of 80 (just slightly higher than apes) dislike it.
Raelly maeke me think;
Not relevant. We didn't make it to world cup and aren't worth watching
American football. USA main sport is dying because players are kneeling for national anthems kek
more 3000 years of boring pansy bullshit