Previous thread got flushed, so here's a new fresh one. Disqus this shit, boyz & gurlz, and LET'S POSITIVE THINKING, hee-ho!
Megami Tensei thread, le Shin Megami V edición
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The Answer:
"Persona" is called that because in Persona the demons, angels, deities, and historic/heroic/legendary figures are all shoved under one category of beings - the said "Personae". This makes both "Lawful" and "Evil" Personae all the same goody two-shoes that are commanded directly by the characters, bend under their will, being used as slaves. In Megami Tensei, however, which includes Shin naturally, there are no "Personae", and every monster, deity, or being which you encounter, has their own classification, alignment, behavior, and preferences in life. For example, in Shin Megami demons are exactly that - daemons, and nothing else than just that. While angels and other holy beings are divine entities, but nothing more than just that either. And, unlike with "Personae" in Persona, you can never lump a holy deity together with evil-as-fuck demon. And when recruiting any of those, that is exactly what you're doing - recruiting them and/or directly making them your allies/friends, not making your slaves. They can even attack you or leave your party if you piss them off, or refuse to act if they don't like shit that you're doing. This vastly differs from "Personae" of Persona, as in Persona they're LITERALLY your slaves which unquestionably obey you and perform each and every of the commands you order them to do. Also - "Personae" of Persona are not technically physically there with you all the time, only able to be present in a physical world alongside you for the very small duration while they're using their powers. Basically, in Persona you only see their "spirits", an ephemeral shape, while in Megami Tensei and Shin they're LITERALLY there, in mind and body, right beside you, being on same physical plane as you, just as additional characters and not "spirits". All of this allows for a much MUCH greater RPG elements expansion when it comes down to sheer role-playing in Megami, unlike with Persona where you never really actually hang with your "Personae".
Just a friendly reminder that Kaneko is contributing some guest demon designs to The Lost Child (An SMT clone sequel to El Shaddai), which hits the West early next year, so that'll probably be worth picking up to tide yourself over until some more SMTV info comes out.
Post best boy Walter
Is this the dark souls 2 of persona?
It's the Bloodborne of Digital Devil Saga
Giten is not "based" on any game, it's technically a legitimate Megami Tensei entry which is a PC exclusive and it has actual guro and hentai (and hentai guro) in it. It's an ill-known strongly reviled title in the worldwide MegaTen fanbase cirle, called Giten Megami Tensei. It was released in 1997 on PC-9801 (NEC PC-98) and later on PC. Here it is -
It's "legit" only in a sense that it was developed by Atlus and published by ASCII, but the thing is - it's essentially "Snake's Revenge/Ghost Babel" of Megami Tensei franchise. Uncanon as fuck and was developed by a couple guys from studio in their spare time without main Atlus office's consent or knowing. LITERAL fanfic.
Giten is a real piece of shit, and not in a good sense of the word. The shock content is also not just "slight onemoo guro", but actually some pretty sickfucked stuff even for an "onemoo-stylized PC exclusive gaem". Also fucktons of tits and pr0n. It's amazing how Atlus got this fanfic shit slipped through it's QA.
Tokyo Revelations onemoo is a part of Majin Tensei. Giten is neither the Megami nor Majin, it's absolutely it's own thing. Again, like I've said a lot of times already - a friggin' fanfic. It's deeply reviled inside the worldwide MegaTen fanbase circle, many downright deny it's very existence altogether. It's THAT bad, on all fronts.
Personae aren't your slaves, you literally misunderstand their very being. They are different manifestations of your psyche and therefore they aren't actual separate beings but representations of facets of yourself.
Regardless you're arguing about some fucking stupid shit.
when the emulator come out
Ronde is a Saturn exclusive, you uneducated scrubshit. It's uber-crappy too, but it's NOT the only shitty Megami-licensed game (Ronde is actually Majin, but Megami license encompasses all) out there. Giten is way worse. Ronde was just "a bad Majin game" an experiment, while Giten is nothing more than exactly just a very shitty fanfic made by some sicko residing at the Atlus during his spare time.
You've had SMTO, but both Aeria and Atlus has fucked up massively with it and it's dead now.
You also have Giten. In other words - shit. So eat shit and Die For Me.
>This is what so-called self-proclaimed "modern age gaymer" kiddie scrubshit Penis-onna faggots actually believe
Personae ARE "shadows". Shadows are literally "stray/wild/uncaptured Personae". They're SAME shit. Again - in Persona they've put it ALL under one rug, while mainline Megami/Shin Megami and Majin differentiate them all very well in many categories and sub-categories, individualizing them. In Persona it's all the same shit called differently, while in Megami/Shin Megami and Majin they're not just called differently, but they ARE different on a fuckton of levels. "Monsters" in Megami and Majin have their own personalities, thoughts, behavior, and actual physical bodies. In Persona they're just empty ephemeral shells that obey your every command. not even actually physically there for 90% of the time.
Do you think we'll get Kek ?
she has no 3D model though
>the fifth game will explore anxieties specific to this particular era. Namely the game will deal with topics like the unfair job market, aging, terrorists, nuclear weapons
>SJWs, feminazi, NeoFAG, PewDiePie, Niggers, Trump, Putin, Leftists, Antifa, GG, AniDB, ISIS, user, Furfags, Onemoofags, Alex Jones, Triggered landwhales, le memeys, gaymen journalism, Pepe
I swear to yhvh if you just hoi one more time
There's also a PC version of Persona 1.
>I haven't played too many Megami Tensei games. Are they all "hard for the first couple of hours and then enemies-literally-never-get-a-turn cakewalk for the rest of the game", or was that just Persona 5?
Read this -
Well, yeah, but it's super-rare and not many played it (which is ironical, considering this is the THE most best rendition of Be Your True Mind out there, both graphics and content-wise). Forgot to add it.
Sup faggot.
So just Ring of Gaea and the church with a palette swap essentially
"If..." started Persona, but itself is NOT Persona. It's Shin Megami. Just because "If..." technically takes place in same city as Be Your True Mind and just because it were If's main villains' actions which led to things that happened in Be Your True Mind (and thus later to both of the Persona 2) several weeks (or was it months?) later in a neighboring school, doesn't automatically make "If..." a Persona. It's Persona's prototype, literally, but it's a Shin Megami game, not Persona.
havn't played SJ but from what i've heard/seen I doubt nocturne is harder than it
>There's not a route in the Persona series where you can kill all your friends.
Wasted potential to be honest, i would glady kill all those bunch of faggots
Strange Journey is easier, though still hard in itself.
Nocturne still up to this very day holds the title of the most hardest Megami Tensei-licensed video game ever made so far. Strange Journey got close, but wasn't able to dethrone Nocturne.
Then I guess the series is a lot easier than I thought. i'm assuming Minotaur/medusa in SMT4 is as hard as it gets? Because I had more trouble with them than anything in Nocturne
>Anything in Nocturne harder than Mem Aleph
Are you one of those bullshitting fags who openly proclaim everywhere that they played through entirety of Nocturne and never died at least two times while playing it for the very first time ever? If so, I've seen your kind of shitheads before and you're miserable as fuck, because """""(((playing)))""""" Nocturne with FAQs/Guides/Walk-throughs (or even worse - on YouTube) is not the same as PLAYING Nocturne for the first time while NOT knowing ANYTHING about it. I know people who have garnered extensive knowledge on Megami franchise and have accumulated massive amounts of playing experience, but still had problematic moments in Nocturne when played it for the very first time. So you saying "Nocturne is not really hard for me" is downright LYING in the case if you're seriously suggesting you never died in it while playing through it for the first time. Such kinds of boasting shithead kiddie scrubshits always make me laugh out loud. Hope you're not one of them, son...or are you?
You never played original Soul Hackers, huh? Sucks to be you, I guess.
>Nocturne still up to this very day holds the title of the most hardest Megami Tensei-licensed video game ever
Aside from the early bosses and areas, Nocturne is easy as shit.
haha nice false flag
You know dying=/=being hard, right?
Evennthen if your team is somewhat good later on you never die unless it's a cheap shot.
nocturne was my first smt game, didn't use a guide. How the fuck would a guide help with nocturne anyway outiside of amala? Got the true demon ending. Calm your autismo. I died a couple of times but nothing extreme, it's the same buffs/debuffs shit in every other SMT (this is why minotaur/medusa are difficult in 4, you really don't have shit when you fight them).
I'm responding to copypasta though arn't I?
yeah this, it's the same retarded mentality people use to say dark souls is hard
What "false flag", lol? Dude they're LITERALLY referencing and talking about "truck/car-driving terrorists" in Persona 5.
Where the fuck do i mention Soul Hackers, idiot? im just talking between Nocturne and Strange Journey.
Where? I don't remember that. Also remember that japanese trucks of death are something different than western trucks of peace.
>dying=/=being hard
Must I remind you that in Nocturne it's Game Over, Man, Game Over if your main character dies? And he's easy to gang up on as fuck, in Nocturne. And that's exactly what enemy AI does, on EVERY difficulty. Also - you know nothing of "dying being hard", Jon Snow. Go "play" I Wanna Be The Guy and Super Meat Boy, and learn shit.
oh I guess I should mention I decided to do a strength build which is apparently strong in nocturne
>I died a couple of times, but nothing extreme
So at least 10 times then, alright, got it. You should've said so right from the very beginning.
probably a bit less, I would say like 8 if memory serves right. What does it matter? Dying 10 times doesn't make a game hard, I died way more in other jRPGs like xenoblade and tales of berseria but I consider both of those easy. Is smt the only jrpg you play or something?
I thought they were called personae because they were manifestations of your psyche/inner demons since in English "persona" is a word used to indicate a type of personality or behaviour and such
>Dying 10 times doesn't make a game hard
This is what "modern age gaymer" FROMfaggotring schoolboys actually believe, lel
this is the opposite of fromfaggotry retard
That's just a plot-convenient retcon. It pertains strictly only to Persona, mainline Megami and Majin (and not even Devil Children) never acknowledged this fanfic BS.
Learn to read and comprehend, kid.
This is EXACTLY the way how FROMfags think. If you die 10+ times in a game = it's not hard. You need to die at least 200 times for it to be deemed "hard" by THEIR """""(((logic)))""""". He's saying that "Nocturne is not hard, since I've only died ~10 times in it's first play through" - typical FROMfag statement.
dumb fuck the point is death count doesn't matter, regardless of the amount, try playing some more games
>Press Turn game
Unless the AI decides to spam Beast Eye all the time the game will always become piss easy after the first areas, since you can bait enemies into losing turns. Only Apocalypse had a somewhat consistent difficulty because bosses had overpowered skills to counter your overpowered demons.
Never implied otherwise
>death count doesn't matter
FROMfag a (You)
casualfag, you're just shit at games if you think nocturne is hard honestly. That's where I'll end my comments, try expanding your horizons
Except that some of the dumb fucks at Atlus' marketing tried to fuck up things to no end by putting "Shin Megami" moniker in several of the Penis-onna titles. This was literal fucking cringe, as Persona literally have abso-effing-lutely nothing in common with mainline Megami/Shin Megami and Majin aside from just couple core gameplay mechanics. Hell, the last time Persona was "Shin Megami" any, is both of the Persona 2. Persona 2 was as close to the "legit Shin Megami feel" as you could get, while staying original and not turning into direct full-blown Shin Megami at the same time. That was also the last time it was Persona and not fucking "Penis-onna". Even so, Be Your True Mind and both of the Persona 2 still retcon mainline's vision on things quite a bit nonetheless.
Sheesh, fine, I admit your defeat if that's what you're so strongly lingering for. Unlike you I've actually played them all (each and every single one of them).
>Persona literally have abso-effing-lutely nothing in common with mainline Megami/Shin Megami and Majin aside from just the most important thing in a game
Again - it's all retconned and fanfic'ed to shit. Hell, aside from Persona Q, the last time you were moving in dungeons in a first person camera view was Be Your True Mind, it all became "typical J-RPG" from there on. And battles are nothing alike, especially in the later ones. Mainline Megami/Shin Megami and Majin, however, always stay true to the very core, the mechanics which were developed more than 20 years ago, only tweaking them ever so slightly, but never changing them drastically.
I guess it is hard if you don't know about debuffing and shit but once you realize how fucking broken stuff like Fog Breath and War Cry or whatever it was called are shit gets pretty manageable. I think the only really annoying boss I remember was Noah or whatever the whale's name was, also Lucy just plainly being physical immune sucked the first time trying him.
Wasn't she in SMTO?
Shin Megami Tensei: Akuma to no intabyu - fan-made visual novel.
You play as a russian journalist who came to Tokyo to carry out a series of interviews with SMT demons. Map exploration and simplified SMT combat included.
Download links (Windows, Linux, Android and Mac builds):
Be aware of broken English.
>Advertisements on Sup Forums
More like related info.
This game is free of charge anyway.
>panic when this happens
>underwhelmingly easy boss fight
How did you guys find SMTS?
>Fan fanfic game
Well, at least it's not Giten, lol...or is it?
Am I going to have to buy a switch now?
Renpy visual novel with map exploration, simplified combat, quiz and so on.
No idea about giten.
By "hope it's not Giten" I obviously mean guro pr0n.
Fuck. I was really hoping that PS4 rumor would turn out to be true.
It's legit, do not worry.
AHAHAHAH holy shit good fuck off you culturally aggrieved fag boys. Fuck those are already themes that in some way or form have more often than not been in SMT since like for fucking ever.
Fucking shitty ass shallow crossboard shitposters i swear. Just how dumb can ya pathetic fags get.
Giten is technically "legit" too as it was made by Atlus and published ASCII, but that doesn't make it any less of a shitty uncanon guro p0rn fanfic.
>>> /NeoFAG/
No, nothing like this.
My novel is pure. It still NSFW
You can choose only one
There are couple of death scenes and couple of "sexual" scenes.
Also nudity on Mara's and Asherah's level.
Do you get to select the gender of the protagonist?
SMT4's soundtrack is so fucking boss.
I love that grungy industrial sound
Guys. This is the first time I ever felt mad about a normie but there's this one guy in a facebook group who called this game "Dark souls-themed persona 5".
What a fag.
What makes this hilarious, is that Code Vein is LITERAL "Onemoo Dark Souls in SMT-like setting", so he should attack Code Vein and not Megami.
>in 2017
>hentai guro
PC or Windows version holy shit I gotta play that its my fetish
>xD Epic! animu souls xD
Don't compare Dark Souls to that shit
Fun. Not sure I would have paid $15 for it but it was well made and the demons were cute.
Both, but PC-9801 version naturally has worse graphics and lower framerate, Windows PC is essentially an enhanced port. They're both utter shit though, as games. Giten is LITERAL "Snake's Revenge/Ghost Babel"-tier retarded fanfic of Megami franchise. I sincerely cannot believe how Atlus managed to let slip this shit trough.
>TFW have to buy a Switch for a single game
You meme loving fucks better be right about other 3DS RPG developers moving to the platform. I'll miss the hell out of the touch screen on the DS though.
It's LITERALLY being promoted and advertised as that, though.
>for a single game
Well, there's also Octopath, Mario Odyssey, Prime 4, and Puyo Puyo Tetris, so...
I hope that you do know that Souls is just Berserk, right?
None of which sound appealing to me. That's kind of a key point here. Nothing on the system sounds even remotely appealing to me at the moment. SMT V all by its lonesome, as of this point in time, is going to force me to buy the system. Hopefully some other interesting RPGs will come out between now and when it releases.
Dude, have you even seen Octopath?
Kozuka's grungy synths were hot sex
I'm interested in V mainly because he's doing its music again
It's perfect "80s cyberpunk" music.