What do you want for Christmas, Sup Forums?

What do you want for Christmas, Sup Forums?

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A game where I can play as Hitler

A friend

A feel

all I want for christmas is


All i want for Christmas is you.

More time to spend with my dad.

can i borrow it ?

An MMORPG that doesn't suck.

A gf that doesnt fucking try to kill you 3 times a day.

Remember Sup Forums, never stick your dick in crazy

I just marathoned the first 15 episodes of her anime the other day. Fuck it's bad.

you dont watch that shit, you just play the gacha and wank

>posting a guy who killed 9 million people
>destroyed 90% of europe
>also was a fedora

>for the birth of christ & celebration of love and life

Good job dude.

I mostly wanted to watch it for Mordred and Jack and jack hasn't even gotten screen time yet.

Greentext pls

i dont think jack gets much

Jeane does and she's fucking useless for the most part.

res 2 remake . . . . . i hate all of u

she has saber face and so does mordred of course she gets more time

They should've killed of Jeanu early and focused more on Mordred

To be truly happy.

dont worry, one day there will be a fate grand order anime and then itll be clogged with sabers


For her to accept my feelings.

You should avoid the rest of the franchise all of it is shit

That would be nice, No jeanu though

uh, can i have my 6 back at least?

Nothing in particular. She just stop taking meds so she can be her "real self"



Moonman mod for classic Doom has that feature.


To see my parents again.

To unite the German people under one flag

I'm a shitter, I know.

>mfw they unite under a white flag

Dream bigger than that user. I'm sure you could get a 3ds XL

Are you going to kill yourself too at the end?
And let commies rape your people again?
You already suck americuck dick so that is normal already

Perfect Dark reboot and Condemned 3.

He destroyed only half of Europe. Allied bombing destroyed the rest.

>muh 6 gorillion shoah

>Only 9 million
He didn't kill enough.

a reason to keep on living

A P-38 can opener and a decent multimeter. I'd rather people not buy me vidya or anything vidya related.

>asking for a can opener for christmas

>A P-38 can opener
I guess that's one use for 9mm.


can't we get along?


a girlfriend that aknowledges my existance and loves me

A twelve strings guitar and affordable ram prices.

Sup Forums to be cured from the Sup Forums cancer :(

You don't need women.
Only games.

me too thanks



I want a Pipedream Extreme Mega Fuck Slut Mega Masturbator to go on sale for less than $1000, I could get a real doll at that price

Another wolfenstein game in the style of RtCW instead of the garbage they shit out.

I don't like holidays, much less capitalist ones. So I try not to ask for much and only practical things that I can use to either repair things or fulfill basic needs. Fuck me, right?

A good, new RTS game with a setting I enjoy

To do magick so christmas is not about gifts and recieving items but instead about spending time with family and healing other people.

No shut up. Christmas should only be a thing late november and december. I'm so fucking tired of shops putting out Christmas shit now, it's fucking october. I do not need to see it on Sup Forums as well

My quick death

cordless dyson vacuum cleaner


Pls grandpa Hitler, I just want my gf to stay with me

Money and a boyfriend so my mom will stop pestering me