>modern american game
>protag is nu-male(also gay)
>heroine is a nig(also strong women and gay)
>final boss is female(also strong women)
Modern american game
name one game who did this?
>final boss is a white heterosexual male who believes in God and has a devoted, stay-at-home wife who was his highschool sweetheart, two well-adjusted kids, a german sheppard, and started his own carpeting business.
Are the characters interesting? Is the writing good? (most importantly) is the gameplay good?
I don't care how they fuck (unless it's a porn game), I care about the goddamn game.
What game does this
None, but I'm an alt-right crybaby and I have a narrative to push.
boku no paranoid virgin
WHich game OP?
Or are you just herer from Sup Forums to cry
the alt-left defence force from neogaf turned up quickly
Which Uncharted game does this?
you have to provide a source to the claims you make.
Do you have an example though.
you left your trip on
No I don't. If the president of the United States can tell easily disproven lies at least twice a day, then so can I.
When you post about this shit, you out yourself as a beta-bitch 1-star faggot.
Do you think Chad cares about any of this shit? Hit the fucking weights and you won't care about representation in video.
>leftycucks are all beta-bitch 1-star faggots
we know
>there is no strong SJW influence/narrative in modern gaming guise, seriously!!!
>actually thinking people will believe this
Lefty and righty.
If you're crying about a bigger villain, you're in the same beta camp cuckshed.
t. triggered leftycuck
I will absolutely believe you if you provide a specific example of your claim.
> WE WUZ KANGZ unironically in games
> Pro-Antifa in Wolfenstein, tarring of American right-wingers as Nazis
Just from the last batch
this is one, if not the one, of the worst thread on the entire board
10/10 made me reply
To be fair, it is getting pretty prevalent. Wolfenstein definitely was about killing nazis, so was sabetour, and call of duty, and battlefield at their times, but the thing was:
While there was a fight against a nemesis, the nazis... you know what wasn't mentioned? Politics, and barely if it was there.
It was about fighting a conquestor, an archenemy, a villian. This was big from 1990 to 2007. It changed after that, things started becoming a hell of a lot more politicized, either for money, or because of clueless developers.
Can you liberal cucks shut the fuck up and drown yourselves
No, you know what the difference was?
In Wolfenstein before now, in the Saboteur, in Medal of Honor, in Call of Duty, and 50,000 other games, you were fighting actual Nazis, not caricatured American right-wingers and using Trump slogans to imply he's the Nazi.
How much do we want to bet that he's going to be the villain?
That's pretty much what I said, just re-worded. People like to conviently past over history like world war two was a fight against nazism. World War 2 was a fight against major nations, japan pissed on the wrong foot, japan was hitler's little poodle, america took to the owner. They try to paint history like their grandfathers were fighting evil white nationalists. If we were literally fighting for that reason, we wouldn't see skinheads walking around freely.
Only real reason why nazism was focused on after the war so much is because nearly everyone did horrible shit to each other and people were losing their empries. It's easier to make a big deal out of a loser when you've tripped over yourself.
People kind of knew about that for a while, and it wasn't shit which had to be said. We called the germans krauts, jerrys and the like. Because back then the climate was that the germans were being assholes. Britian and america were probably even more fucking racist and controlling then germany at the time.
It's been a fair amount of time, and unfortunately historical revisionism on both sides is coming to fruition and that's why we're seeing this shit in world war two shooters nowadays, it makes sense though. Most World War veterans are dead, and their siblings/daughters, etcetra. Back about ten years ago they could still tell the story. Now it's up to a bunch of over-poltiicized dummies from the 70's and 80's to try and tell the story. We're seeing how that is going.
Also the villian's the mademoiselle from the first one I think. Blond chick, they didn't go "Watch Dogs" far if you know what I mean. Also fuck reply timeers.
I can agree on western devs inserting niggers into everywhere, but what the fuck is that Wolfenstein comparison? That's just fucking retarded.
i think the new wolfestien game
>protag still beats the fuck out of the final boss
narrative games are trash
>Britian and america were probably even more fucking racist and controlling then germany at the time.
at the time when germany was literally exterminating people based on race?
Jews are an religous ethnicity, not a racial group. They were persecuting zionists, basically. It'd be the equivalent of killing christian nationalists. They didn't stop when they saw german jew, if you know what I mean.
nazis deserve to die