Assassin's Creed Origins

It's here.

Who is /playing/ right now? Really love the figure.
So far its really good and they improved a lot. Have to say its almost as good as Witcher 3 so far.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who here /waiting/ for the GOTY of the millennium?

First of all, my expectations were very high for this game, and they've been succeeded so far, every single way.

There is so much good about this game, so much it's hard for me to even write everything down. God.

The parkour feels smooth and very responsive, i never do anything i don't want to, and it actually feels DANGEROUS again. In Unity and Syndicate especially you never died from fucking up doing parkour ever, it didn't feel as involving to me when there was no danger to missing a jump, because you couldn't, game wouldn't let you. Now it feels fucking dangerous, especially when running around and parkouring on cliffs and mountain sides, i've had to gauge my jumps like can i really jump that far? Also remember in past AC games were even if you fell like 50 meters and grabbed onto something you wouldn't take any damage at all, in real life your arm would probably be ripped off, if this kinda thing happens in Origins you take a fair bit of damage, but those jumps are also usually hard to gauge. The dedicated parkour-down button feels a bit too slow, it's not very flashy and the camera is pretty bad when just pressing forward and holding parkour-down. The parkour is great all in all, very pleased.

Stealth is fucking amazing in this one. I'm loving it. It feels super tense, maybe it's because i'm playing on the hardest difficulty too, it makes it much better imo.

Level design is by far the best of all the Assassins creed games, i'm honestly blown away by it. Blown away. The reason why i closed the game and began writing this post was because some of the level design in the locations.

Combat is much better to play than it looks in videos. It also looks a lot better in the final product than it did in the videos. It feels like a dance. The dodging looks really good now too, nothing like that insane sliding around in early builds.

Who here /wouldn't mind making some extra money guerrilla marketing for Ubisoft on Sup Forums/?

Seriously, how did you get the job? I want in.


I'm not playing that shit even if ubishit pays me.

Lmfao this is hilarious.

It's fucking amazing. The witcher 3 of 2017 without any doubt

I bought a premium chest just because I had some spare money on paypal and holy fuck, it dropped the classis Assasin creed classic armor.

Shilling for a living is something I can understand. But being this bad at your job really isn't.

Spend more time on the board soaking up the culture and try to meld in a bit better.

What do you even parkour about in this? This Coconut tree to that hut and back?

What a game. What an experience. What a time to be alive.

Holy fucking shit The Witcher 3 almost feels... outdated compared to this. The movement is so slick and responsive and the world is just breathtakingly beautiful.

What an incredibly immense achievement.

Anyway I'm jumping back in guys. I've never been this excited about a video game.

I want to get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums too.


Playing this game has renewed by love of video games, my love of life, cured me of my limp, and made me lose fifty pounds. You don't just play the game, you experience it, in the same way you experience the Mona Lisa. Hopefully historians put this in every time capsule that we make from this point going forward, because I can say without the slightest hint of hyperbole or irony that this game is the single greatest creation humanity has ever been responsible for.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus' second coming happens soon, to coincide with the release of this game, since there's absolutely nothing we can do collectively as a species that will ever top this triumph or artistry.

ubishills back at it again at krispy kremes

I used to work at kremes
it was shit

Fucking shill

> Ubisoft on the box
> Ass Creed of all games
> Overpriced collectors buttfuck edition

Neck yourself before eating shit lands you in the hospital

Guys, BUY premium chests asap, the drop rates are fucking high and im sure they will nerf it after the first week.

Is that the 800$ figure?

I'm shuddering. I'm physically shaking and had to step away from the console.

This game is just too much. The world is... wow guys... its nothing short of fucking magical. The gameplay makes you feel alive. The combat takes your breath away.

Its so fluid, the animations are gorgeous, the whole experience is just a work of a team that has mastered its craft.

I've never cried over a video game before but the thought that I'm alive to experience this is bringing me to the fucking brink.

You guys need to emphasize on the online-only content or the sheeple will just pirate it and steal Lord Guillemot's money

I can confirm this. The premium chests are seriously worth every cent. I'm usually strongly opposed to these sort of gimmicks but wow they've been worth every cent so far.

Awesome items at a high drop rate for a very fair price.

Show uour boss this thread so they know how bad you are at shilling

Wait, does the statue have no legs?

>newfags can't tell shitposters from shills

mods should permban every retard who mentions a word "shill"

>classic assassins creed armor
>only via microtransaction gambling

Historically, war archers shot the arrows from the right side of the bow.

How dense can you be?

Honestly user there's no difference. Shills are getting paid for being faggots but the shitposters are doing it "ironicly" for free. Both deliver the result wanted by Ubisoft: Attention.

So congrats everyone, we're all corporate whores for a shit game.

please killyourself

people enjoying a game = shilling

Sup Forums is dead

Sup Forums's been dead for many years user so don't even try that shit it's also a confirmed fucking fact that for the first few weeks threads are created and populated by shills to keep interest up. Recent evidence would the The Evil Within 2.

>enjoying crap games
Kill yourself shill

It has literally, unironically restored my faith in video games. Comparing this to the Witcher 3 is like comparing New Vegas to Fallout 4. CDPR better be taking notes, hell, the whole industry better be. Easily the best game of this generation and maybe even one of the greatest of all time. Brava Ubisoft, you have finally proven that video games can in fact be art.

I haven't played Origins yet, but it looks more interesting than the last 5 or however AC games that have come out


Whoever is paying you for this is paying too much

These posts come off as paid endorsements.

It has become very hard to differentiate between bait and actual shill posts. I do not understand whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

>Sup Forums
>playing video games

GTFO newfag

Fuck off Lars, no-one gives a shit

Heh...I’m not in it for the money kiddo...I’m in it for the (you)s. To hell with Ubisoft, a reply is a reply. Only the weak minded fall for these marketing 101 tactics anyways.

The map is so fucking huge it's incredible, and all the side-quests i've done so far have been very meaningful, they've actually made side-quests that builds a lot of fucking character.

Hit me with questions, i'm gonna answer every single one.

Tips: I really recommend playing on the hardest difficulty from the get go, it's not a die hard super punishing experience, as long as you do side-quests you're gonna be completely okay, but it makes the stealth more tense, combat feels better, it makes the whole experience better overall in my opinion.

Edit: Also, i'm playing on the base ps4, runs great and looks amazing even though it's the basic console. Very pleased as this was a major concern for me.

Edit 2: Also the photo-mode is super fun, it's really cool to look on the map and see what pictures other players have taken.

Edit 3: Have to go out for the day, but i will answer questions up until release day.

This is so fucking obviously shilling that it is either a troll or an overpayed shiller.

Holy fuck do you actually think anybody is dumb enough to believe this shit?

While I'm sure there probably IS the occasional shill, I doubt most of the ones people think are shills are ACTUAL shills.

That being said I don't think most of them are people who actually like the games either.
I think its like:
8% people who enjoy the game
1% Actual shills
91% people false flagging cause they think its funny to make people think its a shill or something

the reddit spacing makes it so obvious it's a fucking shill

It's neither. I can 100% guarantee it was stolen from reddit. Some poor sap wrote all of that because he loves AC. Double spacing already gives it away. Not to mention the post above you and the fact that reverse searcing OP's image shows that it was posted on reddit first.

Big if true

TEW2 wasn't even really talked about until it released and people actually started playing it. Most posts were people screaming "shills" when others were just saying they liked the game. You couldn't discuss shit for the firdt couple of days because of all the shitposting. All it proves is that Sup Forums is filled with shitposters and retards, which surpises no one. It's like this with almost every game. If you say you like a game you'll get called a shill.

the replies are copied 1:1 from reddit so you're not wrong.

I stopped playing Assassin's Creed around Black Flag because the assassin side of things felt stale. Has it changed enough to feel fresh again?

illuminati confirmed

>it's ok Nintendo does it

still trying to catch up, torrenting Unity as we speak

thankfully this is a joke
reverse search pulls up weddit pics
or it isn't and op is literally weddit

PC leek wen

would guess this is copied from reddit




Deluxe edition > Gold edition
>with deluxe you get a beautiful cover, dlc, physical map and soundtrack while also being cheaper
>with gold you get a boring white on gold cover, dlc and season pass while being more expensive

Not sure if this thread is sarcastic or full shilling in force

every board should have ID

Is this ubisoft's new marketing strategy?

Daily reminder that even according to the official Jewbisoft marketing team you need a 1080 to run this above 60fps at 1080p resolution

If you have a 1070 or god forbid a 1060 you mite as well kill yourself because you'll me getting that silky smooth 24 fps cinematic feel.

It was always their strategy
Remember Syndicate's launch? People were calling that game the best in the series, just like this one

How can people still play assassins after Rogue?

You mean after 2? You people are retarded.

kysneck yourself retard

760 on high means your can max it out on Ultra with 970 and 1440p with 1070 ultra again

>he fell for the ubisoft recommend specs
You're hilariously stupid, or a shill. Those ''specs'' aim for a mix of medium-high at THIRTY frames per second. And that's according to their marketing team, lmao. In reality your 970 will cause a housefire before you can overclock it enough to max this shitshow out.

i mean the faction you fecal brain


So, does this game unlock early tomorrow for New Zealand?

27/10 in NZ is something like 1:00pm in Britbong land.

nigger, even AC Unity runs at 60 fps 1440p on Ultra on my 1070. And this shit Origin nigger fiasco looks 3 times worse that Unity so it will be silky smooth 59.8 FPS for me

Fucking hilarious. A 1080 isn't enough to max the game out at 1080p and your retarded ass thinks you can max out the game at 1440p on a 1070.

This guy gets drops to the 40s at very high.

Enjoy your silky smooth cinematic experience, broski.

All AC games run like shit. This is no surprise.

>somebody actually bought that

Shills? On my Sup Forums?


is the $150 or $800 edition? $150 is overpriced AF but at least you get a figurine worth something.

Average FPS is 85

You are fucking retarded.

seriously McKys you kike faggot

Hey, I'm not the one making claims about ''silky smooth 59.8 FPS''

Regardless, does your boss know you're using kike unironically? I doubt he's gentile himself, you know.

Did I hurt your feewings?
Fuck off, you know I'm right

A single drop 40 fps for less than a second and averaging 85 fps is fucking great

>figurine made for 15 cent each in some Chinese sweatshop
>worth anything

If only Ubishit Asscreed had 1 main figure like Todd Howard we could actually have some fun with these shill threads but instead it's actually just miserable shilling.

have fun playing, I need to wait for the 27th.

Worth literal gold, you'd know this if you preordered Assassin's Creed® Origins Dawn Of The Creed Legendary Edition.

it drops in FPS all the time you dumb fuck, look at the chart. It's continuous drop to 40ish FPS. Nobody gives a shit about averages because people cap FPS anyway, they want minimums. Relay this message to jewbisoft you dumb cunt.

>If only we could run another meme into the ground like toddposting

kys my man

haha 800 fucking dollars?

>all time
>that one time for less than a second
>on a benchmark
>before release

sure thing buddy, you can also predict the twist in the story as well right?

Anybody knows what the legacy controls are on consoles?

>spending money on a KANG statue

aye, god forbid you like a game purely because it is fun and enjoyable.


you forgot
>on a 1080 with decreased settings
reality is your dumbo jumpo game runs like fucking shite. Besides, wasn't you original shtick that you'd be able to max it out on a 970 at 1080p? The fuck are you moving goal posts for?

>€500 videocard can't max out game made for consoles
>this doesn't show the game is optimized like shit


>look mom I posted it for the thousandth time