You have 5 seconds to see what is wrong with this Metal Gear Survive screenshot

You have 5 seconds to see what is wrong with this Metal Gear Survive screenshot.

>awful brown colored MB
Fucking disgusting. Orange MB is the only true MB.

It's just a flat area with a bunch of fences slapped in, in a loose gridlike layout

Why the fuck it's still not out

It's the Diamond Dogs main platform instead of the MSF Peace Walker mother base like it was in the reveal trailer.

this is awful, i feel so bad for Kojima

>diamond dogs logo
Uhhh, it wasn't the DD who got fucked.

Is it the fact that somehow mother base traveled several kilometers to be in the middle of the desert?

please don't tell me that square fenced area is the entire level

Yeah, it makes no sense. Survive takes place directly after GZ and the MSF mother base gets sucked into the meme hole. Diamond Dogs was not a thing there.

They're already reusing assets user. I doubt they're putting care and love into this game to make sure shit is consistent.

That's just a customizable base camp type thing.

maybe the ocean dried up

if the oceans are dried up then there are no deserts. This I can assure you, user.

It'll either be a hellscape or an iceball

>Not knowing that the alternate dimension is a future where Diamond dogs failed to stop Skullface from spreading the vocal chord parasites which destroyed the world, turning everyone into monsters
>You are sucked in and rescued by people who were there before you and have established a base next to the ruins of MB, the constantly flow of debris from parallel dimensions giving more than enough materials to build with

You have 5 hours to see what is wrong with this Metal Gear Survive screenshot.

no just this ocean, not all the oceans that would be crazy haha

That's bloodborne though

But for the Indian ocean to dry up would be all of them are dry

You know, what would make this worth buying during a sale is if they actually put in a fully customizable base building feature like what was promised for MGSV, along with using the netcode from FOB invasions for of co-op for 1-4 players as well as raiding for supplies, 1-4 players. But they won't do that, of course.

Apart from some wooden fences and barricades I don't think there's a single new asset in any of the trailers.

TPP had bows and spears?
then again we were surrounded by tribal niggers
