Should more games pander to lonely virgins?

Should more games pander to lonely virgins?

Sure, why not.

That's where the money is


name a game that panders to non-virgins

Yes. Thats what made the Command and Conquer girls so great.

Gib waifu or face my autism


>Think she's great
>Then she attempts to kill all of them in 1-4

PUBG, mostly normies

Call of Duty

That's when she became perfect.

Honestly, I think gyms should pander to lonely virgins. Turn those low-tier men into something worth dating. I've given two different Sup Forums-type guys a chance in the past and they were both absolute garbage to spend time with. Over-use of cologne and button-up shirts don't turn you into a stud no matter how many confidence guides you read online.

Go to the gym, lose a bit of fat or put on a bit of muscle. Not enough to look hot. Just enough to make yourself feel like a better person. If you feel better, you'll be more attractive.

Yes I'm a girl in your secret club, but honestly, instead of taking offence and reacting with memes, take what I say on-board. Girls wear make-up because we have that quick pick-me-up for when we need it. Until make-up becomes socially acceptable for guys, you just have to accept that your confidence boost takes more effort, but it lasts longer and is totally worth it.

t. /fit/fag trying to justify wasting his time in sweaty gyms that won't change that he's balding / manlet / bad facial geometry, etc. and generally not the type of person anyone wants to breed with

>Go to the gym, lose a bit of fat or put on a bit of muscle. Not enough to look hot. Just enough to make yourself feel like a better person.
I've done this and I'm still an awkward friendless sperg. Now what you dumb bitch.

I wanna fill her donut

Nipples too big

They actually buy the games, so if I were making games, I sure as hell would pander to them.

I only like 2D girls

Also this games should not be rated hig.

killyourself 3d faggot

Games inherently pander to lonely virgins

>Eats donuts all the time
>Not fat


Nah. People should make games they want to make, not make games they want to sell.

>guys were garbage to spend time with
>solution is to lose fat

Yes, also to lolicons

It goes to her breasts

She disagrees

Not her but the point isn't losing fat it's that if you look better you're probably going to have a bit more confidence. It's not rocket science because I bet it would work on most of this board. Instead everybody is sperging out because somebody gave that advice that might work.

I can hear her voice clips in my head

No, virgins should be shunned

But I don't like being pandered to.

Should games pander more to console faggots

They deserved it for attacking best grill.

She shouldget fatter

Honestly, is there a game that doesn't pander to lonely virgins? What's the most Chadlike game in existence?

>I've given two different Sup Forums-type guys a chance


We already got enough of these; I'd rather have some good writing.

>pander to lonely virgins
This is precisely what killed anime. Please don't do it to video games.


We have enough games doing that right now

Also, delicious brown doesn't get any better than Asahina


I do work out. I still prefer being alone and I see no reason to actively search a parasite to have sex with.

>I think gyms should pander to lonely virgins.
Unironically this. Gym for spergs would be a nice thing, because being fat is not good for you, not because whores will like it.

Maybe that works for some people but for me it just made me realize I'd never be legitimately attractive in spite of working out harder than most people I know.

Gyms are for everybody already.

it takes a better diet to not be fat, going to the gym probably won't do much

She's a star athlete. Makes sense for her to keep her image if she's exercising heavily every day, especially an intense full-body exercise like swimming.


post feet


>Implying I'm not /fit/ already and despise women
Honestly 3D woman are trash with prickly barbs all over them.
The minute I start talking to one they start judging you based on income, height, and social standing. It really does take a load off when you give up on them because they put all this effort into information gathering when they don't realize they're already dead to me.
Women can never be equal to men because their expectations of men are unequal to women.

do eit slut


No. The second a game panders to autistic waifufags the female characters turn from a good character with actual personality into a generic walking overused fetish. It kills all creativity.

To name a recent game: Compare 2B with Kaine. 2B is boring as fuck, has zero personality other than "muh 9s ;_;" while Kaine is a genuinely good and fun character. The whole hermaphrodite shit was unnecessary, but it doesnt change the fact that she is a million times better than fucking 2b

when will manlets learn, keep lifting though.

I'm 6'1 though, so that's not why I'm upset.
I'm upset because they expect so much while offering so little.
They're not faithful, they can't cook, they don't put any effort into planning events or give off that they're interested in you.
Women put so little effort into dating.
I think it is women who need to hit the gym.

yeah ok you're too good for girls internet tough guy

>Should more games pander to lonely virgins?

I'm not though and never said I was.
I can't compete with women in the workforce.
College has been re-geared towards women succeeding.
I'm struggling in college because of my inability to overcome my video game addiction.
Women under thirty are out performing men in the workforce.
Watch some of Jordan Peterson's videos and you'll understand why.


Games should pander to people who play games, not people who fap to them.


>College has been re-geared towards women succeeding.
>I'm struggling in college because of my inability to overcome my video game addiction.

tl;dr I'm a spineless dumb fuck

Warning: futa animal penises

I have ADD, I find it impossible to focus for more than a few minutes on anything.
I have abott 50 tabs open on each of my computers and 400 games on Steam.
When I go to class I'm surrounded by liberals who hate me because of my conservative views.
If I speak out against what they are teaching my papers get graded lower.
If I don't answer their question with their "correct" answers on tests then I lose points.
They are lying to our faces.
They are historical revisionists and Cultural Marxists.
If it were up to me papers would be a thing of the past and information would be formatted in graphs, and charts with easily distinguishable data points.
Books read like magnetic tape and each though has to read from the beginning to understand it's context.
I can't keep the idea in my head long enough to understand what the author trying to say.
Girls are able to sit and read this shit because they have better attention spans than boys, it's baked into their brain chemistry to socialize and communicate.
Boys need physical interaction and visual stimulus.

Just what I always dreamed of.


wish corrupted: the virgins are all girls and the games will be reverse harem


.t A aggressive woman who acts like a man.

All the 2k games besides WWE

If you couldn't read that then don't you can't blame me for reading my text books.

Does this mean I'm a girl? I don't like to socialize and communicate but I have the attention span to sit down and read a book.

Oh look it's another "I have to announce that I'm a girl on an anonymous image board so that I can feel validated by all this attention."
This is why you don't belong in a male space, because you corrupt everything you touch.

they actually spend a lot of money, so yes


It means you're a low test fem boi.

>besides WWE
Not virgins, sister counts

Even if I was angry woman on the internets I'd still have enough spine to not get "addicted" to bido gams and get meds for my self-diagnosed ADD

Get a grip and stop victimizing yourself

Medications that manage ADD stunt growth in young men, so It was ether be a manlet or have ADD throughout high school.
Which would you choose?

But is it futa on futa, futa on male or futa on girl?

I'd rather buy a stool for my kitchen than a victimcard

>tfw 5' 6''
>tfw everyone was taller than me, except for two girls
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

I don't know that feel, bro.

Women are more attracted to tall men, and tall men get paid more.
You can keep your stool.

On girl.

>Also, delicious brown doesn't get any better than Asahina.


Not necessarily, but more need to be translated for sure.

Ah well I can fap to it then.

Can't get a job in the first place if you're dumb as fuck.

Do you play as a futa? This is important

>futa on girl

I'm not dumb. I'm more technical than most people.
I run servers and manage SQL databases.
I'm not dumb, I just can't learn the same way as you.

Should more games feature younger characters?

No you don't.

You can fuck a sphinx and a mimic girl, so that's something at least.

No, if anything the games should send a geographical location to satellites and have law enforcement abduct weeaboos and force them into labour camps until they die.

Damn it, I can't get off from a womans pov. It isn't even a self insert thing, scenes of vaginal catching just do nothing for me.

Good for you. Then find out and/or do what works for you and stop blaming video games, women, height, weather for your failures to manage shit.

Who is the girl with blue clothes on the far left?