>mfw you have to spend TEN US DOLLARS to change your Blizzard name
>People will defend this
Mfw you have to spend TEN US DOLLARS to change your Blizzard name
Sending the name change data through the pipes cost money and time, its perfectly fine to charge people for it.
>mfw I just charged Sup Forums 10 dollars in pipe costs for changing my name
>blizzard being blizzard
nothing new here
You already had a free name change, faggot
In a loot box
At least the option is there, unlike other services where if you don't like your name anymore you have to make a new account/character entirely.
I wish I could pay steam to change my userid so I can hide from those creepy steam profile archiver sites.
Haha well meme'd, my friend :^)
I'd pay $40 to change my PSN name at this point.
>its ok when blizzard does this
he never said it's okay retard. blizzard was always a kike-hive.
he also never said itsn't ok when blizzard does this retard. blizzard was always a hive-kike.
if you do it right the first time you don't have to change it.
>get a PS3 when I was 15
>make a horrible cringy psn account
>use it for 10 years so all the games I purchased are tied to it
>can't rename it
You can take 20 bucks, sony. Just let me change it
Post it or don't post at all, faggert
I'm pretty sure you can do it for free the first time.
You cant change your psn and have to pay monthly for online. Consoles got it harder. Progress has stopped, we are goin backwards into stone age.
Its a deterrent
Usernames probably sit in an LDAP, active directory, or some other tree like structure so lookups are fast but manipulations and adds/removals are slower compare to something like a database. Even if it was a db housing the info they dont want a bunch of 15 year olds changing their damn name every 5 seconds.
Steam has far more users and handles this like nothing
He is right. I worked for Xbox and the reason we charged for gamertag changes is the exact same reason. It's a deterrent. They'd rather you not do it.
Does it cost Valve money too if i change names?
First name change is free.
They don't want you changing the name all the time.
Account name and nickname are not same thing. See this is reason why most new systems just use email rather account name.
It's helpful actually notifying that only the first is free.
let me guess its a meme name with something gay in it
You can't change your steam username at all. You only change your nickname which is something that blizzard doesn't have because they are retarded and greedy as fuck. Mostly greedy as fuck.
Yeah it's not like they could make it free but make a two week cooldown on it or something.
Yes. Yes it does. For you. Not for Blizzard.
>Doesn't impact gameplay.
>Purely optional.
This is a perfect example of something that's okay to do. They want to make money, and they will find ways. So as long as it doesn't impact the game, you should support it, you stupid idiot.
Generic, actually..
They've given two free changes since the service started.
Still better than not having the option, fucking Sony.
>be toxic as fuck
>change name
Unironically a good thing.
People who change their name constantly are massive faggots. A paywall means you actually really want to change your name and not just because you want to incorporate the latest epic meme this month.
Where's the issue? If the player breaks the rules they can still ban him. They know the name history of every character/account/whatever.
Not everyone who is toxic gets banned. People could abuse this namechanging 24/7 this would result into more toxicity.
The first time is free. If you have to change your name twice after the original decision you deserve to pay 10 dollars.
>this would result into more toxicity.
Because people abuse it.
>be PC only
>get console to play a few games
>put in name
>everything is fucking taken
>grab some book to find the most obscure name ever
>realise that they use this name for online games and they somehow expect people to get a good username when competing with everyone else who ever got a sony/microsoft product
I still have my free name change from 5 years ago. I don't regret my name so I'd probably never use it.
This. OP must have some epic Harambe name or something.
>people abuse it
What does that mean? A person that behaves negatively with not suddenly be worse because he changed a name. It's still the same person.
Yeah I would like to use it myself lol, who I am now is not who I was decades ago.
FUCKING SONY! learn from this shit, you stupid pricks.
How do i change my twitch name?