There is nothing wrong with playing as Mercy!

There is nothing wrong with playing as Mercy!

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Not if you are a nonskilled player/girl

every mercy main is a thot that use the dog filter

>Have to spam "I need healing" to this braindead Mercy slut overhealing a Rein at full health and with shield up
>Tells me to shut up, "Junkrats don't even do anything"
>Game ends, we somehow win
>PotG is me
>get MVP for 4 gold medals
>Mercy throws out that self-praise vote for 4k healing done in a 13 minute game
Delete mercy, or make her healing/damage tether have a "fuel" gauge that diminishes the longer you hold down left click/right

put some actual skill in this cock sleeve of a hero

elitism is a very unattractive look

>Playing Junkrat
>Complaining about "actual" skill

being a mercy player is par the course for those with no value as a person

>He doesn't use the 900 IQ 5D trigonometry hero
When the red pharah doesn't want to leave the peak of the skybox, you know your rat is top tier

What if I'm both of these?

Why? Mercy adds a great deal to a team.

You are always both of them.

Mercy allows and encourages your team to put tactics and aim in the backseat, because lol rez and a tethered healing
i.e, a free do-over
Delete mercy, create a decently skill based game

Only at Overwatch..

>Delete mercy

>playing a character solely made for waifu pandering in a moba shit game

The problem with Overwatch right now is that skill isn't rewarded. Characters like Mercy, Winston and D.Va offer insane reward while taking little to no skill. Meanwhile characters which are highly skill intensive like Genji, McCree and Ana are outshone in every way by their easier counterparts.

she's cute and good AND easy to play
best girl!

playing as mercy right now. AMA.

Why is every overwatch player a degenerate?

I'm glad I dropped that shit fast

There should be a game where you play as Mercy doing adorable womanly things! Going to the grocery store! Getting ready for a date! Catsitting for the neighbours!

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to effectively play Junkrat. The timing is extremely crucial, and without a solid grasp of map geometry and physics, most of your nades will go over a typical support's head. There’s also Junk's Concussion Mine, which is deftly woven into his mobility - his explosive playstyle draws heavily from TF2's Sticky Demoman, for instance. The Junkrat mains understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these strategies, to realise that they’re not just memes - they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Junkrat trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Junkrat's infamous catch phrase “FIRE IN THE HOLE!,” which itself is a cryptic reference to the film epic, Mad Max. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jeff Kaplan's genius wit unfolds itself on their 60hz monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Junkrat tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 level geometry points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

How big is your butt plug

I can't believe how fucking Valve did it with TF2 10 years before.

The medigun has a ramp-up time, the longer it has been between a target hasn't been healed, the faster it goes.

The longer you keep it on the same target it diminishes until a set amount. That's why it's better to spread the healing instead of focusing on one target in TF2, why they didn't copy that mechanic for Mercy is beyond me, she could've been the perfect clutch healer.

how badly do you crave dick

I find playing Mercy too stressful. You need to heal everybody, boost their damage sometimes, don't forget to resurrect, and you're so fragile too.

I'd rather be a Zen, stick a healing orb on the tank and then chuck discords around. Pop the ult during a big fight and it's all good.

To be fair, that applies to half of the design choices in this game.
I'm still mad Sombra can't instakill people from behind or disguise herself as the enemy, because that would have put a huge dampner on the tank meta.
Also the fact that you can't build teleporters on demand.

Until you get jumped on and your shit teammates dont help you out.

It's a dildo

How big?

As a Zen you can be further away from the battlefield than Mercy. Sure a flanker can kill you but a flanker can kill Mercy as well. Also Zen always has his weapon ready, and it's not a bad one at that, so you can deal with a lone flanker.

>This isn't copypasta
Jesus user


I spent all of five whole minutes expertly crafting this pile of shit, enjoy

This is what I think every time I play the game. 10 fucking years ago, they knew about healing ramp and spawn waves. They had 10 years to copy TF2, and they forgot some of the smartest parts.

Wow, I never used to play her before the buff, but ever since then I've mained her and I've been curious about sucking cock and maybe taking one in the ass.

Haven't played OW ever. Can you kick ass with Mercy or not?

You should take that out and focus on the game user

You're a fucking whore.

Imagine a game where every character has tons of health, movement, or even straight up temporary invincibility. It takes a long-ass time to kill a single character, or even do reasonable damage to them. Now imagine a character that can not only heal, but can fly around the map zipping at high speeds toward teammates, and bring them back from the dead. No offensive abilities, not fun to play, but absolutely mandatory on a team and overpowered as hell.

I want to be Mercy!

I want to fuck user Mercy!
when this is your average mercy main yeah we've got something wrong


this. the only good thing about this shitty meta is the fact that it isn't as boring as the 3 tank meta even though it somehow proves itself to be twice as tedious

Of course, every team needs a healer.

what's wrong user can't handle a real mercy main?

>It takes a long-ass time to kill a single character
Tanks maybe, but your regular 200-HP character can be one-shot by snipers or sprayed down by DPS pretty quickly.
>tfw charging enemy Mercy as Rein and instakilling her

>Mercy mains
>caring about the game


pick one

I don't think I can.

I like to be Lucio the most. Good mobility, nice easy group heals/speed buffs, can skate around bopping faggots off ledges. He's good fun.

Ehh, average ttk is still double digits. Game was slow at launch, is still slow.

how does that make me a whore? :(

Is there anything wrong with playing as dva?

But I do

not necessarily
it just dva player are always without fail obnoxious fucking faggots, so you either are one or will be associated with them

Everything pompi kun

I like to pick lucio/ana. Zen has good damage output, but it's rare to be low on damage dealers in my games. Ana has really powerful healing output, and sleep darts can make big plays.

>Defending a point as Orisa
>Tracer comes around to stick a grenade on me
>Put on my defenses
>Tracer blows herself up, ult nearly kills me but I survive
>2 seconds later an ulted Mercy flies around the corner and before I can even react, she rezzes Tracer who proceeds to finish me off

And this is why I hate this shit. Instead of punishing bad positioning or outright fuckups, you can just be rezzed like nothing happened.

It's just distracting to play knowing I have a slut healing me, making my cock hard.

I like Lucio too, you're fragile but fast and you don't need to keep attention on your friendlies' HP too much, just be in the middle of the group and shoot people.

>average ttk is still double digits
For tanks, maybe.

Ana requires aiming, that's too much effort. She has such cool skins but I can't play her.

There's nothing "wrong" with playing as any of the characters and you shouldn't let anonymous people on an internet message board tell you that.

What are roadhog players like?

>notice a pharah who has been holding her ult for slightly too long
>pay attention to where she flies
>land a clean hook, kill her
>before my hook is off cooldown, she gets rezzed and ults my entire team to death
>tfw better team lost

I want to marry Angela Ziegler!

>Ana requires aiming
Ultra secret information: you don't actually have to hit your teammates to heal them. You can miss by a pretty wide margin (think genji deflect), and they'll still receive the dart, as long as you're scoped in. The only time I struggle to heal is when they cluster up, and I'm trying to hit the guy in the back.

don't worry, i always moan into my mic whenever it goes really deep so that my team can cum quickly and still win

>playing Overwatch

>Pharah ult
>ults my entire team to death
That's how I know you're lyin'

Only when scoped? When I used her I prefered firing scopeless. I know it's not hitscan but it's faster and easier to see around you/dodge.

Also her Shift is super-good but I miss it all the time, and I feel like not missing it is the key to being good at her.


Alright. Fine then. How would I play with a healer like you?


Well, both. Scopeless is a projectile, so it has a wider range because of how hitboxes work, so they compensate by expanding the hitboxes to a similar amount for the hitscan. It's just easier to rely on hitscan I think.

Landing sleep dart is kinda hard. Just remember that it has an animation delay, and goes significantly slower than your rifle projectiles. I'm normally a hog spammer, so I'm used to aiming projectiles.

there really isn't enough art of her in casual clothes.

Hey Mercy

She's literally perfect no matter what she wears but I agree

I am disgusted, yet I don't hate the idea of doing it myself.

I bought overwatch because i was tired of TF2 and wanted something new.
In just a few dozen hours, i felt i knew everything in the game. No sense of amazement or "shit, you can actually do that?!" That TF2 constantly gives me. It's as deep as puddle.
For all it's faults, TF2 is still the superior game in every way, even story and characters (they don't contradict thr gameplay, for a start).
And with the new update the only reason i even play OW is to get the Mercy witch skin. After that, i doubt I'll come back again.

really wish the fagboys would just kill themselves instead of shitting up this site and online games

I want to hot dog Witch Mercy's perfect thighs

Having all of the other supports' achievements, I decided to go for Mercy's achievements. Took me a couple of weeks to get the huge rez one. I don't think I got 4-resurrections more than 5 times since. I'm naturally inclined to not give a fuck and just resurrect whoever dies. This recent update to her ultimate is just up my alley, and I'm having quite a lot of fun playing Mercy.
I keep my team healed and resurrected, and when nobody needs helping I either damage boost or shoot some myself. I can't recall hearing any complaints about my performance.



Literally the ideal wife.

>they even had an achievement encouraging an unhealthy gameplay mechanic
Wow fucking incredible

Man. I just want to find a game where I can help people and make em smile or laugh or something. With mmos,mobas, and hero shooters going out of style I don't really no what to play these days.

What are some games that I can really save someone or let them bring out their full potential?

>having fun in competitive vidya

Those were the days user.

Mercy makes me smile but thats not necessarily gameplay related

Micspam some funky music as lucio during a late night quickplay game.


How come my waifu has a big burger

she hongry

user you ok plus your pizza is here

I have a thick piece of meat to feed her if you catch my drift.

Wolf:ET with its medicam when you're down let you see some pretty hilarious things

I can only imagine how shitty somebody has to be at this game to think there is a double digit ttk, especially when the netcode is skewed so heavily in the shooters favor.
t. tracer main

>stick your dick in a ""pure"" girl
>kid comes out evil
it's like pottery

>that feel when she's immune to aging and weight gain
She's too perfect

im not racist against skeletons i just dont' want them delivering pizza in my neighbourhood OKAY????


what did you mean by this?