What game will you be playing under your blanket and a cup of hot cocoa?
Christmas is coming!
Other urls found in this thread:
fallout new vegas
thread theme
100% oj with your steam friends is the only real option here
Movie: Home Alone
Game: Yakuza or Shenmue
Food: Hot Dogs
Hot seat in heroes 3 with my brother and my dad, just like in the old times
Fuck you frogshit, give back the comfy meme that you shamelessly stole.
>christmas is coming
you people are unbelievable
post vidya christmas music Sup Forums
Yakuza Kiwami 2
>tfw live in Florida so it'll be bright skies and like 85°F
First of November is next week, what planet are you on?
He must be Eurapeen
Either a Yakuza or Persona game.
Why doesn't Sup Forums have Secret Santa like Sup Forums? I'd definitely feel like I'd get grinched but I want to feel comfy.
Be the change you want to see. Start one come December.
Sup Forums doesn't have board culture anymore
I'm importing, can't fucking wait
>tfw NZ Summer
>25Cº Christmas
Will probably end up getting shitfaced at the beach
Be honest how many of you fuckers would sign up for $100 presents and not give presents back? I don't trust anyone here.
Plan to grab a switch if there's a cyber monday deal on Amazon (and it doesn't sell out by 6 am). I'll probably blow my load on Zelda and Mario by Christmas, then chill with Stardew and Golf Story. Honestly, I'm kind of more hyped to play the indie games on switch than the big name titles.
I'm not actually even sure how it'd go if you made one regardless of how many participate. I assume you'd have to post codes or some shit if you do it here or have to actually do it elsewhere. wouldn't spend 100 dollars though fuck no.
>Sup Forums
>secret santa
If you think Sup Forums is capable of making something like this you are beyond help.
Everyone is getting grinched or getting literal turds
Stop forcing christmas two months before it actually happens
Halo CE
BattleFront 2 probably. Dont ask which one I mean, Im not talking about the one youd want to hear.
I think it is going to be Nioh
You can already buy Christmas decoration in stores.
Weather people said no snow until January, so I'll replay the first MGS, for that melancholic, snowy atmosphere.
>current year
>still don't know that eveyone tries to make the most cash out of christmas
>that includes starting the "season" as soon as the temperature drops below 20 degree
Because Sup Forums's would devolve into scamming.
it isnt even Halloween yet, you dorks
Mario Odyssey
Battle Chasers
Them's Fightin' Herds if it's out by then
Fallout New Vegas and TW3 are my go-to Christmas games.
I see you are a person of taste as well.
I can't wait to gift lucky anons games and get all those happy thank yous guys
it's honestly my favorite thing about the season since i started living alone
How do you gift games to people? Do you post Steam codes in a thread?
Endless Legend and maybe I'll get Dungeon of the Endless.
Also Skyrim SE if there is any progress on the script extender.
Can I come stay with you user? I'll make you eggnog and we can play Mario Party.
i did an online secret santa once... i sent my person a $60 hardcover book, i received a piece of paper with a dick drawn on it. and the guy didn't even get banned for doing it.... what a fucking joke. never again.
Begging threads, usually. I find the profiles that look genuine. Few friends, few-ish games, lots of recent playing time and generally don't come off as ungrateful douchebags or alt accounts trying to hoard
Throughout the year, I sell stuff I collect in-game. Usually trading cards or crates or whatever else I can gather up. I don't enjoy the game, but I plan to start playing PUBG religiously in the coming weeks to pack my steam wallet a little more, since I can usually place in a consistent top 20 every other game
What are the some comfy games to play during the winter?
I hosted a secret santa once, I sent the guy $60 worth of pokemon food and snacks from Japan.
i mean there's nothing wrong with secret santa, it's just fucking stupid to have people in the pool that are literally there for handouts (ESPECIALLY when it's a closed forum, like seriously???)
i'm all for giving, and i'm all for non-monetary gifts, but ya.... i was kinda fucking livid because i took a bunch of time researching my guy and figuring out what he would like, then i get a fucking dick.
Played the original on PS2 back in 2006 and no other game has given me the levels of comfy this game has. The winter setting, the locations/interiors, the story, finding those cards in game for bonus material etc
Just sitting in the diner drinking coffee while there's a blizzard outside. Ultimate winter comfy.
Nope. American.
Yeah, I didn't let anyone in for free, I set a limit and made sure everyone could pay. I didn't want anyone getting fucked. The joke for awhile was "everyone is gonna get me and I will be king"
SSX 3 is the ultimate in Chrismas comfy for me desu senpai
thats great, i hope you have another one this year and bring a lot of joy to people around christmas!! legit a very virtuous thing to do with your free time
I don't have friends anymore, Im gonna make a ton of eggnog and sit alone being very angry.
I can be your friend. What games do you plan to play on Christmas?
My friends are faggots and they only play brown and bloom shooters. We only played 100%OJ once and the moment the game was over they practically jump from their seat to play warframe.
Fuck them.
Whatever comes out or whatever I want to play, right now Im mostly just waiting for Mario.
>what are time zones?
Friendship over.
Im an idort though. I play anything that can interest me. Most of my time in video games is probably spent on Path of Exile. I love that game.
>being too poor to afford at least a superclocked GTX 1070 Ti to keep your room hot all winter
Hopefully Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Switch I still have to buy. Game does look a little bit too much like a shonen manga but I wasn't a big fan of the previews of X either, and that one turned out to be awesome. Though having the family over for christmas might make gaming somewhat challenging.
Do you want dragon dildos that bad?
>buying a Switch along with Xenoblade 2, Mario Odysse and maybe DOOM for shit and giggles
Chocolate Abuelita master race you fags
I got New Vegas during a Christmas sale so it's incredibly comfy for me to play it during that time of year.
Xenoblade most likely
This and new Path of Exile expansion/league.
Mario Odyssey and The Sims 4
It does, they claim LOL threads, 4am threads, and much more is board culture. (When in reality it's an excuse to shitpost.)
My fucking nigger. Always love to drink this when the winter season rolls around.
I'm feeling an urge to play Kirby's Epic Yarn again. Its a perfect comfy holiday game. Might play Metroid Prime again too because I have some pretty fond holiday memories of that game.
Startinf a pokemon emerald today. I imagine I’ll still be hunting frontier symbols by christmas desu.
>Chocolate Abuelita
literally what is it?? just chocolate milk?
>Friends' birthday comes around
>Consistently get them a game they want or enough money to buy something decent
>My birthday comes around
>Get jack shit
I'm used to it
Wow. Never heard that one before.
It's even Halloween yet you dumb frogposter
It's cocoa but mexican style with a touch of cinnamon and better ingredients and flavor that any american product.
The one and only
New cataclysm server is coming up which a lot of people say is very good so I'm looking forward to that and hope it doesn't disappoint
Probably Mobashit or Indies games or platformers
I don't care about presents, I only care about christmas dinner with muh family together. my dad is gone
Fuck off rēdditfag
I'll be camping in Chile. Wish me luck boys, no vidya for 5 months.
Frogs can use comfy, it's just when Sup Forumsddit steals it
> ~$100,000 USD/yr
> Middle class
Can we at least keep all Christmas threads off of Sup Forums until AFTER Halloween? Jesus Christ.
Sounds good to me. I like hot seating. My brother and I used to do it for Goldeneye missions, Mario 64 courses, caves in Morrowind, everything.
Die you fucking redditfag
neofag spotted
Stop falseflagging.
And? What's the fucking deal? We currently have GAMER GATE FUCKING 2 (reminder: the first gamer gate is what put Sup Forums on the map) HAPPENING RIGHT FUCKING NOW and instead of helping your posting about some shitty holiday that ripped off Hanukkah Go to the gaf thread, your board needs you user
Fucking die
>Muh neogaf boogyman
fuck that I've spent the last three weeks trying to not embrace the christmas spirit (I could not give less of a fuck about halloween), I'm ready to go all in next week.
Probably gonna cuddle with gf and watch movies all night long, alongside decorations.
fuck off pol
Tell that to
you have to go back
>Probably gonna cuddle with gf