Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Ending


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Hey don't spoil it, I'll buy it three years from now for five bucks

It's not even worth that friend.

literally press forward and hit one button

This ending is fucking garbage.
New Order ended in a great way even though it had this shit Jewish Science at the end.

Player still got lost, notice the cut at 0:46.

I just want to know if the Marxist guy turns on you


>three years
>not six months

>last boss is merkel
how many layers of irony is this game on

>health pickups on the way to the stage
>alright, time for a neato final boss fight!
>it’s a instawin button prompt
LITERALLY worse than Shadow of Mordor’s “final boss”
>mfw a screamo Twisted Sister cover starts playing

Sup Forums is literally a reddit army raiding videos/games they don't like

>That fucking terrible end credits music

I was fine with the speech and what have you, i expected it, but that ruined something that was already pretty bad.

>that fucking marxist is still there

>commies never turn on you
>antifa tier credits
into the trash it goes

Sup Forums might be meme army but this is bullshit for a wolfenstein game ending

That speech was boring, did a 12 year old write that crap? Sow wind reap whirlwind? Sounds like bible grade bad writing. Sow wind harvest storm, sounds so much better.

This can't be happening this was supposed to be goty.

Honestly, as far as the political nonsense goes, it was fairly tame overall.

Aside from that, though, what we're left with is an incredibly generic speech at the end and it's just boring. This isn't bad because it's political, it's bad because it's shit.

>self-taught intellectuals

That ending was weak.
>final boss is a mook rush, the giant doggo is cutscene
Deathshead was the better reboot final boss, I mean look at this shit, where did it go so wrong?
Even the old blood final encounter was better than this.
An actual unique enemy referencing the first game and a fucking set piece you could at least fight. To a mook rush.

>literally says


>press forward
>enemy bullets don't make you damage
>press a button
>poor transition
>final boss done
>weak ass speech in cuck tone referencing actual america
>We are not gonna take it kicks in

Holy shit my sides.

Please buy my 4 hour game.

Seriously?This is the fucking ending?!

wow it's shit

Why do games developers make black women so ugly? Is it racism?

this is the starting shot of the revolution. once players finish this masterpiece they will no longer sit down and take this degradation of our country. drumpfs days are finished.

But remember, you can't dislike or criticize this game or else you are Sup Forums :^)

What the actual was any of that?

>le stronk pregnant woman kills an entire nazi squad and robo helldog and also gets topeless for some fucking reason

Holy shit.

This whole game looks like a parody of what antifa see themselves and the world as. I doubt it was intentional though so I won't give it credit for that

They'd rather jam this political shit in instead of making a profit. This is just an ugly preachy trashheap.

That's the ending?

It felt like something you do in the start of the second, maybe third level of a game, not at the fucking end of it.

The whole story is like, 5 hours max friend.

They didn't have time to write anything of value.


Topless pregnant nigger fights a flame thrower mecha dog while straddling a half kike.

hope this bombs

>not pirating this garbage

>implying modern game devs would ever depict commies in a bad light


How story heavy is it, anyways?

If it's anything more than The Old Blood then it goes into the trash

Did they drink from their nose? Why can't modern developers line up the cup and mouth?

>Treat your turncoat SIGINT codebreaker like shit despite them being willing to further your cause and disavowing their former alliegance
>Somehow you are morally superior to the people who discriminate based on race, colour and creed

>when the music cuts in


>They ask you to sell your liberty to purchase your safety
is this a analogy for today west countries? i mean usa after 9/11, europe after muslims terrorist attacks, they take your rights away and shit. and the campaign is 6 hours, for 60 $. 10 $ per hour.

>wasting bandwidth on this shit when you can download megatitties 12 in 4k.


>2 nazi mechs
>one of them has the last remains of your friend
>BJ literally blows friend
>gives the main villain the good old shish kebab
>also gets blown
>can we nuke u yet?
>ye, dude

I wish it didn't have a sequel.

>Doing decent sales

This is fucking commie marxist propaganda

As a Pole I'm insulted. I'd rather see Blazkowicz beheaded by Hitler and his body gangraped by Japanese Imperials

that ending was pretty fucking good
and then they tacked on this shit

So... what's the deal with the gold circle in the neck ?

His head got chopped and replaced into another body ?

>westacuck games in one picture

This. Regardless of what you believe it's another shitty western "press a button to win" final boss.

id software going the Marvel Cinematic Universe route, shared universe incoming...

>1900-2000: Wolfenstein I - III
>2000-2100: Quake Remake (Lovecraft not Strogg)
>2100+: Doom, Doom II, Plutonia etc

Connections are being seeded already with the Moon & Venus; and the ancient Jew armor that looks similar to the Sentinels in Doom 2016.

You mean Bethesda? This isn't an Id game, it wouldn't be so shit

id is fucking dead

Yeah, the grenade crippled him

>implying the Jew magic wasn't vindication for everything Sup Forums stands for

>Just wanted another Wolfenstein
>instead the devs being the Swedes they are politicized Wolfenstein and made shit absolutely 100% fucking ridiculous, even more so than it could have been
I guess I'm just going to be skipping literally all of the cutscenes

>nigger still going full nigger
>Commie gets to be the hero
>Press button to kill final boss, no actual fight
>"Blood of Revolutionaries runs within you. Proud Americans stand up and fight your oppressors" totally not Antifa

Kek, I expected nothing and still feel let down.

>ending is literally push button to win
>perfectly designed to allow everyone who played the game to win
>perfect commie Marxist egalitarianism
>it's like pottery


>It's not about current politics!
>P-please buy our game!

It's sad how bad FPS games have got. I am the target market for them and I haven't bought one since Far cry 3. Which was a desperation buy of just wanting to play -something-.

>devs are swedes
didn't know that, guess it all makes sense now

Only mods for old games from here, friend.

White women don't want men to sexualize other races since that'd reduce their power.

>commies will think fighting true Americans will be as easy as button smashing
>this spoonfeeding through gaming only weakens them

I say make more wolfensteins.

>jew-taught goytellectuals

Marx hated Jews tho


Yeah, they should have just ended it on that. Deathshead/Strasse was the best villain in the franchise anyway, they weren't topping that anytime soon.

Doomguy has been a Blasko since Doom RPG.

id are still the keepers of the lore, they often have a hands off approach to development as far back as Hexen.

I personally think an id universe has been wanted by Carmack and Willits for decades. It's probably stipulated in Zenimax contracts as the future roadmap for all id properties.

don't have time to watch the videos right now, is the finale just a bunch of regular mooks followed by "press button to win"? are there any grand bosses near the end?

Might not be the place to ask, what does /utg/ stand for, undertale general?

>wolfenstein thread
>aka Sup Forums vs neogaf

I couldn't give 2 shits about the lore, they ruined the fucking games

It was used by Bomber Harris who gets praised for firebombing a load of civilians in Dresden for some reason. This game is grade A Swedish.

You press X to win and slam an axe into Merkel's face while the protagonist says creepy dialogue, and then afro lady and some fag tell America to rise up

Tbh if I was a citizen I would be pretty horrified watching some dude split a ladies skull open on television

yeah why?

Do you have a video to the decapitation/operation scene when he swap bodies ?

>everybody that disagree with me is pol. Somehow this obsession gives me the moral high ground and thus the truth

>"You among wolves now"
>"Don't listen to that lying bitch"
>Ironically referring to people as "fucks"
>"Americans band together and fight your oppressors"

God damn, are there new writers or something? This is fucking awful. The Press F to Kill Final Boss is already bad enough, but what happened to the writing? The previous games weren't exactly deep but were fun to see unfold.

>everyone that doesn't love Commies and Black Lives Matter is a Nazi

Or, they could be an American that hates being mocked by Wolfencucks.

RIP female trump

>cinematic QTE final boss
This is unacceptable. How can they rape this series like this?

>Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723


For the past month I've been seeing "/utg/ kike sjw" as an insult, wondering what that shitty general has to do with politics

This is laughable. Bottom of the barrel narrative and gameplay. I'll never have fun with modern FPS.

>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

>In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.

This is from Marx.

Was the chick the guy proposed to pregnant with his baby or is this more cuck propaganda?

This. The ending is shit and everyone knows it.
The game design of that ending was stupid.
Is was a small hallway all the way up to the cut scene and they had to illuminate the lift buttons for players to find them because they think we're too stupid to look for the next logical step in a sequence.
They say that Americans are getting more educated, but it seems like they've lost intelligence along the way.

Every game that pulls a QTE moment at the end instead of a real final boss is unredeemable garbage. It's an objective truth.

>This is unacceptable
TNO onwards was unacceptable

>mfw a screamo Twisted Sister cover starts playing


Palette cleanser.

Machine games should just stick to gameplay, that's what they're good at, I don't doubt the actual gameplay will be good, but the short length and awful story are a massive detriment

>Mily preggo tiddies
Pre-ordering now

fucking yuropeens cant go 1 minute without crying about muh murrika

Press R3 to win

And to think, the American left is fucking seething about Trump and DeVos revamping American education by ditching Common Core. I think they are more pissed about their indoctrination devices getting taken away than the actual quality of education, because my fucking God, Common Core is utter trash. The Europeans are baffled at how counter-intuitive when they take a look at it.

Machine Games is Swedish