Media Create sales (10/16/17 – 10/22/17)

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 31,092
PS4 – 25,075
New 2DS LL – 8,449
PS4 Pro – 6,203
New 3DS LL – 6,187
Vita – 3,535
2DS – 1,367
New 3DS – 195
Xbox One – 69
PS3 – 50
Wii U – 40

And here are the software charts:

1. [PS4] Gran Turismo Sport – 150,286 / NEW
2. [PS4] City Shrouded in Shadow – 48,935 / NEW
3. [PS4] The Evil Within 2 – 42,941 / NEW
4. [PS4] Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary – 42,092 / NEW
5. [PSV] Uta no * Prince-Sama: Amazing Aria & Sweet Serenade Love – 19,904 / NEW
6. [PSV] Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary – 18,784 / NEW
7. [NSW] Splatoon 2 – 16,483 / 1249,006
8. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 11,142 / 758,597
9. [PS4] Middle-earth: Shadow of War – 8,083 / 28,227
10. [NSW] Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 5,430 / 616,383
11. [NSW] Pokken Tournament DX – 5,224 / 102,359
12. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions – 5,092 / 43,094
13. [PS4] FIFA 18 – 3,910 / 79,701
14. [PS4] No Heroes Allowed! VR – 3,464 / 8,925
15. [PS4] Winning Eleven 2018 – 2,987 / 105,005
16. [3DS] The Snack World – 2,882 / 183,780
17. [NSW] Monster Hunter XX – 2,814 / 158,448
18. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo – 2,748 / 256,413
19. [NSW] NBA 2K18 – 2,689 / NEW
20. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III – 2,473 / 107,772

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Is Splatoon 2 gonna be Japans biggest game this year? Nothing else seems to have come as close yet...

I'd be shocked if it didn't at this point. The only game that really has a chance to come close is Mario Odyssey.

It's going to outsell all console games this gen before it even hits its first holiday season.

I've just realised Splatoon 2 could have a 1:1 attach rate in Japan when you factor in digital sales, it wouldn't surprise me if the game had sold 2.5 million worldwide at this point...

So PS4 wins in Japan in both hardware and software? I thought only Europe buys PS4? What the hell happened?

>1. [PS4] Gran Turismo Sport – 150,286 / NEW

I thought Sup Forums said GT Sport was a failure

So how much will Switch sell this week? My money's on 100k.

With Mario Odyssey? 100k is a possibility. Depends if Nintendo have the stock.

Switch stock issues until this friday.
Next week Mario Will destroy them all

they have a pokemon this year so it's unlikely

Aw I thought this was gonna be woomy's year. :(

>Lets post Japan because Nintendo is getting stomped everywhere else

Has everyone forgot about Dragon Quest XI already? It's dropped out of the weekly top 20 now, but the 3DS version's already sold over 1.7 million, and the PS4 version's sold over 1.3 million.

huh? it's been the top selling console in the US 3 months on the trot too.

Incorrect, they have been dominating US too

GT sport did surprisingly well

It's been top 5/7 months so far. May and June were Sonys.

Where is Steam?

I don't think NPD tracks digital sales. Otherwise that Splatoon 2 number would be higher.

Splatoon 2 is selling another million by the end of the year. The first sold like 400K in just November and December 2015 on the Wii U.

How did The Evil Within 1 do, to compare?

>Xbox One – 69

Oh dear.

>2. [PS4] City Shrouded in Shadow – 48,935 / NEW
Nice, all i cared about, you kids can go back to pulling each others hair

all gaijin btw

Sony still wins pro+ps4 > 31,092

Also, fifabox is killing with the europoors

>4 year old console outsells shittendo even in fucking JAPAN

sonyfags are desperates as always.
Good luck this friday. Mario is coming

neogaf still believe VGchartz ?
well I'm not surprised, just disapointed.

>another mario rehash

>four brand new PS4 releases
>still can't beat the switch

o i am laffin

>MFW Sony is still obliterating the competition


Why the low sales of switch?
Saving units for mario?

>Another AC rehash.
Kill yourself sonyfag

>brand new console is competing with a console that’s 4 years old

Wii U was PS4s competitor. How is that race going?

Also Switch has sold what now? 5 million consoles and is just slightly outselling PS4 which has 60 million.

I have both but goddamn do these console war threads piss me off. Just enjoy your systems and play the games.

>needed FOUR brand new games to beat the switch by a meager 200 consoles

>Nintendo wins in Japan because its a Japanese company
>Sony is from...

>FE warriors isbgone from the list

Thats not true!!!!!!!
We gonna win this friday

Ignoring the switch stock limit PS4 has been lagging as usual throughout this whole year. It did have a few good weeks like this one and the DQ11 week, at least it's not xbox.

Console sales always ramp up after the first year because they build up an actual library. This is the PS4's strongest year so far and the Switch is keeping up by virtue of being portable.

Well to many release many games this time. Maybe FE will appear next week

So is Gran Turismo worth picking up?

I'm glad we livre in a Nintendo dominated industry again. The Switch is set to have total sale of 120 lifetime units at this point. With nintendo back into control of the gaming industry they get to call the shots, we're already getting former Atlus to bend the knee and pretty soon games like persona 5 are gonna be on the switch.

>This is the PS4's strongest year
Tell me one good PS4 game released this year, only one

>neofag migrant hating whenever daddy kaz is getting fucked in the ass
And it's not just japan.

Yes the ones for PS2 are fun

Gravity Rush II, YS 8

Yakuza and Persona?

FE Warriors was out ages ago in Japan, like 1 or 2 months ago.

>The Switch is set to have total sale of 120 lifetime units at this point.
Im pretty sure the switch has sold more than 120 units :3

Due to stock shortages

You sound fucking desperate.

Persona 5 doesnt count it came out on the PS3 which is a last gen system. You need something that came out on only next gen systems like BOTW.

Comparing Gravity Rush with BOTW or Mario Odyssey, really?

It was out less thab one month ago

Kek 8/10

>Its bad because charts only shows Japan
>Strongest games of the PS4 console are weaboo games

it needs to sell more than 500k until the end of the year to surpass dqxi and mhxx

Sony's on the ropes it's only a matter of time before they're erased from the game industry.

Their stock price can't hold up they're going to have to declare chapter 11

>PS4 – 25,075
PS4 is unpopular in japan they said.
Sony will die they said.

>Persona 5 doesnt count it came out on the PS3 which is a last gen system.
>but BOTW does despite being released on both WiiU and Switch
>moving the goalpost

I enjoyed Yakuza 0 and Persona 5 more than BotW. BotW was great, but it wasn’t the best game I’ve ever played. It’s a solid 8.5/10

I'm talking console sales dude. And it's the strongest year games-wise by default because more stuff has released. Stuff from 2015 and 2016 didn't suddenly stop existing.

>Sony's on the ropes it's only a matter of time before they're erased from the game industry.
Yes i've been hearing that since the PS1 came out come up with a new excuse already

There are people that actually want there to be a monopoly on video game consoles.

>competition is bad

Sony has zero franchises that have lasted 20+ years like Zelda or Mario. They provide nothing of lasting value. Competition is bad when your competition is cancer.

>nintendo monopoly

yeah man those GBA days were absolutely brutal

that's possible with christmas on its way I think

>Sony has zero franchises that have lasted 20+ years like Zelda or Mario.
>They provide nothing of lasting value
>a company not having franchises that last years is bad
wut , also Gran Turismo has been a thing since the PS1
>Competition is bad when your competition is cancer.
Look lets not act like Nintendo is a saint when it comes to practices and handling IPs

I thought MHXX was a relative flop?

Gran tourismo is a nitche series that nobody plays, it also has no recognizable mascot character.

>PS4 still outsold Switch

>all those 3ds variants shitting up the list
Might as well combine them as this point

>Gran tourismo is a nitche series that nobody plays
1/10 got me to reply

>a VR game in the top listings

man, that's weird.

>needing a mascot character

Are you literally twelve?

that's why sony is a soulless, generic corporation with no personality.

And Nintendo a saint when they practice gacha aka slot machine?

only in their cellphone games, unlike sony.

>why sony is a soulless, generic corporation
user unless you're literally twelve years old, companies are not your friends, their only purpose in life is to lure into buying their shit and suck the money out of you until you have nothing left

Ys VIII? DQ XI? Sen no Kiseki III? GT Sport? Nioh?

Xenoblade 2 says hi.

>it's ok when nintendo does it
either you're a falseflagger or a really dumb drone

>gachashit it's ok when Nintendo does

Is free gacha still gacha?

>people spouting "le switch is out of stock in japan" meme when you can buy one on right now

>This is the PS4's strongest year so far
>horizon Zero legs
>that's literally it

USUM nigger

It's free goyim

>This is the PS4's strongest year so far
>when they have Spiderman, RDR2 and maybe TLOU2 next year

>NPD confirmed SNES Mini destroyed PS4 in the US 4:1 in just two days
>Switch outsells it 2:1
>Odyssey isn't even out yet
>"N-N-Nintendo is getting stomped!"

Horizon sold over 3.5 million and it was a big success

Fuck off console warrior faggot. It came out like 3 days ago. FUCK. OFF.

I get NeoGAF is dead now but you can't stay here. Why the fuck are Sonyshills even allowed? They're a scourge that infect every god damn thing. /ps4/ fucking when.

it literally wasn't

And I bet you'll be dismissing the opposite of this argument 6 months after the PS5 is released.

>so far

stock issues with switch this week due to mario release next week.

Because its suposed to be a Zelda killer for those who cant afford a Switch

>war threads piss me off.
we should care because.....? Go expose your fragile feefees on redddit where you come from.